Green River Track and Field Invite 2022

Green River, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finley, Hunter Green River High School
Helmandollar, Chaz Green River High School
Lennon, Brayden Green River High School
Sipe, Decker Saratoga High School
Rosene, Dallan Green River High School
Prestwich, Talon Riverton High School
Cozzens, Shawn 11.31 Lander Valley High School
Mascarenas, Jarron 11.67 Rawlins High School
Vincent, Braden 11.68 Riverton High School
Petty, Jaron 11.79 Big Piney High School
Brown, Caynen 12.26 Lander Valley High School
Archuleta, Damien 12.34 Rawlins High School
Hickerson, Brayden 12.37 Lander Valley High School
Long, Nicholas 12.49 Lander Valley High School
Brown, Jonah 12.53 Lander Valley High School
Mason, Bryce 12.61 Riverton High School
Steen, Roy 12.63 Green River High School
Anderson, Kael 12.63 Rock Springs High School
McIntosh, Nick 12.79 Riverton High School
Johnson-Baker, Brayden 12.92 Lander Valley High School
Killpack, Braden 12.99 Rock Springs High School
Padilla, Kalub 13.01 Rock Springs High School
Lionberger, Sam 13.07 Rock Springs High School
Day, Jt 13.14h Big Piney High School
Vickrey, Anton 13.15 Big Piney High School
Graves, Andre 13.17 Rock Springs High School
Anderson, Michael 13.28 Encampment High School
Atkinson, Alex 13.28 Green River High School
Irby, Alex 13.35 Saratoga High School
Cook, Ethan 13.38 Rawlins High School
Keelin, Alan 13.40 Rock Springs High School
Greenberg, Colin 13.50 Saratoga High School
Reid, Bryce 13.59 Encampment High School
Schwinck, Jericho 13.66 Rawlins High School
Cunningham, Aj 13.84 Big Piney High School
Taffner, Tymlee 13.89 Rawlins High School
Reeder, Kellen 14.08 Saratoga High School
Sifford, Baylin 14.18 Encampment High School
Phipps, Lucas 14.21 Rawlins High School
Brown, Tyrel 14.30 Encampment High School
McCormick, James 14.36 Big Piney High School
Florence, Ryon 14.78 Riverton High School
Tanner, Owen 15.69 Encampment High School
Robinson, Logan 16.18 Saratoga High School
Silvas, Ivan 17.02 Big Piney High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moneyhun, Andrew Rock Springs High School
Gose, Gage 15.84 Lander Valley High School
Roberts, Hayden 16.04 Green River High School
Weaver, Matisse 16.50h Lander Valley High School
Wilson, Christopher 16.76 Green River High School
Fisher, Hunter 16.90 Big Piney High School
Smith, Jase 17.19 Rawlins High School
McFadden, Reed 17.20h Lander Valley High School
Grosch, Donald 17.90 Riverton High School
Sekely, Alex 18.20 Riverton High School
Staley, Kelby 19.38 Big Piney High School
Reid, Bryce 19.70 Encampment High School
Slater, Jonas 20.46 Rock Springs High School
Solaas, Anthony 26.98 HEM High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Logan Green River High School
Smith, Brian Encampment High School
Andrew, Jordan Green River High School
Westfall, Noa Rawlins High School
Bartlett, Grant 4:46.37 Saratoga High School
Bartlett, Grady 4:51.36 Saratoga High School
Stevenson, Nathan 4:55.01 Green River High School
Condict, Calvin 5:04.62 Saratoga High School
Hinman, Cody 5:12.07 Rawlins High School
Iwen, Hale 5:12.56 Green River High School
Gasaway, Quinten 5:14.08 Rock Springs High School
Gopp, Connor 5:20.94 Riverton High School
Knight, Lucas 5:28.40 Green River High School
Jones, Brandon 5:30.21 Big Piney High School
Bales, Tim 5:32.58 Lander Valley High School
Nelsen, Jared 5:37.24 HEM High School
Bisbee, Alex 5:37.73 Riverton High School
Gribowskas, Ray 5:39.23 Lander Valley High School
Harman, Joshua 5:41.95 Rawlins High School
Croft, Zach 5:46.08 Rock Springs High School
Guthrie, Azaniah 5:46.86 Riverton High School
Chesmore, Riley 5:49.67 Lander Valley High School
Chapman, Kagen 5:55.10 Rawlins High School
Ferguson, Ben 5:57.60 Big Piney High School
Mitchell, Kevin 6:01.32 Rock Springs High School
Mandujano, Marcos 6:09.05 Green River High School
