Roy Peck Riverton Invitational 2023

Riverton, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 100 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Kyle St. Stephens High School
Divers, Ezekiel St. Stephens High School
Cox, Ryan Riverton High School
Keel, Bennett Saratoga High School
Wadda, Sean St. Stephens High School
Boyer, Brayson Pinedale High School
Black, Anthony St. Stephens High School
Herbert, Jaycee 11.46 Wind River High School
Ruelas, Angel 11.60 Worland High School
Bever, Joel 11.65 Lander Valley High School
Prestwich, Talon 11.66 Riverton High School
Cheatham, Cale 11.88 Worland High School
Gleim, Kaleb 11.98 Dubois High School
Trembly, Wyatt 12.02 Dubois High School
Fonseca Morales, Charlie 12.04 Rawlins High School
Nitschke, Titus 12.04 Rawlins High School
Sheets, Ty 12.06 Riverton High School
Clifford, Caden 12.10 Big Piney High School
Harris, Gabe 12.14 Lander Valley High School
Burns, Ethene 12.20 Worland High School
Herbert, Remi 12.22 Wind River High School
Kramer-Klouda, Riley 12.27 Rawlins High School
Russell, Aidan 12.29 Lander Valley High School
Borst, Carson 12.33 Riverton High School
Bullington, Jace 12.33 Kemmerer High School
Bush, Declan 12.33 Riverton High School
Mitchell, Noah 12.38 Worland High School
Cook, Ethan 12.39 Rawlins High School
Jewell, Jacob 12.40 Worland High School
Cardinal, Josh 12.45 Lander Valley High School
Mathill, Weston 12.46 Rawlins High School
Anderson, Douglas 12.50 Saratoga High School
Fraser, Sean 12.60 Riverton High School
Cruz, Diego 12.63 Riverton High School
Ingraham, Allyster 12.67 Saratoga High School
Eagleroad, Ashdon 12.68 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Torstenbo, Brayden 12.68 Rawlins High School
Dickinson, Wyatt 12.69 Worland High School
Fryman, Dalton 12.73 Pinedale High School
Hickerson, Brayden 12.76 Lander Valley High School
Mason, Bryce 12.78 Lander Valley High School
Cole, Maddux 12.78 Worland High School
Heibeck, Gaige 12.81 Rawlins High School
Navas, Nick 12.83 Dubois High School
Schwinck, Jericho 12.84 Rawlins High School
Johnson, Fin 12.90 Lander Valley High School
Green, Canton 12.93 Worland High School
Gray, Matthew 12.93 Lander Valley High School
Gardner, Isaac 12.94 Wind River High School
Duarte Villa, Sergio 12.97 Pinedale High School
Sioux, Zion 12.98 St. Stephens High School
Slow Bear, Jason 12.99 Wyoming Indian High School
Balzly, Jaxson 13.04 Lander Valley High School
Ruvalcaba, Austin 13.05 Kemmerer High School
Day, Rylan 13.08 St. Stephens High School
Long, Nicholas 13.10 Lander Valley High School
Saltsgaver, Branson 13.13 Riverton High School
McGill, Bryson 13.14 Kemmerer High School
Calvert, Paysen 13.14 Lander Valley High School
BearComesOut, Keshon 13.15 Lander Valley High School
Hawkins, Noah 13.20 Dubois High School
Fisher, Heston 13.24 Saratoga High School
Herring, Deke 13.25 Saratoga High School
Miller, Justice 13.31 Shoshoni High School
Ferris, Parlayne 13.33 Wyoming Indian High School
Auerbach, Jace 13.33 Riverton High School
Rieman, Hunter 13.35 Riverton High School
Crawford, Baxter 13.38 Worland High School
Florence, Ryon 13.39 Riverton High School
Greenberg, Tyler 13.44 Saratoga High School
Duran, Walter 13.48 St. Stephens High School
Oldman, Taj 13.48 Riverton High School
Lopez, Daniel 13.65 Worland High School
Cash, Luke 13.71 Shoshoni High School
McElroy, Ron 13.73 Wyoming Indian High School
Noseep, Carter 13.74 Riverton High School
Greenberg, Dylan 13.80 Saratoga High School
White, Chris 13.86 Riverton High School
Eadus, Wyatt 13.88 Shoshoni High School
McCormick, James 13.98 Big Piney High School
Farrington, David 14.03 Big Piney High School
Ferguson, Ben 14.10h Big Piney High School
Kiser, Johnny 14.11 Worland High School
Pena, Oswaldo 14.17 Riverton High School
Campbell, Douglass 14.18 Saratoga High School
Goble, Elijah 14.23 Worland High School
Olson, Justin 14.35 Big Piney High School
Rice, Ray 14.41 Worland High School
Campbell, Anthony 14.46 Saratoga High School
Busby, Karsyn 14.50 Big Piney High School
Williams, Nathaniel 14.67 Saratoga High School
Mortimer, Matt 14.86 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
SunRhodes, Wyatt 14.91 St. Stephens High School
Cornell, Gabe 14.94 Shoshoni High School
C'Hair, Adrian 15.00 Riverton High School
St. Clair, Khylin 15.12 Wyoming Indian High School
Addison, Caleb 15.15 Wyoming Indian High School
Farrington, Judah 15.35 Big Piney High School
Visser, Logan 15.99 Big Piney High School
Silvas, Ivan 16.64 Big Piney High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McFadden, Reed 16.05 Lander Valley High School
Trembly, Wyatt 16.43 Dubois High School
Utterback, Dawson 16.71 Worland High School
Hinkley, Zander 17.51 Riverton High School
Mitchell, Noah 18.06 Worland High School
Staley, Kelby 18.35 Big Piney High School
Dickinson, Wyatt 18.76 Worland High School
Burnett, Hunter 18.79 Kemmerer High School
Krell, Colter 18.88 Kemmerer High School
Bush, Declan 20.00 Riverton High School
Hawkins, Zander 20.94 Dubois High School
Clouse, Gavin 21.67 Dubois High School
Nielson, Owen 22.23 Big Piney High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Todd, Leslie Shoshoni High School
Bishop, Will Worland High School
Underwood, Johnathan St. Stephens High School
Swalstad, Trajn 4:43.53 Worland High School
Truax, Alexander 4:49.18 Riverton High School
Lasnoski, Aquinas 4:52.82 Lander Valley High School
Bishop, Jack 4:54.32 Worland High School
Redding, Harley 4:57.81 Worland High School
Bartlett, Grant 5:00.03 Saratoga High School
Bartlett, Grady 5:00.23 Saratoga High School
Lobatos, Diego 5:05.46 Lander Valley High School
Thomas, Ivan 5:08.36 Worland High School
Miller, Ethan 5:09.21 Worland High School
Thomas, Scottie 5:10.91 Worland High School
Villareal, Malachi 5:11.37 Kemmerer High School
Guthrie, Azaniah 5:12.01 Riverton High School
Spoonhunter, Davian 5:17.30 Riverton High School
Divers, Nehemiah 5:18.65 St. Stephens High School
Ferguson, Ben 5:38.97 Big Piney High School
Morgan, Micah 5:41.55 Lander Valley High School
Platt, Jacob 5:42.69 Kemmerer High School
Posey, Aven 5:45.83 Wyoming Indian High School
Gardner, Logan 5:47.69 Wind River High School
Red Willow, Noah 5:48.71 Wyoming Indian High School
Winkler, Jayce 5:57.60 Kemmerer High School
Young, Roger 6:03.00h Big Piney High School
Whiteplume, River 6:05.51 Riverton High School
Lasnoski, Gabriel 6:08.52 Lander Valley High School
Whitmore, Oliver 6:30.60 Lander Valley High School
Platt, Gabe 6:57.86 Kemmerer High School
Rose, Mikele 7:08.61 Riverton High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
