Buffalo Twilight 2021

Buffalo, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 1,600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akers, Austin 4:35.21 Sheridan High School
Standish, David 4:35.76 Sheridan High School
Charest, Reese 4:38.41 Sheridan High School
Ostler, Wyatt 4:40.73 Tongue River High School
Miller, Robby 4:50.70 Sheridan High School
Gradinaru, Sage 4:55.41 Sheridan High School
Hale, Marcus 4:56.04 Sheridan High School
Cronk, Weston 4:56.42 Torrington High School
Morrison, Ryer 4:56.42 Buffalo High School
Juergens, David 4:57.83 Cody High School
Lambert, Brodyn 4:57.91 Buffalo High School
Hulbert, Charlie 4:59.10 Cody High School
Matthews, Carter 5:02.27 Thunder Basin High School
Mansheim, Zach 5:08.01 Thunder Basin High School
Alliot, Ethan 5:12.38 Big Horn High School
Nielson, Riley 5:15.42 Cody High School
Alishouse, Bridger 5:18.34 Newcastle High School
Redden, Carter 5:24.08 Buffalo High School
Osborne, Matthew 5:24.59 Sheridan High School
Johnson, Tanner 5:25 Douglas High School
Bosley, Ryan 5:25.24 Sheridan High School
Prell, Jacob 5:29.93 Newcastle High School
Hatheway, Teegan 5:30.00h Newcastle High School
Gordon, David 5:31.04 Thunder Basin High School
Holiday, Jacob 5:35.62 Ten Sleep High School
O'loughlin, Christopher 5:45.67 Thunder Basin High School
Butler, Cade 5:47.26 Big Horn High School
Otto, Isaac 5:47.76 Sheridan High School
Prell, Conrad 5:48.60 Newcastle High School
Iron, Caleb 5:50.54 Tongue River High School
Byerly, James 5:51 Douglas High School
Baker, Chase 6:01.60 Big Horn High School
Walker, Josh 6:27.62 Thunder Basin High School
Irby, Roanin 7:02.63 Big Horn High School
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Boys 100 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mahoskey, Brycen Buffalo High School
Zabel, Jackson Thunder Basin High School
Kaszas, Dominic 10.80 Sheridan High School
Talich, Lucas 10.83 Cody High School
Hale, Nicholas 10.94 Sheridan High School
Martin, Caiden 11.43 Sheridan High School
Bates, Carson 11.48 Big Horn High School
Nichols, Tim 11.59 Ten Sleep High School
Murray, Kieran 11.62 Buffalo High School
Wehr, Rylan 11.64 Douglas High School
Ewing, Keltan 11.65 Douglas High School
Flock, Brendan 11.65 Torrington High School
Zimmer, Jax 11.72 Big Horn High School
Brost, Dillon 11.74 Cody High School
Wonka, John 11.79 Buffalo High School
Beardall, Blake 11.84 Cody High School
Pikula, Jaxon 11.87 Thunder Basin High School
Bolds, Greg 11.88 Tongue River High School
Foster, Trent 11.90 Sheridan High School
Talich, Nic 11.90 Cody High School
Huckeba, Will 11.91 Big Horn High School
Arizona, Scott 11.92 Tongue River High School
George, Kellon 11.94 Cody High School
Green, Riley 11.98 Big Horn High School
McConkey, Holden 12.04 Newcastle High School
Cummins, Eli 12.04 Tongue River High School
Drost, Dylan 12.05 Newcastle High School
Shepherd, Dyse 12.06 Thunder Basin High School
Acedo, Hugo 12.07 Douglas High School
Baustert, AJ 12.10 Cody High School
Money, Keegan 12.15 Buffalo High School
Randall, Caden 12.17 Thunder Basin High School
Class, Logan 12.18 Cody High School
Ramsey, Gunner 12.20h Newcastle High School
Hammond, Will 12.31 Buffalo High School
Cooper, Walker 12.40 Ten Sleep High School
Wagner, Brody 12.42 Douglas High School