Smith, Deegan 6:16.00 Rock Springs High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clifford, Caden Big Piney High School
Tanner, Owen Encampment High School
Finley, Hunter Green River High School
Rosene, Dallan Green River High School
Espinosa, Zane Lander Valley High School
Vickrey, Aidan Big Piney High School
Cozzens, Shawn 22.70 Lander Valley High School
Mascarenas, Jarron 23.41 Rawlins High School
Vincent, Braden 24.01 Riverton High School
Crowley, Caleb 24.70 Riverton High School
Smith, Jase 24.75 Rawlins High School
Brown, Caynen 24.80 Lander Valley High School
Prettyman, Hayden 25.14 Riverton High School
Weaver, Matisse 25.3 Lander Valley High School
Archuleta, Damien 25.30 Rawlins High School
Killpack, Braden 25.32 Rock Springs High School
Brown, Jonah 25.59 Lander Valley High School
Padilla, Kalub 25.93 Rock Springs High School
Steen, Roy 25.97 Green River High School
Okere, Goodness 26.01 Rock Springs High School
Graves, Andre 26.17 Rock Springs High School
Cahill, Kyle 26.21 Rock Springs High School
Anderson, Kael 26.54 Rock Springs High School
Sheets, Ty 26.65 Riverton High School
Atkinson, Alex 26.72 Green River High School
Anderson, Michael 27.17 Encampment High School
Mason, Bryce 27.19 Riverton High School
Fisher, Heston 27.70 Saratoga High School
Greenberg, Colin 27.78 Saratoga High School
Irby, Alex 27.83 Saratoga High School
Day, Jt 27.94h Big Piney High School
Eason, James 28.08 Green River High School
Cunningham, Aj 28.42 Big Piney High School
Taffner, Tymlee 29.03 Rawlins High School
Vickrey, Anton 29.14h Big Piney High School
Ingraham, Allyster 29.38 Saratoga High School
Reeder, Kellen 29.83 Saratoga High School
Phipps, Lucas 29.93 Rawlins High School
Reid, Bryce 30.99 Encampment High School
McCormick, James 31.04h Big Piney High School
Shepherd, Trevor 44.45 Rawlins High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moneyhun, Andrew Rock Springs High School
Gose, Gage 41.00 Lander Valley High School
Roberts, Hayden 41.62 Green River High School
Smith, Jase 42.59 Rawlins High School
Fisher, Hunter 43.03 Big Piney High School
Wilson, Christopher 43.70 Green River High School
McFadden, Reed 44.00h Lander Valley High School
Grosch, Donald 44.06 Riverton High School
Jenks, Colby 45.88 Big Piney High School
Sekely, Alex 47.08 Riverton High School
Staley, Kelby 50.24 Big Piney High School
Westfall, Noa 51.48 Rawlins High School
Frakes, Ethan 52.13 Rawlins High School
Slater, Jonas 52.80 Rock Springs High School
Phipps, Lucas 55.20 Rawlins High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harper, James Green River High School
Tygum, Conner Rock Springs High School
Stevenson, Nathan Green River High School
Knight, Lucas Green River High School
Fossey, Charles 10:25.17 Rock Springs High School
Bartlett, Grant 10:34.08 Saratoga High School
Sholey, Ethan 10:34.77 Rock Springs High School
Bartlett, Grady 10:37.30 Saratoga High School
Iwen, Hale 11:34.11 Green River High School
Gribowskas, Ray 12:21.53 Lander Valley High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hauser, Matthew Riverton High School
Ingraham, Allyster Saratoga High School
BearComesOut, Keshon Lander Valley High School
Peterson, Robert Lander Valley High School
Martinez, Isaac Rawlins High School
Williams, Chase Riverton High School
Sipe, Decker Saratoga High School
Cunningham, Shawn 1:00.52 Lander Valley High School
Doak, Colton 1:00.70 Rock Springs High School
Hallock, Cade 1:02.28 Lander Valley High School
Herrera, Juan 1:03.87 Lander Valley High School
Florence, Ryon 1:14.30 Riverton High School
Shepherd, Trevor 1:33.17 Rawlins High School
Crowley, Caleb 53.19 Riverton High School
Petty, Jaron 53.37 Big Piney High School
Prettyman, Hayden 54.50 Riverton High School
Fossey, Charles 55 Rock Springs High School
Tygum, Conner 56.37 Rock Springs High School
Sheets, Ty 58.05 Riverton High School