SunRhodes, Wyatt St. Stephens High School
Campbell, Douglass Saratoga High School
Boyer, Brayson Pinedale High School
Day, Rylan St. Stephens High School
Wadda, Sean St. Stephens High School
Gose, Gage 22.80 Lander Valley High School
Herbert, Jaycee 23.32 Wind River High School
Prestwich, Talon 23.51 Riverton High School
Ruelas, Angel 23.87 Worland High School
Prettyman, Hayden 24.02 Riverton High School
Bever, Joel 24.07 Lander Valley High School
Russell, Aidan 24.22 Lander Valley High School
Cheatham, Cale 24.30 Worland High School
Boyd, Duncan 24.49 Rawlins High School
Clifford, Caden 24.50 Big Piney High School
Nitschke, Titus 24.62 Rawlins High School
Cook, Ethan 24.65 Rawlins High School
Whiteplume, Watie 25.01 Riverton High School
Gleim, Kaleb 25.31 Dubois High School
Herbert, Remi 25.50 Wind River High School
Burns, Ethene 25.63 Worland High School
Eagleroad, Ashdon 25.75 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Cruz, Diego 25.78 Riverton High School
Hickerson, Brayden 25.78 Lander Valley High School
Jewell, Jacob 25.93 Worland High School
McIntosh, Nick 25.93 Riverton High School
Redding, Harley 26.01 Worland High School
Green, Canton 26.10 Worland High School
Heil, Kyler 26.13 Riverton High School
Fraser, Sean 26.18 Riverton High School
BearComesOut, Keshon 26.30 Lander Valley High School
Heibeck, Gaige 26.34 Rawlins High School
Welch, Jericho 26.37 Shoshoni High School
Schwinck, Jericho 26.42 Rawlins High School
McGill, Bryson 26.43 Kemmerer High School
Fryman, Dalton 26.49 Pinedale High School
Sioux, Zion 26.50 St. Stephens High School
Mason, Bryce 26.59 Lander Valley High School
Gray, Matthew 26.65 Lander Valley High School
Cole, Maddux 26.71 Worland High School
Ferguson, Django 26.72 Lander Valley High School
Slow Bear, Jason 26.72 Wyoming Indian High School
Balzly, Jaxson 26.85 Lander Valley High School
Ruvalcaba, Austin 26.89 Kemmerer High School
Ferris, Parlayne 26.93 Wyoming Indian High School
Duran, Walter 27.07 St. Stephens High School
Calvert, Paysen 27.26 Lander Valley High School
Saltsgaver, Branson 27.27 Riverton High School
Witonski, Jonah 27.37 Dubois High School
Miller, Justice 27.37 Shoshoni High School
Auerbach, Jace 27.46 Riverton High School
Jimenez, Kane 27.57 Kemmerer High School
Hawkins, Noah 27.65 Dubois High School
Florence, Ryon 27.77 Riverton High School
McElroy, Ron 27.81 Wyoming Indian High School
Rieman, Hunter 27.88 Riverton High School
White, Chris 28.21 Riverton High School
Yeates, Holden 28.78 Wind River High School
Farrington, David 28.80 Big Piney High School
Platt, Jacob 28.92 Kemmerer High School
McCormick, James 29.25 Big Piney High School
Eadus, Wyatt 29.43 Shoshoni High School
Marrufo, Carlos 29.44 Shoshoni High School
Noseep, Carter 29.55 Riverton High School
Kiser, Johnny 29.79 Worland High School
Busby, Karsyn 29.93 Big Piney High School
Pena, Oswaldo 30.03 Riverton High School
Olson, Justin 30.22 Big Piney High School
Goble, Elijah 30.30 Worland High School
St. Clair, Khylin 30.79 Wyoming Indian High School
Addison, Caleb 30.87 Wyoming Indian High School
Bridger, Kaden 31.12 Shoshoni High School
Mortimer, Matt 31.22 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Campbell, Anthony 31.47 Saratoga High School
Brown, Corbin 31.72 Shoshoni High School
Farrington, Judah 32.93 Big Piney High School
Silvas, Ivan 37.55 Big Piney High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trembly, Wyatt 41.27 Dubois High School
Utterback, Dawson 43.46 Worland High School
McFadden, Reed 44.35 Lander Valley High School
Burnett, Hunter 44.37 Kemmerer High School
Hinkley, Zander 44.43 Riverton High School
Mitchell, Noah 44.51 Worland High School
Dickinson, Wyatt 45.32 Worland High School
Montoya, Andrew 45.56 Rawlins High School
Bush, Declan 47.79 Riverton High School
Krell, Colter 48.38 Kemmerer High School
Walker, Hunter 50.75 Wind River High School
Hawkins, Zander 51.97 Dubois High School
Sioux, Zion 52.37 St. Stephens High School
Clouse, Gavin 52.88 Dubois High School
Yeates, Holden 58.67 Wind River High School
Cornell, Gabe 59.76 Shoshoni High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harman, Joshua Rawlins High School
Casebolt, Michael Pinedale High School
Day, Rylan St. Stephens High School
White, Mack Lander Valley High School
Martinez, Chris Worland High School
Lobatos, Diego 10:28.59 Lander Valley High School
Jenks, Colby 10:30.00 Big Piney High School
Hinman, Cody 11:03.76 Rawlins High School
Wells, Logan 11:07.17 Rawlins High School
Divers, Nehemiah 11:14.05 St. Stephens High School
Thomas, Scottie 11:15.93 Worland High School
SunRhodes, Colton 11:17.84 Wyoming Indian High School
Walton, Marshall 11:41.03 Riverton High School
Westfall, Noa 11:42.99 Rawlins High School
Pettus, Chase 11:47.85 Rawlins High School
Little Yellow Man, Bradlyn 11:57.17 Wyoming Indian High School
Myhre, Tyrel 12:00.00 Riverton High School
Villareal, Malachi 12:06.54 Kemmerer High School
Gribowskas, Ray 12:11.10 Lander Valley High School
O'Connor, Liam 12:22.72 Pinedale High School
Platt, Jacob 13:31.51 Kemmerer High School
Burnett, Owen 9:33.25 Kemmerer High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jewell, Jacob Worland High School
Casebolt, Michael Pinedale High School
Slow Bear, Jason Wyoming Indian High School
O'Connor, Liam Pinedale High School
Borst, Carson Riverton High School
Wadda, Sean St. Stephens High School
Boyer, Brayson Pinedale High School
McElroy, Ron Wyoming Indian High School
Guthrie, Azaniah 1:00.00 Riverton High School
Pettus, Chase 1:00.00h Rawlins High School
Westfall, Noa 1:00.00h Rawlins High School
Harman, Joshua 1:00.00h Rawlins High School
Jimenez, Kane 1:00.74 Kemmerer High School
Cardinal, Josh 1:00.88 Lander Valley High School
Remacle, Isaiah 1:01.50 Wind River High School
Cruz, Diego 1:01.54 Riverton High School
Duran, Walter 1:01.93 St. Stephens High School
Fraser, Sean 1:02.01 Riverton High School
Ferris, Parlayne 1:02.01 Wyoming Indian High School
Ferguson, Django 1:03.82 Lander Valley High School
Ring, Scotty 1:04.95 Big Piney High School
Saltsgaver, Branson 1:05.55 Riverton High School
Nielson, Owen 1:05.65 Big Piney High School
Florence, Ryon 1:07.17 Riverton High School
Rieman, Hunter 1:07.40 Riverton High School
Auerbach, Jace 1:07.68 Riverton High School
Marrufo, Carlos 1:08.51 Shoshoni High School
Campbell, Anthony 1:08.83 Saratoga High School
Williams, Nathaniel 1:09.46 Saratoga High School
Posey, Aven 1:09.55 Wyoming Indian High School
Pena, Oswaldo 1:12.35 Riverton High School