Johnson-Baker, Brayden 60.00 Lander Valley High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Riverton High School
Relay Team A Rock Springs High School
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 50.66 Encampment High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green River High School
Relay Team A Rawlins High School
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 3:37.38 Lander Valley High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A Green River High School
Relay Team A 8:51.57 Rock Springs High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Isaac Rawlins High School
Solaas, Anthony HEM High School
Smith, Deegan Rock Springs High School
Andrew, Jordan Green River High School
Gray, Logan Green River High School
Smith, Brian Encampment High School
Johnson, Kelton 2:13.13 Saratoga High School
Petty, Austin 2:16.19 Rawlins High School
Guthrie, Azaniah 2:23.85 Riverton High School
Gopp, Connor 2:23.93 Riverton High School
Gasaway, Quinten 2:26.92 Rock Springs High School
Bisbee, Alex 2:28.27 Riverton High School
Cunningham, Shawn 2:29.20 Lander Valley High School
Bales, Tim 2:29.30 Lander Valley High School
Harman, Joshua 2:30.37 Rawlins High School
Chesmore, Riley 2:30.52 Lander Valley High School
Ferguson, Ben 2:31.30 Big Piney High School
Condict, Calvin 2:34.13 Saratoga High School
Hallock, Cade 2:36.80 Lander Valley High School
Nelsen, Jared 2:37.34 HEM High School
Croft, Zach 2:45.97 Rock Springs High School
Mitchell, Kevin 2:51.98 Rock Springs High School
Chapman, Kagen 2:53.46 Rawlins High School
Mandujano, Marcos 3:00.10 Green River High School
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Boys Discus 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murray, Cole 147-7 Green River High School
Howard, Thomas 130-5 Big Piney High School
Jordan, Quade 125-4 Encampment High School
Pickett, Kaben 118-1.5 Encampment High School
Bradford, Tyler 113-11 Rock Springs High School
Gonzales, Carlito 106-11 Lander Valley High School
Borah, Joseph 106-6 HEM High School
Davis, Dillon 105-7 Green River High School
Shade, William 103-8.5 Lander Valley High School
Mills, Nathan 100-5 Riverton High School
Brown, Caynen 100-3 Lander Valley High School
Irby, Alex 99-10 Saratoga High School
Faigl, Brendan 97-02.00 Rock Springs High School
Jantz, Joseph 94-11 Rock Springs High School
Eddy, Jacob 93-0 Rock Springs High School
Muir, Wesley 88-07.00 Rock Springs High School
Finley, Hunter 88-1 Green River High School
Shade, Benjamin 87-8 Lander Valley High School
Hymas, Brayden 87-4.5 Big Piney High School
Greenberg, Colin 86-11.75 Saratoga High School
Halter, Trysten 86-5 Green River High School
Jones, Ryan 85-4 Rock Springs High School
Garcia, Xavier 85-2 Riverton High School
Jones, Hampton 82-5.5 Big Piney High School
Laborde, Lane 78-5.25 Encampment High School
Ingwerson, Derik 73-5 Lander Valley High School
Romero, Dylan 72-10 HEM High School
Reeder, Kellen 71-4.5 Saratoga High School
Eason, James 69-8 Green River High School
Beckermann, Brandon 66-7 Rawlins High School
Sifford, Baylin 63-7 Encampment High School
Longtine, Korben 63-3 Riverton High School
Drayton, Michael 62-2 Rawlins High School
Robinson, Logan 61-11 Saratoga High School
Chetterbock, Silas 61-9 Green River High School
Brown, Tyrel 59-1.5 Encampment High School
Priest, Cody 58-7.25 HEM High School
Frakes, Ethan 57-10 Rawlins High School
Ingraham, Allyster 56-8.75 Saratoga High School
Garcia, Craven 56-5 Riverton High School
Vickrey, Aidan Big Piney High School
Stoutenburg, Seth Big Piney High School
Clifford, Caden Big Piney High School
Downes, Wesley Lander Valley High School
Grant, Vaughn Rawlins High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Hayden 6-4 Green River High School
Whiteplume, Waite 5-6 Riverton High School
Pickett, Kaben 5-6 Encampment High School