John, Denver 1:23.09 Wyoming Indian High School
Jenks, Colby 52.05 Big Piney High School
Herbert, Jaycee 52.43 Wind River High School
Russell, Aidan 53.48 Lander Valley High School
Prettyman, Hayden 53.67 Riverton High School
Rogers, Skyler 54.35 Kemmerer High School
Boyd, Duncan 54.36 Rawlins High School
Heil, Kyler 57.15 Riverton High School
Torstenbo, Brayden 57.68 Rawlins High School
Prestwich, Talon 57.78 Riverton High School
Keel, Bennett 57.87 Saratoga High School
Philleo, Wiley 58.05 Shoshoni High School
Jones, Brandon 58.50h Big Piney High School
Staley, Kelby 58.70h Big Piney High School
Greenberg, Tyler 59.22 Saratoga High School
Day, Rylan 59.51 St. Stephens High School
Walker, Hunter 59.71 Wind River High School
Witonski, Jonah 59.74 Dubois High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.65 Worland High School
Relay Team A 46.11 Riverton High School
Relay Team A 46.92 Rawlins High School
Relay Team A 47.83 Dubois High School
Relay Team A 49.50h Saratoga High School
Relay Team A 49.56 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 52.75 Shoshoni High School
Relay Team A 56.50h Big Piney High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wind River High School
Relay Team A 3:11.17 Riverton High School
Relay Team A 3:38.78 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 3:50.06 Rawlins High School
Relay Team A 4:08.34 Saratoga High School
Relay Team A 4:11.90 Shoshoni High School
Relay Team A 4:18.22 Dubois High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:30.64 Riverton High School
Relay Team A 8:43.02 Worland High School
Relay Team A 9:16.53 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 9:18.43 Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:19.59 Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 9:46.76 Rawlins High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Visser, Logan Big Piney High School
Riding, Mason Kemmerer High School
Shakespeare, Reico St. Stephens High School
Chatfield, Kaden 2:08.70 Riverton High School
Herbert, Remi 2:09.43 Wind River High School
Bartlett, Grant 2:12.44 Saratoga High School
Truax, Alexander 2:12.49 Riverton High School
Lasnoski, Aquinas 2:14.66 Lander Valley High School
Bartlett, Grady 2:15.89 Saratoga High School
Martinez, Chris 2:18.57 Worland High School
Thomas, Ivan 2:20.09 Worland High School
Miller, Ethan 2:21.87 Worland High School
Hallock, Cade 2:22.20 Lander Valley High School
Robison, Graham 2:26.48 Wind River High School
Villareal, Malachi 2:26.85 Kemmerer High School
Spoonhunter, Davian 2:28.20 Riverton High School
Little Yellow Man, Bradlyn 2:28.93 Wyoming Indian High School
Chapman, Kagen 2:30.90 Rawlins High School
Cash, Luke 2:32.42 Shoshoni High School
Red Willow, Noah 2:33.26 Wyoming Indian High School
Gardner, Logan 2:36.00 Wind River High School
Ring, Scotty 2:38.00h Big Piney High School
Winkler, Jayce 2:38.01 Kemmerer High School
Posey, Aven 2:39.20 Wyoming Indian High School
Morgan, Micah 2:40.86 Lander Valley High School
Whiteplume, River 2:44.93 Riverton High School
Lasnoski, Gabriel 2:48.55 Lander Valley High School
Underwood, Johnathan 2:48.77 St. Stephens High School
Whitmore, Oliver 2:56.91 Lander Valley High School
Greenberg, Dylan 3:00.26 Saratoga High School
Rose, Mikele 3:09.13 Riverton High School
Platt, Gabe 3:13.87 Kemmerer High School
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Boys Discus 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Nathan 142-0 Riverton High School
Harris, Gabe 113-6.5 Lander Valley High School
Heaps, Landon 113-2 Kemmerer High School
Hagler, Derek 112-7 Kemmerer High School
Garcia, Xavier 112-5 Riverton High School
Kiser, Jaxson 108-11 Shoshoni High School
Pickerd, Tres 107-6 Lander Valley High School
Eagleroad, Ashdon 103-8 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Linnan, Kellen 103-6 Shoshoni High School
Rhodes, Jai'ron 102-10 St. Stephens High School
Krell, Colter 102-9 Kemmerer High School
Garcia, Craven 101-4 Riverton High School
Cole, Maddux 100-9 Worland High School
Ridgeway, Hunter 99-11 Rawlins High School
Cox, Ryan 99-2 Riverton High School
Monroe, Virgil 97-8 St. Stephens High School
Hagler, Dylan 97-7 Kemmerer High School
Young, Roger 97-3 Big Piney High School
Howard, Hayden 96-2 Dubois High School
Harris-Aragon, Tyree 94-9 Riverton High School
Medicine Horse, Jacob 92-8 Wyoming Indian High School
C'Hair, Adrian 91-6 Riverton High School
Frakes, Ethan 88-0 Rawlins High School
Campbell, Douglass 86-6.5 Saratoga High School
Fowler, Bo 86-6 Shoshoni High School
Ingraham, Allyster 86-0 Saratoga High School
Underwood III, Martin 85-9 Wyoming Indian High School
Zuniga, Zef 84-10 Big Piney High School
Gardner, Isaac 84-3 Wind River High School
Rice, Ray 83-9 Worland High School
Daniels, Colton 83-6.5 Rawlins High School
Oldman, Taj 83-5 Riverton High School
Adhyaksa, Faizal 83-3 Big Piney High School
Longtine, Korben 83-3 Riverton High School
Nielson, Owen 82-11 Big Piney High School
Eadus, Wyatt 82-5 Shoshoni High School
Oard, Jonah 81-2.5 Dubois High School
Lopez, Daniel 78-11 Worland High School
DeWitt, Korbin 78-5 Shoshoni High School
Smith, Braunsn 77-6 Big Piney High School
Varela, Dj 77-4 Big Piney High School
Sehon, Aiden 76-7 Rawlins High School
Willow, Naroy 76-6 Wyoming Indian High School
Mortimer, Matt 76-5 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Mitchell, Zayden 71-4 Worland High School
Friday, Joseph 69-6 Riverton High School
Olson, Justin 69-3 Big Piney High School
Harris, Cayden 68-2 Shoshoni High School
Williams, Nathaniel 67-0 Saratoga High School
Divers, Ezekiel 66-4 St. Stephens High School
C'Hair, Mitchell 65-8 Wyoming Indian High School
Posey, Avery 65-6 Wyoming Indian High School
Smart, Xander 64-6 Worland High School
Wilczewski, Michael 64-0 Shoshoni High School
David, Ford 63-7 Wind River High School
Peterson, Eason 63-6 Worland High School
Grundey, Owen 63-3 Lander Valley High School
Bridger, Kaden 60-10 Shoshoni High School
Harris, Rayghin 60-8 Riverton High School
Chapman, Kagen 59-2 Rawlins High School
Campbell, Anthony 58-3 Saratoga High School
Norse, Blayden 56-8 Wyoming Indian High School
Fletcher, Warren 53-1 Shoshoni High School
Goble, Elijah 52-2 Worland High School
Ring, Scotty 51-3 Big Piney High School
Shakespeare, Reico 50-0 St. Stephens High School
Pizzaro, Reyos 43-8 Wyoming Indian High School
Remacle, Isaiah 43-2 Wind River High School
Pelham, Kian 40-7 Big Piney High School
Navas, Nick Dubois High School
Harris, Steven St. Stephens High School
Black, Anthony St. Stephens High School
Shimkus, Xander Rawlins High School
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Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whiteplume, Watie 5-10 Riverton High School
McGill, Bryson 5-8 Kemmerer High School
Harris, Gabe 5-6 Lander Valley High School
Boyd, Duncan 5-6 Rawlins High School
Bever, Joel 5-4 Lander Valley High School
Wells, Ryan 5-2 Dubois High School
Robison, Graham 5-2 Wind River High School
Cook, Ethan 5-2 Rawlins High School
Montoya, Andrew 5-2 Rawlins High School
Herring, Deke 5-2 Saratoga High School
Welch, Jericho 5-2 Shoshoni High School
Jimenez, Kane 5-0 Kemmerer High School
Mathill, Weston 5-0 Rawlins High School
Smith, Braunsn Big Piney High School
Crawford, Baxter Worland High School
Cornell, Gabe Shoshoni High School
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Boys Long Jump 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fonseca Morales, Charlie 19-11.25 Rawlins High School
Harris, Gabe 19-10 Lander Valley High School
Sheets, Ty 19-9.75 Riverton High School
Cheatham, Cale 19-7 Worland High School
Wells, Ryan 19-3.5 Dubois High School
Ruelas, Angel 19-3.5 Worland High School
Rogers, Skyler 18-8.5 Kemmerer High School
Eagleroad, Ashdon 18-4 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Hickerson, Brayden 18-0.5 Lander Valley High School
Welch, Jericho 17-10 Shoshoni High School
Burns, Ethene 17-9.5 Worland High School
Fisher, Heston 17-4.5 Saratoga High School
Montoya, Andrew 17-4.25 Rawlins High School
Jones, Brandon 17-2.25 Big Piney High School
Jewell, Jacob 16-9.25 Worland High School
Jimenez, Kane 16-9 Kemmerer High School
Cardinal, Josh 16-7 Lander Valley High School
Mathill, Weston 16-6.75 Rawlins High School
Saltsgaver, Branson 16-6 Riverton High School
Russell, Aidan 16-6 Lander Valley High School
Duarte Villa, Sergio 16-4.5 Pinedale High School
Balzly, Jaxson 16-2 Lander Valley High School
Ferguson, Django 16-0.5 Lander Valley High School
Crawford, Baxter 15-11.75 Worland High School
Florence, Ryon 15-9 Riverton High School
Herring, Deke 15-8.5 Saratoga High School
Johnson, Fin 15-7 Lander Valley High School
Mason, Bryce 15-6 Lander Valley High School
Hess, Siler 15-5.75 Dubois High School
BearComesOut, Keshon 15-3 Lander Valley High School
Bullington, Jace 15-2.5 Kemmerer High School
Gardner, Logan 15-2 Wind River High School
Marrufo, Carlos 14-11 Shoshoni High School
Schwinck, Jericho 14-10.5 Rawlins High School
Winkler, Jayce 14-6 Kemmerer High School
Heibeck, Gaige 14-1.5 Rawlins High School
Fryman, Dalton 13-9.5 Pinedale High School
Kiser, Johnny 13-8 Worland High School
Greenberg, Dylan 13-0.75 Saratoga High School
Calvert, Paysen 12-10.5 Lander Valley High School
Brown, Corbin 12-8 Shoshoni High School
Visser, Logan Big Piney High School
Oard, Jonah Dubois High School
Adhyaksa, Faizal Big Piney High School
Black, Kyle St. Stephens High School
Wadda, Sean St. Stephens High School
Gray, Matthew Lander Valley High School
McFadden, Reed Lander Valley High School
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Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Canton 10-6 Worland High School
Utterback, Dawson 10-0 Worland High School
Long, Nicholas 10-0 Lander Valley High School
Sletten, Noah 10-0 Pinedale High School
Oard, Jonah 8-6 Dubois High School
White, Chris 8-6 Riverton High School
Witonski, Jonah 7-6 Dubois High School
Auerbach, Jace Riverton High School
Cruz, Diego Riverton High School
Gray, Matthew Lander Valley High School
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Boys Shot Put 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Xavier 45-8 Riverton High School
Mills, Nathan 45-0.5 Riverton High School
Longtine, Korben 40-3 Riverton High School
Linnan, Kellen 39-8 Shoshoni High School
Harris-Aragon, Tyree 39-1.5 Riverton High School
Heaps, Landon 39-1 Kemmerer High School
Sehon, Aiden 37-4 Rawlins High School
Cole, Maddux 36-11.5 Worland High School
Garcia, Craven 36-9 Riverton High School
Cox, Ryan 36-7 Riverton High School
Pickerd, Tres 36-5 Lander Valley High School
Hagler, Dylan 36-1 Kemmerer High School
Hagler, Derek 35-5.5 Kemmerer High School
Kiser, Jaxson 35-5 Shoshoni High School
Young, Roger 35-1 Big Piney High School
Lopez, Daniel 34-8.5 Worland High School
Zuniga, Zef 34-7.75 Big Piney High School
Underwood III, Martin 33-7.5 Wyoming Indian High School
Rhodes, Jai'ron 33-7.5 St. Stephens High School
Clouse, Gavin 33-7 Dubois High School
Monroe, Virgil 33-6 St. Stephens High School
Rice, Ray 33-1.75 Worland High School
Campbell, Douglass 32-6 Saratoga High School
Ridgeway, Hunter 32-4.5 Rawlins High School
Smith, Braunsn 32-1 Big Piney High School
Navas, Nick 32-0.75 Dubois High School
Gardner, Isaac 32-0.25 Wind River High School
Varela, Dj 31-7 Big Piney High School
C'Hair, Adrian 31-2 Riverton High School
Mitchell, Zayden 31-1.5 Worland High School
Posey, Avery 30-11.5 Wyoming Indian High School
Howard, Hayden 30-10 Dubois High School
Nielson, Owen 30-9 Big Piney High School
Chapman, Kagen 30-6 Rawlins High School
Harris, Cayden 30-4 Shoshoni High School
Adhyaksa, Faizal 30-3 Big Piney High School
Willow, Naroy 30-1 Wyoming Indian High School
Oldman, Taj 30-0 Riverton High School
Bridger, Kaden 29-7 Shoshoni High School
Eadus, Wyatt 29-4 Shoshoni High School
Daniels, Colton 29-0 Rawlins High School
Mortimer, Matt 28-9 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Frakes, Ethan 28-7 Rawlins High School
Wilczewski, Michael 28-4 Shoshoni High School
Fowler, Bo 28-0 Shoshoni High School
Divers, Ezekiel 28-0 St. Stephens High School
Duarte Villa, Sergio 27-7 Pinedale High School
DeWitt, Korbin 27-6.5 Shoshoni High School
David, Ford 27-3.75 Wind River High School
Williams, Nathaniel 27-3 Saratoga High School
Medicine Horse, Jacob 25-7.75 Wyoming Indian High School
Peterson, Eason 25-5.25 Worland High School
Yeates, Holden 25-5 Wind River High School
Smart, Xander 25-2.75 Worland High School
Olson, Justin 24-9 Big Piney High School
Remacle, Isaiah 24-8 Wind River High School
Harris, Rayghin 24-5 Riverton High School
Friday, Joseph 24-4 Riverton High School
Pelham, Kian 24-3 Big Piney High School
Fletcher, Warren 24-0.5 Shoshoni High School
Fryman, Dalton 23-3 Pinedale High School
Shakespeare, Reico 22-4 St. Stephens High School
Grundey, Owen 22-0 Lander Valley High School
C'Hair, Mitchell 21-9 Wyoming Indian High School
Norse, Blayden 21-0 Wyoming Indian High School
Pizzaro, Reyos 17-2 Wyoming Indian High School
Harris, Steven St. Stephens High School
Black, Anthony St. Stephens High School
Shimkus, Xander Rawlins High School