McFadden, Reed 5-6 Lander Valley High School
Eddy, Sam 5-0 Rock Springs High School
Lionberger, Sam 5-0 Rock Springs High School
Keelin, Alan 5-0 Rock Springs High School
Fisher, Heston 5-0 Saratoga High School
Petty, Jaron 4-10 Big Piney High School
Borst, Carson Riverton High School
Anderson, Michael Encampment High School
Schwinck, Jericho Rawlins High School
Staley, Kelby Big Piney High School
Espinosa, Zane Lander Valley High School
Helmandollar, Chaz Green River High School
Lennon, Brayden Green River High School
Martinez, Isaac Rawlins High School
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Boys Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Christopher 20-4.5 Green River High School
Okere, Goodness 18-4.5 Rock Springs High School
Padilla, Kalub 18-4.25 Rock Springs High School
Anderson, Kael 17-8.5 Rock Springs High School
Hickerson, Brayden 17-5.75 Lander Valley High School
Fisher, Heston 17-5.25 Saratoga High School
Pasquinelli, Jack 17-3.5 Lander Valley High School
Atkinson, Alex 17-2.25 Green River High School
Borst, Carson 17-2 Riverton High School
McIntosh, Nick 16-11 Riverton High School
Sheets, Ty 16-8 Riverton High School
Steen, Roy 16-8 Green River High School
Schwinck, Jericho 16-6.5 Rawlins High School
Johnson-Baker, Brayden 16-6 Lander Valley High School
Archuleta, Damien 16-0 Rawlins High School
Moneyhun, Andrew 15-11 Rock Springs High School
Cook, Ethan 15-2.5 Rawlins High School
Cunningham, Aj 15-1 Big Piney High School
Graves, Andre 15-0 Rock Springs High School
Thompson, Trew 14-8 Rock Springs High School
Taffner, Tymlee 13-8.5 Rawlins High School
Silvas, Ivan 5-11 Big Piney High School
Espinosa, Zane Lander Valley High School
Prestwich, Talon Riverton High School
Johnson, Kelton Saratoga High School
Sipe, Decker Saratoga High School
Whiteplume, Waite Riverton High School
Romero, Dylan HEM High School
Jones, Hampton Big Piney High School
Lennon, Brayden Green River High School
Rosene, Dallan Green River High School
Helmandollar, Chaz Green River High School
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blazovich, Maddix 11-0 Rock Springs High School
Cahill, Kyle 11-0 Rock Springs High School
Hernandez, Jon 10-6 Riverton High School
Long, Nicholas 10-5 Lander Valley High School
Day, Jt 9-0 Big Piney High School
Killpack, Braden 8-9 Rock Springs High School
Harmon, Spencer 8-6 Lander Valley High School
Petty, Austin 8-5 Rawlins High School
Vickrey, Anton 8-0 Big Piney High School
Jones, Brandon 8-0 Big Piney High School
Jones, Hampton 8-0 Big Piney High School
Jenkins, Payton Rock Springs High School
Erdmann, Trace Green River High School
Gailey, Keegan Green River High School
Oswald, Christian Green River High School
Capaozzoli, Faron Rock Springs High School
Nelson, Mark Green River High School
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Boys Shot Put 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jordan, Quade 47-1 Encampment High School
Murray, Cole 43-4 Green River High School
Faigl, Brendan 42-06.00 Rock Springs High School
Davis, Dillon 42-0 Green River High School
Pickett, Kaben 41-8 Encampment High School
Borah, Joseph 40-1.5 HEM High School
Halter, Trysten 39-1 Green River High School
Eddy, Jacob 38-0 Rock Springs High School
Bradford, Tyler 37-11.00 Rock Springs High School
Howard, Thomas 37-10 Big Piney High School
Mills, Nathan 37-8 Riverton High School
Saunders, Ethan 36-4 Rock Springs High School
Shade, William 35-0 Lander Valley High School
Hymas, Brayden 34-9.75 Big Piney High School
Finley, Hunter 34-7 Green River High School
Greenberg, Colin 33-7 Saratoga High School
Muir, Wesley 33-02.00 Rock Springs High School
Shade, Benjamin 33-2 Lander Valley High School
Rall, Joseph 33-1 Rock Springs High School
Irby, Alex 32-6 Saratoga High School
Armajo, Frank 31-11 Lander Valley High School
Longtine, Korben 31-9 Riverton High School
Garcia, Xavier 31-2.5 Riverton High School
Reeder, Kellen 30-10 Saratoga High School
Gonzales, Carlito 30-5.5 Lander Valley High School
Laborde, Lane 30-1.25 Encampment High School
Romero, Dylan 28-7.25 HEM High School
Ingwerson, Derik 26-8 Lander Valley High School
Drayton, Michael 26-6 Rawlins High School
Sifford, Baylin 25-6 Encampment High School
Robinson, Logan 24-5 Saratoga High School
Priest, Cody 24-4 HEM High School
Brown, Tyrel 24-0.25 Encampment High School
Eason, James 23-10 Green River High School
Garcia, Craven 22-2.5 Riverton High School
Beckermann, Brandon 21-10 Rawlins High School
Chetterbock, Silas 18-0 Green River High School
Ingraham, Allyster Saratoga High School
Fisher, Hunter Big Piney High School
Vickrey, Aidan Big Piney High School
Stoutenburg, Seth Big Piney High School
Clifford, Caden Big Piney High School
Downes, Wesley Lander Valley High School
Grant, Vaughn Rawlins High School
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Boys Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:48.80 Rock Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:56.04 Rawlins High School
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Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Christopher 42-4.75 Green River High School
Fisher, Heston 39-2.5 Saratoga High School
McIntosh, Nick 38-5.5 Riverton High School
Killpack, Braden 38-2.25 Rock Springs High School
Okere, Goodness 38-0.25 Rock Springs High School
Hickerson, Brayden 34-9 Lander Valley High School
Atkinson, Alex 34-5.25 Green River High School
Borst, Carson Riverton High School
Johnson-Baker, Brayden Lander Valley High School
Lennon, Brayden Green River High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McFadden, Kyndal Lander Valley High School
Nitschke, Eva Rawlins High School
Dockter, Mikayla Green River High School
Willoughby, Kendra Big Piney High School
Vincent, Kendall Riverton High School
Murray, Eva Green River High School
Statham, Addison Big Piney High School
Jackson, Kyenna Encampment High School
Gibson, Kaelea Green River High School
Schroeder, Cora Encampment High School
Rosas, Rylee Green River High School
Allison, Lillian Green River High School
Gribowskas, Abigail 13.22 Lander Valley High School
Bever, Avery 13.56 Lander Valley High School
Proa, Annette 13.90 Rock Springs High School
Guest, Shelby 14.19 Big Piney High School
Gale, Victoria 14.28 Riverton High School
Colman, Alexa 14.48 Lander Valley High School
Pickett, Eckerley 14.49 Encampment High School
Lonn, Morgan 14.50 Rawlins High School
Scott, Avery 14.52 HEM High School
Bider, Brynn 14.60 Rock Springs High School
Fegler, McAye 14.65 Riverton High School
Skidgel, Allie 14.77 Rawlins High School
Keyes, TaiLynne 14.83 Riverton High School
Kuegeler, Taylorae 14.96 Riverton High School
Urbin, Dana 15.12 Rock Springs High School
Lionberger, Kaylei 15.47 Rock Springs High School
Smith, Kayla 15.50 Encampment High School
Nielsen, Jordan 15.74 Lander Valley High School
Campbell, Jaden 16.09 Saratoga High School
Kirby, Natalie 16.13 Rawlins High School
Diaz, Sophie 16.27 Saratoga High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 16.41 Rawlins High School
Jones, Brittany 16.41 Big Piney High School
Plemel, Ashlyn 16.47 Rock Springs High School
Capitan, Samantha 19.04 Lander Valley High School
Beltran, Tania 19.60 Rawlins High School
Plumb, Bridgette 20.51 Riverton High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Westfall, Ava Rawlins High School
Prettyman, Ashlynn Riverton High School
Brown, Morgan Big Piney High School
Probst, Yara Riverton High School
Nacey, Presley Rock Springs High School
Nitschke, Eva 15.57 Rawlins High School
Munoz, Lillian 16.72 Green River High School
Bennett, Whitney 16.8 Saratoga High School
Crane, Avery 17.32 Lander Valley High School
Solaas, T'lysa 18.07 HEM High School
Jordan, Kristie 18.11 Encampment High School