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Boys Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:42.73 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 3:57.61 Wind River High School
Relay Team A 4:24.48 Wyoming Indian High School
Relay Team A 4:38.22 Dubois High School
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Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wells, Ryan 41-6 Dubois High School
McIntosh, Nick 40-1.25 Riverton High School
Nitschke, Titus 38-8.5 Rawlins High School
Cardinal, Josh 38-3 Lander Valley High School
Borst, Carson 38-0 Riverton High School
Whiteplume, Watie 37-11 Riverton High School
Fisher, Heston 37-8.25 Saratoga High School
Walker, Hunter 36-3.75 Wind River High School
Hess, Siler 35-8 Dubois High School
Bever, Joel 35-8 Lander Valley High School
Crawford, Baxter 35-5 Worland High School
Johnson, Fin 35-4.5 Lander Valley High School
Schwinck, Jericho 35-2.25 Rawlins High School
Gribowskas, Ray 33-8.5 Lander Valley High School
Hinman, Cody 31-10 Rawlins High School
Howard, Hayden 31-6.5 Dubois High School
Todd, Leslie 31-5.5 Shoshoni High School
Fraser, Sean Riverton High School
Hickerson, Brayden Lander Valley High School
Mathill, Weston Rawlins High School
Philleo, Wiley Shoshoni High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Davilynn St. Stephens High School
Sweeney, BreeAnna Shoshoni High School
Tolson, Ellie Pinedale High School
Fowler, Jacy Worland High School
Piper, Quiana St. Stephens High School
Kiser, Lacoda Shoshoni High School
Crane, Avery 12.86 Lander Valley High School
Bever, Avery 12.96 Lander Valley High School
Colman, Alexa 12.97 Lander Valley High School
Lloyd, Maddy 13.12 Worland High School
Palmer, Trista 13.28 Rawlins High School
Crippen, Kalistynn 13.33 Worland High School
Swasey, Jolee 13.34 Kemmerer High School
Douzenis, Cherise 13.46 Worland High School
Remacle, Cora 13.62 Wind River High School
Manahan, Erika 13.66 Worland High School
Johnson, Naomi 13.66 Dubois High School
Gale, Victoria 13.67 Riverton High School
Foster, Arianna 13.80 Dubois High School
Leyva, Nyssa 13.86 Worland High School
Ablard, Samantha 13.88 Riverton High School
Dexter, Alicia 13.93 Pinedale High School
Brost, Ke'Lee 13.94 Riverton High School
Anderson, Adelyn 14.01 Lander Valley High School
Evans, Tilly 14.32 Big Piney High School
Greene, Kodee 14.33 Big Piney High School
Ramirez, Lecsi 14.36 Worland High School
Wood, Hadlee 14.38 Kemmerer High School
Calvert, Bria 14.39 Lander Valley High School
Judd, Ella 14.39 Riverton High School
Hatch, Victoria 14.45 Riverton High School
Hernandez, Iris 14.47 Worland High School
Johnson, Destiny 14.50 Riverton High School
Fegler, McAye 14.50 Riverton High School
Rounds, Addison 14.52 Lander Valley High School
Hutson, Amiah 14.72 Riverton High School
Losik, Addison 14.73 Big Piney High School
Higgins, Peyton 14.76 Rawlins High School
Tyra, Taytem 14.94 Riverton High School
Dodge, Chyauna 15.02 Wind River High School
Coote, Enna 15.08 Big Piney High School
Moss, Georgeanne 15.11 St. Stephens High School
Gunderson, Anna 15.23 Worland High School
Vallejos, Jimena 15.44 Rawlins High School
Hall, Anthia 15.48 Riverton High School
Mitchell, Bo 15.62 Lander Valley High School
Sambrano, Mari 15.73 Big Piney High School
Rhodes, Kylah 16.04 St. Stephens High School
Denison, Maybrie 16.08 Big Piney High School
Wahl, Samantha 16.08 Lander Valley High School
Nunn, Ahbre 16.13 Big Piney High School
Chitwood, Austyn 16.21 Riverton High School
Harris, Dodie 16.23 Wyoming Indian High School
Timbana, Sophia 16.37 Wyoming Indian High School
Robison, Cadance 16.46 Wind River High School
Plumb, Bridgette 16.48 Riverton High School
Celik, Deniz 16.59 Big Piney High School
Underwood, Lovelia 16.67 Wyoming Indian High School
Mosely, Kaydence 17.01 Worland High School
Stafa, Haidi 17.33 Big Piney High School
Tomacelli, Serephina 17.44 Rawlins High School
Martinez, Addison 17.49 Rawlins High School
Hauss, Emilie 18.18 Riverton High School
Adamson, Boston 18.32 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Timbana, Lariah 18.53 Wyoming Indian High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Howell, Lilly Shoshoni High School
Alley, Addison 16.28 Riverton High School
Bennett, Whitney 16.72 Saratoga High School
Scheel, Shania 17.20 Rawlins High School
Walker, Laynee 17.22 Kemmerer High School
Richardson, Anna 17.34 Worland High School
Whitlock, Shae 18.13 Worland High School
Sanchez, Molly 18.14 Dubois High School
McFadden, Kyndal 18.71 Lander Valley High School
Bjork, Zoey 19.11 Rawlins High School
Matamoros, Sarai 19.13 Worland High School
Olheiser, Gracie 19.30 Riverton High School
Gerlach, Ava 19.39 Lander Valley High School
Piper, Quiana 19.91 St. Stephens High School
Hernandez, Iris 19.93 Worland High School
Barnes, Janie 20.31 Worland High School
Goodrich, Candice 20.65 Pinedale High School
Johnston, Danielle 21.07 Rawlins High School
Miller, Emma 21.15 Wind River High School
Smith, Mckinlee 21.22 Rawlins High School
Jones, Wynter 22.29 Worland High School
Day, Kenzy 22.80 Dubois High School
Smith, Shylo 22.99 Rawlins High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goehring, Amaya Riverton High School
Tapia, Zena 5:28.48 Worland High School
Jones, Marlee 5:37.38 Lander Valley High School
Jones, Jolynn 5:41.80 Big Piney High School
Teichman, Madison 5:48.89 Saratoga High School
York, Emma 5:54.24 Big Piney High School
Strong, Micah 5:56.88 Big Piney High School
Erickson, Aralynne 6:01.72 Kemmerer High School
French, Alandra 6:09.81 Lander Valley High School
Williams, Rhiwan 6:15.97 Saratoga High School
Bell, Darian 6:16.59 Lander Valley High School
Condict, Allie 6:18.69 Saratoga High School
Williams, Marilee 6:22.91 Saratoga High School
Brandt, Elizabeth 6:24.86 Big Piney High School
Dearden, Arianne 6:25.24 Kemmerer High School
Whiteplume, Roberta 6:28.07 Wyoming Indian High School
Walker, Natalie 6:31.91 Wind River High School
Tolson, Olivia 6:37.25 Pinedale High School
Schneir, Tree 6:39.96 Lander Valley High School
Krantz, Samantha 6:51.97 Riverton High School
Whiteplume, Janeisa 6:57.64 Riverton High School
Guest, Kaydence 6:58.87 Big Piney High School
Moss, Georgetta 6:59.61 St. Stephens High School
Headley, Gabriella 7:14.44 Wyoming Indian High School
Moss, Georgeanne 7:26.09 St. Stephens High School
Resendiz-Horton, Isabel 7:55.15 Riverton High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oldman, America Wyoming Indian High School
Goodrich, Candice Pinedale High School
Tolson, Ellie Pinedale High School