Guest, Shelby 18.18 Big Piney High School
Scheel, Shania 18.75 Rawlins High School
Callahan, Karley 18.77 Rock Springs High School
Eco, Ella 18.97 Rawlins High School
Widdison, Justine 19.51 HEM High School
Pickett, Eckerley 19.72 Encampment High School
Lynch, Makinzea 20.33 Rawlins High School
Olheiser, Gracie 20.39 Riverton High School
Campbell, Jaden 21.25 Saratoga High School
Jevne, Aubree 21.63 Riverton High School
Walgren, Natalie 21.86 Green River High School
Sambrano, Ceci 22.65 Big Piney High School
Johnston, Danielle 22.88 Rawlins High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Jolynn Big Piney High School
York, Emma Big Piney High School
Scott, Milan Saratoga High School
Smith, Ryann 5:28.70 Rawlins High School
Simonson, Kyra 5:40.31 Lander Valley High School
Murdock, Isabelle 5:55.65 Green River High School
Murdock, Lily 5:58.32 Green River High School
Williams, Marilee 6:11.28 Saratoga High School
Condict, Allie 6:24.05 Saratoga High School
Iwen, Meeka 6:40.32 Green River High School
Parker, Jordan 6:59.98 Green River High School
Whiteplume, Janeisa 7:01.13 Riverton High School
Shongutsie, Kiauna 7:06.69 Riverton High School
Hoffman, Brynne 7:12.40 Big Piney High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murray, Eva Green River High School
Pickett, Eckerley Encampment High School
Strong, Micah Big Piney High School
Rosas, Rylee Green River High School
Statham, Addison Big Piney High School
Vincent, Kendall Riverton High School
Dockter, Mikayla Green River High School
Nielsen, Jordan Lander Valley High School
Bever, Avery 28.12 Lander Valley High School
Proa, Annette 28.82 Rock Springs High School
Scott, Avery 28.84h HEM High School
Gibson, Kaelea 28.96 Green River High School
Gale, Victoria 29.25 Riverton High School
Kaufman, Ellie 29.94 Lander Valley High School
Bider, Brynn 30.88 Rock Springs High School
Bates, Gabryella 30.98 Rock Springs High School
Fegler, McAye 31.51 Riverton High School
Urbin, Dana 31.87 Rock Springs High School
Keyes, TaiLynne 31.91 Riverton High School
Lionberger, Kaylei 31.94 Rock Springs High School
Kuegeler, Taylorae 32.05 Riverton High School
Sambrano, Ceci 32.32 Big Piney High School
Johnston, Danielle 33.03 Rawlins High School
Johansson, Allie 33.18 Rawlins High School
Smith, Kayla 33.73 Encampment High School
Kirby, Natalie 33.91 Rawlins High School
Campbell, Jaden 33.92 Saratoga High School
Moffat, Madison 34.23 Green River High School
Jones, Brittany 34.43 Big Piney High School
Sweeney, BreeAnna 34.67 Rock Springs High School
Diaz, Sophie 35.95 Saratoga High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 37.42 Rawlins High School
Capitan, Samantha 38.00 Lander Valley High School
Resendiz-Horton, Isabel 42.20 Riverton High School
Beltran, Tania 44.34 Rawlins High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Westfall, Ava Rawlins High School
Statham, Addison Big Piney High School
Prettyman, Ashlynn Riverton High School
Jordan, Kristie Encampment High School
Probst, Yara Riverton High School
Jones, Jolynn Big Piney High School
Eco, Ella 1:03.22 Rawlins High School
Walgren, Natalie 1:04.22 Green River High School
Johnston, Danielle 1:08.79 Rawlins High School
Munoz, Lillian 45.71 Green River High School
Nitschke, Eva 46.02 Rawlins High School
Crane, Avery 47.03 Lander Valley High School
Bennett, Whitney 47.10 Saratoga High School
Teichman, Madison 48.7 Saratoga High School
Murdock, Madison 50.90 Green River High School
Nacey, Presley 51.08 Rock Springs High School
Scheel, Shania 51.28 Rawlins High School
Guest, Shelby 51.79 Big Piney High School
Solaas, T'lysa 53.01 HEM High School
Callahan, Karley 53.49 Rock Springs High School
Widdison, Justine 54.43 HEM High School
Jevne, Aubree 56.43 Riverton High School
Lynch, Makinzea 58.03 Rawlins High School
Olheiser, Gracie 58.32 Riverton High School
Sambrano, Ceci 59.14 Big Piney High School