Matamoros, Isaira Worland High School
Tolson, Olivia Pinedale High School
Robertson, Davilynn St. Stephens High School
Chandler, Mia Dubois High School
Douzenis, Cherise 26.62 Worland High School
Crane, Avery 26.86 Lander Valley High School
Whitlock, Shae 27.2 Worland High School
Heiner, Keira 27.65 Kemmerer High School
Bever, Avery 27.66 Lander Valley High School
Lloyd, Maddy 27.69 Worland High School
Gale, Victoria 28.00 Riverton High School
Palmer, Trista 28.16 Rawlins High School
Johnson, Naomi 28.19 Dubois High School
Martinez, Natasha 28.44 Kemmerer High School
Crippen, Kalistynn 28.55 Worland High School
Remacle, Cora 28.89 Wind River High School
Jory, Ava 28.92 Dubois High School
Foster, Arianna 29.01 Dubois High School
Westby, Riley 29.28 Rawlins High School
Alley, Addison 29.32 Riverton High School
Seldomridge, Sydney 29.37 Rawlins High School
Greene, Kodee 29.45 Big Piney High School
Rodriguez, Madison 29.89 Saratoga High School
Evans, Tilly 30.04 Big Piney High School
Newell, Maci 30.12 Worland High School
Tyra, Taytem 30.16 Riverton High School
Ramirez, Lecsi 30.18 Worland High School
Gerlach, Ava 30.20 Lander Valley High School
Dexter, Alicia 30.24 Pinedale High School
Hernandez, Iris 30.42 Worland High School
Plowman, Haddy 30.60 Kemmerer High School
Bjork, Zoey 30.81 Rawlins High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 30.81 Rawlins High School
Sweeney, BreeAnna 31.03 Shoshoni High School
Higgins, Peyton 31.11 Rawlins High School
Kiser, Abrianna 31.43 Shoshoni High School
Dodge, Chyauna 31.49 Wind River High School
Gunderson, Anna 31.73 Worland High School
Johnston, Danielle 31.90 Rawlins High School
Coote, Enna 32.19 Big Piney High School
Lehto, Kylee 32.54 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Pourkaldani, Sofia 32.72 Rawlins High School
Moss, Georgeanne 32.79 St. Stephens High School
Sambrano, Mari 32.88 Big Piney High School
Augustine, Dinayla 33.20 Wyoming Indian High School
Standing Elk, Tommie 33.24 Wyoming Indian High School
Celik, Deniz 34.29 Big Piney High School
Denison, Maybrie 34.32 Big Piney High School
Timbana, Sophia 34.50 Wyoming Indian High School
Rhodes, Kylah 34.64 St. Stephens High School
Nunn, Ahbre 34.64h Big Piney High School
Harris, Dodie 34.70 Wyoming Indian High School
Martinez, Addison 35.09 Rawlins High School
Underwood, Lovelia 35.16 Wyoming Indian High School
Mosely, Kaydence 35.72 Worland High School
Robison, Cadance 36.26 Wind River High School
Vallejos, Jimena 36.64 Rawlins High School
Tomacelli, Serephina 36.77 Rawlins High School
Howe, Hannah 36.83 Shoshoni High School
Hauss, Emilie 37.35 Riverton High School
Timbana, Lariah 38.31 Wyoming Indian High School
Stafa, Haidi 38.89 Big Piney High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bingham, Clariee 1:00.56 Big Piney High School
Mortimer, Sydney 1:00.60h Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Jones, Wynter 1:00.98 Worland High School
Kiser, Lacoda 1:03.60 Shoshoni High School
Smith, Shylo 1:05.38 Rawlins High School
Day, Kenzy 1:07.10 Dubois High School
Miller, Emma 1:07.26 Wind River High School
Johnston, Danielle 1:07.88 Rawlins High School
Howell, Lilly 1:08.08 Shoshoni High School
Ablard, Samantha 48.65 Riverton High School
Walker, Laynee 49.25 Kemmerer High School
Scheel, Shania 49.45 Rawlins High School
Sanchez, Molly 50.19 Dubois High School
Richardson, Anna 51.93 Worland High School
Bjork, Zoey 54.74 Rawlins High School
Matamoros, Sarai 55.20 Worland High School
Newell, Maci 55.22 Worland High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 55.82 Rawlins High School
Brown, Morgan 56.40 Big Piney High School
Rounds, Addison 56.46 Lander Valley High School
Walker, Natalie 57.54 Wind River High School
Smith, Mckinlee 59.01 Rawlins High School
Olheiser, Gracie 59.34 Riverton High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Erickson, Aralynne Kemmerer High School
Carrillo, Yesenia St. Stephens High School
Smith, Ryann 11:40.70 Rawlins High School
Eddy, Ameya 12:28.61 Lander Valley High School
Swann, Kiana 12:36.86 Riverton High School
Teichman, Madison 12:39.81 Saratoga High School
Tanner, Harris 13:04.82 Rawlins High School
Bell, Darian 13:26.08 Lander Valley High School
Westfall, Ava 14:00.00 Rawlins High School
Hoffman, Brynne 14:33.03 Big Piney High School
Hymas, Julia 14:54.19 Big Piney High School
Dearden, Arianne 15:02.15 Kemmerer High School
Moss, Georgetta 15:50.08 St. Stephens High School
Ferris, Takara 16:33.02 Wyoming Indian High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Davilynn St. Stephens High School
Jory, Ava Dubois High School
Timbana, Lariah Wyoming Indian High School
Goodrich, Candice Pinedale High School
Oldman, America Wyoming Indian High School
Harris, Dodie Wyoming Indian High School
Remacle, Cora Wind River High School
McFadden, Kyndal Lander Valley High School
Underwood, Lovelia Wyoming Indian High School
Douzenis, Cherise 1:00.14 Worland High School
Kaufman, Ellie 1:02.28 Lander Valley High School
Smith, Ryann 1:03.00h Rawlins High School
Calvert, Bria 1:03.85 Lander Valley High School
Lynch, Makinzea 1:04.15 Rawlins High School
Leyva, Nyssa 1:04.17 Worland High School
Whitlock, Shae 1:04.58 Worland High School
Judd, Ella 1:04.95 Riverton High School
Rodriguez, Madison 1:06.88 Saratoga High School
Antonino, Madison 1:07.00h Pinedale High School
Seldomridge, Sydney 1:07.05 Rawlins High School
Fegler, McAye 1:07.49 Riverton High School
Matamoros, Isaira 1:07.58 Worland High School
Johnson, Destiny 1:07.84 Riverton High School
Tanner, Harris 1:11.67 Rawlins High School
Gunderson, Anna 1:11.76 Worland High School
Westfall, Ava 1:12.00h Rawlins High School
Roady, Brynlee 1:12.25 Worland High School
Standing Elk, Tommie 1:12.75 Wyoming Indian High School
Brost, Ke'Lee 1:13.00 Riverton High School
Mortimer, Sydney 1:13.34 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Jensen, Maggie 1:13.66 Wind River High School
Moss, Georgetta 1:13.69 St. Stephens High School
Waldner, Laranda 1:14.06 Kemmerer High School
Kiser, Abrianna 1:14.42 Shoshoni High School
Hatch, Victoria 1:15.64 Riverton High School
Lehto, Kylee 1:16.02 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Jory, Mia 1:16.32 Dubois High School
Chandler, Mia 1:17.55 Dubois High School
Dodge, Chyauna 1:18.15 Wind River High School
Timbana, Sophia 1:18.22 Wyoming Indian High School
Hutson, Amiah 1:19.39 Riverton High School
Nunn, Ahbre 1:19.63 Big Piney High School
Moss, Georgeanne 1:21.43 St. Stephens High School
Augustine, Dinayla 1:21.65 Wyoming Indian High School