Brown, Morgan 59.25 Big Piney High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murdock, Isabelle Green River High School
Banks, Hadley Rock Springs High School
Simonson, Kyra 12:33.70 Lander Valley High School
Murdock, Madison 13:21.00 Green River High School
Williams, Marilee 13:23.75 Saratoga High School
Murdock, Lily 13:26.10 Green River High School
Iwen, Meeka 14:14.39 Green River High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fegler, McAye Riverton High School
Yorgason, Kaebri Riverton High School
Johansson, Allie Rawlins High School
Resendiz-Horton, Isabel Riverton High School
Beltran, Tania Rawlins High School
Plumb, Bridgette Riverton High School
Kaufman, Ellie 1:03.62 Lander Valley High School
Williams, Rhiwan 1:05.4 Saratoga High School
Tibbets, Cassie 1:08.10 Green River High School
Hamblin, Emry 1:08.53 Rock Springs High School
McFadden, Kyndal 1:08.62 Lander Valley High School
Banks, Hadley 1:14.43 Rock Springs High School
Bonella, Autumn 1:15.53 Lander Valley High School
Lynch, Makinzea 1:17.34 Rawlins High School
Kirby, Natalie 1:19.41 Rawlins High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 1:24.15 Rawlins High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 53.18 Lander Valley High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Rawlins High School
Relay Team A 4:25.71 Saratoga High School
Relay Team A 4:26.24 Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:29.22 Rock Springs High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 11:05.19 Green River High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strong, Micah Big Piney High School
Smith, Ryann 2:24.23 Rawlins High School
Jones, Marlee 2:31.27 Lander Valley High School
Parker, Jordan 2:56.53 Green River High School
Bonella, Autumn 2:57.05 Lander Valley High School
Hymas, Julia 2:59.88 Big Piney High School
Dunbar, Samantha 3:01.06 Lander Valley High School
Sewell, Aspen 3:01.75 Saratoga High School
Whiteplume, Janeisa 3:08.25 Riverton High School
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Girls Discus 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pickerd, Teagen 89-4 Lander Valley High School
Jordan, Kristie 89-2 Encampment High School
Elmore, Avery 87-8 Rock Springs High School
Hatch, Lena 84-7.5 Big Piney High School
Runyan, Hannah 82-11 Big Piney High School
Hernandez, Ashley 82-8 Rawlins High School
Hamblin, Timberly 75-10 Rock Springs High School
Wasseen, Isabelle 74-4 Rock Springs High School
Swenson, Kaelen 73-6 Rock Springs High School
Keiter, Sierra 67-0 Big Piney High School
Westenskow, Lydia 66-10 Green River High School
Cary, Taylor 64-6 Big Piney High School
Battle, Justice 64-5 Rock Springs High School
Schroeder, Cora 62-11.25 Encampment High School
St. Clair, Sandra 61-9 Lander Valley High School
Priest, Mackenzie 60-1 HEM High School
Frink, Presley 50-0 Rock Springs High School
Shade, Heidi 38-4 Lander Valley High School
Allison, Lillian Green River High School
Jackson, Kyenna Encampment High School
Smith, Charleigh Big Piney High School
Losik, Addison Big Piney High School
Nez, Mackenzie Riverton High School
Sanders, Eliana Riverton High School
Duran, Suvannah Riverton High School
Skidgel, Allie Rawlins High School
Lonn, Morgan Rawlins High School
Capitan, Samantha Lander Valley High School
Bearstail, Stephanie Lander Valley High School
Snyder, Savannah Lander Valley High School
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Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibson, Kaelea 5-3 Green River High School
Casey, Autumn 4-10 Green River High School
Moffat, Madison 4-4 Green River High School
Plemel, Ashlyn 4-0 Rock Springs High School
Schroeder, Cora Encampment High School
Kirby, Natalie Rawlins High School
Westfall, Ava Rawlins High School
Murray, Eva Green River High School
Rosas, Rylee Green River High School