Robison, Cadance 1:23.10 Wind River High School
Hall, Anthia 1:23.74 Riverton High School
Plumb, Bridgette 1:25.37 Riverton High School
Peart, Addison 1:27.77 Riverton High School
Chitwood, Austyn 1:29.57 Riverton High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.94 Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 51.31 Worland High School
Relay Team A 51.81 Rawlins High School
Relay Team A 52.15 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 53.25 Riverton High School
Relay Team A 54.68 Dubois High School
Relay Team A 56.80h Saratoga High School
Relay Team A 57.66 Big Piney High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:14.17 Rawlins High School
Relay Team A 4:20.48 Lander Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:22.14 Worland High School
Relay Team A 4:23.50 Saratoga High School
Relay Team A 4:26.45 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 4:30.74 Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 4:52.55 Dubois High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:26.67 Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 10:59.39 Kemmerer High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrillo, Yesenia St. Stephens High School
Nitschke, Eva 2:30 Rawlins High School
Tapia, Zena 2:30.20 Worland High School
Jones, Jolynn 2:33.86 Big Piney High School
Strong, Micah 2:34.28 Big Piney High School
Antonino, Madison 2:35.44 Pinedale High School
Jones, Marlee 2:35.68 Lander Valley High School
Erickson, Aralynne 2:36.00h Kemmerer High School
Scott, Milan 2:39.03 Saratoga High School
Thatcher, Tyler 2:40.16 Kemmerer High School
French, Alandra 2:42.07 Lander Valley High School
York, Emma 2:43.91 Big Piney High School
Condict, Allie 2:48.54 Saratoga High School
Brandt, Elizabeth 2:50.32 Big Piney High School
Walker, Natalie 2:51.21 Wind River High School
Sewell, Aspen 2:53.37 Saratoga High School
Whiteplume, Roberta 2:56.53 Wyoming Indian High School
Dearden, Arianne 2:58.41 Kemmerer High School
Williams, Marilee 2:59.10 Saratoga High School
Jamison, Lilly 3:02.93 Kemmerer High School
Schneir, Tree 3:03.17 Lander Valley High School
Moss, Georgetta 3:07.03 St. Stephens High School
Headley, Gabriella 3:16.82 Wyoming Indian High School
Whiteplume, Janeisa 3:17.36 Riverton High School
Hoffman, Brynne 3:19.36 Big Piney High School
Ferris, Takara 3:28.44 Wyoming Indian High School
Runyan, Kamia 3:31.65 Big Piney High School
Resendiz-Horton, Isabel 3:35.10 Riverton High School
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Girls Discus 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dexter, Katy 133-10 Pinedale High School
Anderson, Adelyn 113-7 Lander Valley High School
Peterson, Manaia 113-6 Worland High School
Griffith, Jaylah 110-0 Riverton High School
Taylor, Alexis 103-4 Riverton High School
Runnion, Nadia 102-9 Kemmerer High School
Van Grol, Esther 98-4 Big Piney High School
Crowley, Ava 98-3.5 Riverton High School
Sanders, Eliana 97-6 Riverton High School
Duran, Suvannah 96-8.5 Riverton High School
Runyan, Hannah 96-6 Big Piney High School
Rich, Xoey 95-7 Riverton High School
Reinhardt, Daegan 94-9 Lander Valley High School
Pickerd, Teagen 89-2.5 Lander Valley High School
Price, Kylie 86-8 Kemmerer High School
Smith, Charleigh 84-6 Big Piney High School
Losik, Addison 83-8.5 Big Piney High School
Wood, Hadlee 83-6 Kemmerer High School
Henn, Karsyn 82-7 Pinedale High School
Posey, Emil 81-11 Wyoming Indian High School
White, Anessa 81-7 Wyoming Indian High School
Seabolt, Sienna 81-4 Dubois High School
Baker, Maren 81-1 Dubois High School
Ramage, Madi 78-6.5 Shoshoni High School
Lane, Erica 77-8 Lander Valley High School
Thatcher, Ella 76-4 Kemmerer High School
Underwood, Elianna 74-11 Wyoming Indian High School
Jensen, Maggie 73-0 Wind River High School
Toso, Olivia 72-4 Riverton High School
Wahl, Alexa 72-1.5 Lander Valley High School
Laughter, Helen 71-6.5 Big Piney High School
Hamilton, Sam 69-8.5 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Dearden, Cambree 68-7 Kemmerer High School
Rodriguez, Madison 68-2 Saratoga High School
Capitan, Samantha 67-11 Lander Valley High School
Perez, Sharlyn 66-5.5 Worland High School
Antelope, Mylee 65-3 Wyoming Indian High School
Aagard, Kadence 64-10 Worland High School
Kiser, Kaitlyn 64-2 Shoshoni High School
Friday, Natasha 63-10 Wyoming Indian High School
Adamson, Boston 63-2 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
C'Hair, Anelia 61-4 Wyoming Indian High School
Jory, Mia 59-6 Dubois High School
Skidmore, Janae 59-4 Kemmerer High School
Leyva, Mariska 59-3.5 Worland High School
Everett, Olivia 59-2 Saratoga High School
C'Hair, Jordan 58-7 St. Stephens High School
Howe, Hannah 57-5 Shoshoni High School
Kaulity, Temiah 56-3 Wyoming Indian High School
Flint, Ember 54-6 Wind River High School
Davis, Grayce 53-11.5 Dubois High School
Runyan, Kamia 53-1 Big Piney High School
Navas, Katie 52-9.5 Dubois High School
Dushayne, Rachael 51-9 Wyoming Indian High School
Westby, Riley 51-3 Rawlins High School
Gardener, Saraka 48-7 St. Stephens High School
Tomacelli, Serephina 48-5 Rawlins High School
Francis, Hadlee 47-1 Pinedale High School
Rhodes, Kylah 45-5 St. Stephens High School
Shade, Heidi 45-4 Lander Valley High School
Martinez, Addison 33-0 Rawlins High School
Vallejos, Jimena 31-6 Rawlins High School
Tidzump, Allison Wind River High School
Smith, Eveningstar St. Stephens High School
Diaz, Sophie Saratoga High School
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Emma 4-10 Wind River High School
Crippen, Kalistynn 4-9 Worland High School
Richardson, Anna 4-9 Worland High School
Barta, Prestley 4-9 Shoshoni High School
Piper, Quiana 4-7 St. Stephens High School
Crawford, Amillia 4-5 Worland High School
Gerlach, Ava 4-5 Lander Valley High School
Scott, Milan 4-5 Saratoga High School
Plowman, Haddy 4-4 Kemmerer High School
Tyra, Taytem 4-2 Riverton High School
Pourkaldani, Sofia 4-1 Rawlins High School
Lehto, Kylee Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Hamilton, Sam Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Peart, Addison Riverton High School
Mortimer, Sydney Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Oldman, America Wyoming Indian High School
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Girls Long Jump 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swasey, Jolee 16-2 Kemmerer High School
Bennett, Whitney 16-1 Saratoga High School
Douzenis, Cherise 16-0 Worland High School
Manahan, Erika 15-11.5 Worland High School
Heiner, Keira 15-10 Kemmerer High School
Judd, Ella 15-6 Riverton High School
Little, Josie 15-3 Saratoga High School
Scott, Milan 15-1 Saratoga High School
Sewell, Aspen 14-8.75 Saratoga High School
Dexter, Alicia 14-7.5 Pinedale High School
Seldomridge, Sydney 14-7 Rawlins High School
Glanz, Madilyn 14-6.5 Worland High School
Palmer, Trista 14-5.75 Rawlins High School
Fowler, Jacy 14-5 Worland High School
Barnes, Janie 14-1.5 Worland High School
McFadden, Kyndal 14-0.5 Lander Valley High School
Johnson, Naomi 14-0 Dubois High School
Hutson, Amiah 14-0 Riverton High School
Plowman, Haddy 13-8.75 Kemmerer High School
Roady, Brynlee 13-6 Worland High School
Mouelet, Arclyne 13-3.75 Rawlins High School
Hamilton, Sam 13-1.75 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Sweeney, BreeAnna 13-0.5 Shoshoni High School
Mortimer, Sydney 12-11 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Bjork, Zoey 12-9.5 Rawlins High School
Van Grol, Esther 12-8 Big Piney High School
Tyra, Taytem 12-7.75 Riverton High School
Tolson, Ellie 12-7.5 Pinedale High School
Higgins, Peyton 12-4.5 Rawlins High School
Denison, Maybrie 11-11.75 Big Piney High School
Lehto, Kylee 11-11.5 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Crawford, Amillia 11-9.5 Worland High School
Diaz, Sophie 11-8.5 Saratoga High School
Sambrano, Mari 11-7.5 Big Piney High School
Rhodes, Kylah 11-7.5 St. Stephens High School
Smith, Shylo 11-6 Rawlins High School
Timbana, Sophia 11-2 Wyoming Indian High School
Losik, Addison 10-8.75 Big Piney High School
Jones, Wynter 10-8.75 Worland High School
Pourkaldani, Sofia 9-6.75 Rawlins High School
Coote, Enna Big Piney High School
Smith, Eveningstar St. Stephens High School
Robertson, Davilynn St. Stephens High School
Colman, Alexa Lander Valley High School
Smith, Mckinlee Rawlins High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crane, Avery 9-6 Lander Valley High School
Walker, Laynee 9-0 Kemmerer High School
Baker, Maren 8-6 Dubois High School
Mitchell, Bo 8-0 Lander Valley High School
Rounds, Addison 8-0 Lander Valley High School
Thatcher, Tyler 7-6 Kemmerer High School
Colman, Alexa 7-6 Lander Valley High School
Wahl, Samantha 6-6 Lander Valley High School
Hymas, Julia 6-0 Big Piney High School
Peart, Addison Riverton High School
Matamoros, Isaira Worland High School
Little, Josie Saratoga High School
Francis, Hadlee Pinedale High School
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Girls Shot Put 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dexter, Katy 41-4 Pinedale High School
Anderson, Adelyn 37-8 Lander Valley High School
Peterson, Manaia 35-2.25 Worland High School
Griffith, Jaylah 35-0 Riverton High School
Runyan, Hannah 34-3 Big Piney High School
Duran, Suvannah 32-9.5 Riverton High School
Taylor, Alexis 31-6.25 Riverton High School
Van Grol, Esther 30-11.5 Big Piney High School
Crowley, Ava 30-7.5 Riverton High School
Pickerd, Teagen 30-5.75 Lander Valley High School
Rich, Xoey 29-10.75 Riverton High School
Seabolt, Sienna 29-8.5 Dubois High School
Smith, Charleigh 29-5 Big Piney High School
Posey, Emil 29-2.5 Wyoming Indian High School
Wood, Hadlee 29-0 Kemmerer High School
Runnion, Nadia 28-10.75 Kemmerer High School
Price, Kylie 28-8 Kemmerer High School
Reinhardt, Daegan 28-4.25 Lander Valley High School
Jory, Mia 28-2 Dubois High School
Henn, Karsyn 27-7 Pinedale High School
Hamilton, Sam 27-1.5 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Westby, Riley 26-11.5 Rawlins High School
White, Anessa 26-9.25 Wyoming Indian High School
Sanders, Eliana 26-6.25 Riverton High School
Lane, Erica 26-4.25 Lander Valley High School
Thatcher, Ella 26-3.5 Kemmerer High School
Flint, Ember 26-2 Wind River High School
Dearden, Cambree 26-1 Kemmerer High School
Laughter, Helen 25-10 Big Piney High School
Piper, Quiana 25-7.5 St. Stephens High School
Kaulity, Temiah 25-2.5 Wyoming Indian High School
Jensen, Maggie 24-7.25 Wind River High School
Kiser, Kaitlyn 24-3.25 Shoshoni High School
Underwood, Elianna 24-2 Wyoming Indian High School
Capitan, Samantha 24-0 Lander Valley High School
Wahl, Alexa 23-9.5 Lander Valley High School
Howe, Hannah 23-9.25 Shoshoni High School
Ramage, Madi 23-8 Shoshoni High School
Runyan, Kamia 23-6 Big Piney High School
Toso, Olivia 23-5 Riverton High School
Adamson, Boston 23-4.75 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Navas, Katie 23-0 Dubois High School
Friday, Natasha 22-10.5 Wyoming Indian High School
Leyva, Mariska 22-6.75 Worland High School
Perez, Sharlyn 22-2.75 Worland High School
Davis, Grayce 22-1 Dubois High School
Hoffman, Brynne 22-1 Big Piney High School
C'Hair, Jordan 21-9 St. Stephens High School
Aagard, Kadence 21-4 Worland High School
Gardener, Saraka 21-2 St. Stephens High School
C'Hair, Anelia 21-1.25 Wyoming Indian High School
Dushayne, Rachael 20-11 Wyoming Indian High School
Antelope, Mylee 20-8 Wyoming Indian High School
Vallejos, Jimena 20-4.75 Rawlins High School
Francis, Hadlee 20-4 Pinedale High School
Shade, Heidi 20-0.5 Lander Valley High School
Skidmore, Janae 19-11 Kemmerer High School
Tomacelli, Serephina 17-9 Rawlins High School
Martinez, Addison 12-2 Rawlins High School
Smith, Eveningstar St. Stephens High School
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Girls Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:27.30 Worland High School
Relay Team A 4:36.84 Big Piney High School
Relay Team A 4:52.03 Kemmerer High School
Relay Team A 5:08.30 Wyoming Indian High School
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Girls Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Rhiwan 33-10 Saratoga High School
Nitschke, Eva 33-6.5 Rawlins High School
Glanz, Madilyn 32-6 Worland High School
Remacle, Cora 32-2.5 Wind River High School
Bever, Avery 31-1.75 Lander Valley High School
Baker, Maren 31-1.5 Dubois High School
Sewell, Aspen 30-6.75 Saratoga High School
Barnes, Janie 30-6 Worland High School
Foster, Arianna 29-1.5 Dubois High School
Chandler, Mia 28-8 Dubois High School
Higgins, Peyton 28-6.75 Rawlins High School
Kiser, Abrianna 28-3 Shoshoni High School
Sweeney, BreeAnna 28-2 Shoshoni High School
Day, Kenzy 28-1.75 Dubois High School
Roady, Brynlee 28-0.5 Worland High School
Walker, Natalie 27-8 Wind River High School
Fowler, Jacy 26-10 Worland High School
Diaz, Sophie 24-11.5 Saratoga High School
Mouelet, Arclyne Rawlins High School
Pourkaldani, Sofia Rawlins High School
Seldomridge, Sydney Rawlins High School
Smith, Shylo Rawlins High School
Smith, Mckinlee Rawlins High School
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