Dockter, Mikayla Green River High School
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Girls Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Whitney 16-7.5 Saratoga High School
Williams, Rhiwan 15-9 Saratoga High School
Bider, Brynn 15-6 Rock Springs High School
Nacey, Presley 14-3.5 Rock Springs High School
Bates, Gabryella 14-3 Rock Springs High School
Scott, Milan 14-3 Saratoga High School
Lonn, Morgan 14-2.75 Rawlins High School
Nielsen, Jordan 12-8 Lander Valley High School
King, Makenna 12-6 Saratoga High School
Christensen, Ellie 12-2.5 Rock Springs High School
Widdison, Justine 12-2 HEM High School
Long, Zoe 11-11.5 Big Piney High School
Gribowskas, Abigail 11-9.5 Lander Valley High School
Skidgel, Allie 11-8.25 Rawlins High School
Diaz, Sophie 10-10 Saratoga High School
Gale, Victoria Riverton High School
Keyes, TaiLynne Riverton High School
Sewell, Aspen Saratoga High School
Smith, Charleigh Big Piney High School
Willoughby, Kendra Big Piney High School
Losik, Addison Big Piney High School
Rosas, Rylee Green River High School
Pena, Pamela Green River High School
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Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hymas, Julia 7-6 Big Piney High School
Simonson, Kyra 7-6 Lander Valley High School
Moffat, Madison 7-6 Green River High School
Mitchell, Bo 7-2 Lander Valley High School
Kuegeler, Taylorae 6-0 Riverton High School
Yorgason, Kaebri Riverton High School
Jones, Brittany Big Piney High School
Dockter, Mikayla Green River High School
Fundell, Laynie Green River High School
Tibbets, Cassie Green River High School
Johnson, Cheyenna Rock Springs High School
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Girls Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allison, Lillian 32-7.5 Green River High School
Runyan, Hannah 32-1 Big Piney High School
Pickerd, Teagen 30-9 Lander Valley High School
Battle, Justice 30-04.50 Rock Springs High School
Elmore, Avery 30-0 Rock Springs High School
Keiter, Sierra 29-0.5 Big Piney High School
Hamblin, Timberly 28-05.50 Rock Springs High School
Long, Zoe 27-8.5 Big Piney High School
Wasseen, Isabelle 27-0 Rock Springs High School
Swenson, Kaelen 26-10.50 Rock Springs High School
Hatch, Lena 26-8 Big Piney High School
Frink, Presley 26-7.5 Rock Springs High School
Cary, Taylor 25-1 Big Piney High School
St. Clair, Sandra 24-8 Lander Valley High School
Hernandez, Ashley 24-1.5 Rawlins High School
Priest, Mackenzie 22-10 HEM High School
Westenskow, Lydia 22-0.5 Green River High School
Shade, Heidi 18-4.5 Lander Valley High School
Jordan, Kristie Encampment High School
Jackson, Kyenna Encampment High School
Schroeder, Cora Encampment High School
Smith, Charleigh Big Piney High School
Duran, Suvannah Riverton High School
Nez, Mackenzie Riverton High School
Sanders, Eliana Riverton High School
Skidgel, Allie Rawlins High School
Capitan, Samantha Lander Valley High School
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Girls Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 4:30.19 Rock Springs High School
Relay Team A 5:01.06 Saratoga High School
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Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Whitney 34-9 Saratoga High School
Lonn, Morgan 32-1 Rawlins High School
Bates, Gabryella 31-5.25 Rock Springs High School
Kaufman, Ellie 30-2.5 Lander Valley High School
Keyes, TaiLynne 28-11.5 Riverton High School
Bever, Avery 28-0 Lander Valley High School
Williams, Rhiwan 28-0 Saratoga High School
Jevne, Aubree 27-2.5 Riverton High School
Sweeney, BreeAnna 26-2 Rock Springs High School
Plemel, Ashlyn 26-0 Rock Springs High School
Diaz, Sophie Saratoga High School
Scott, Avery HEM High School
Solaas, T'lysa HEM High School
Murray, Eva Green River High School
Pena, Pamela Green River High School
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