Schroeder, Jackson 12.51 Cody High School
Thomasson, Trey 12.53 Cody High School
Walker, Sean 12.55 Big Horn High School
Morris, Bryce 12.57 Big Horn High School
Hogan, Ben 12.60 Cody High School
Dammeyer, John-Paul 12.66 Douglas High School
Ter Haar, Clarence 12.76 Big Horn High School
Duran, Kadden 12.84 Douglas High School
Hensley, Keegan 12.86 Cody High School
Wood, Bonner 12.86 Tongue River High School
Barker, Alex 12.98 Tongue River High School
Morrison, Mason 13.04 Buffalo High School
Bickel, Kadence 13.04 Sheridan High School
Turk, Mykah 13.04 Douglas High School
Moss, Chance 13.05 Cody High School
Gossard, Cohen 13.07 Buffalo High School
Humes, Robert 13.16 Newcastle High School
Ball, Jacob 13.27 Cody High School
Blutt, Matthew 13.56 Ten Sleep High School
Asmus, Jorey 13.57 Torrington High School
Schroeder, Trey 13.63 Cody High School
Perrin, Carter 13.63 Buffalo High School
Prell, Thomas 13.79 Newcastle High School
Warner, Justin 13.82 Torrington High School
Betts, David 14.09 Tongue River High School
George, Barrett 14.17 Cody High School
Hanft, Colter 14.20h Tongue River High School
Campanella, Freancesco 14.37 Thunder Basin High School
Marshall, Nick 14.59 Tongue River High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Billings, McCaffrey Big Horn High School
Meinecke, Kyle 15.24 Sheridan High School
Mansheim, Steven 15.61 Thunder Basin High School
Lujan, Jesse 16.75 Thunder Basin High School
Arnold, Graidin 16.87 Cody High School
Pierce, Cody 16.90 Torrington High School
Bauersachs, Kaden 16.98 Douglas High School
Custis, Garrett 17.92 Big Horn High School
Williams, Branton 18.33 Sheridan High School
Kilbride, Caleb 18.57 Tongue River High School
Watt, Aiden 18.62 Tongue River High School
Kukuchka, Cole 19.00 Tongue River High School
Adsit, Isaac 20.00 Big Horn High School
Kilbride, Camden 20.05 Tongue River High School
Betts, David 20.62 Tongue River High School
Vallejos, Amadais 20.86 Douglas High School
Hutton, Tyler 21.73 Sheridan High School
Grant, Micah 23.04 Cody High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holiday, Jacob Ten Sleep High School
Mahoskey, Brycen Buffalo High School
Kaszas, Dominic 22.90 Sheridan High School
Nichols, Boe 22.95 Ten Sleep High School
Bates, Carson 23.22 Big Horn High School
Talich, Lucas 23.31 Cody High School
Huckeba, Will 23.32 Big Horn High School
Ostler, Garrett 23.68 Tongue River High School
Wehr, Rylan 23.70 Douglas High School
Murray, Kieran 23.73 Buffalo High School
Flock, Brendan 23.76 Torrington High School
Nichols, Tim 23.78 Ten Sleep High School
Martin, Caiden 23.78 Sheridan High School
Toyne, Beau 23.85 Buffalo High School
Pikula, Jaxon 23.87 Thunder Basin High School
McConkey, Holden 24.09 Newcastle High School
Ramsey, Gunner 24.22 Newcastle High School
Brost, Dillon 24.33 Cody High School
Drost, Dylan 24.35 Newcastle High School
Foster, Trent 24.39 Sheridan High School
Baustert, AJ 24.53 Cody High School
Bolds, Greg 24.54 Tongue River High School
Green, Riley 24.57 Big Horn High School
Beardall, Blake 24.58 Cody High School
Cummins, Eli 24.63 Tongue River High School
Shepherd, Dyse 24.66 Thunder Basin High School
Acedo, Hugo 24.80h Douglas High School
Arizona, Scott 24.83 Tongue River High School
Morris, Bryce 24.87 Big Horn High School
George, Kellon 24.97 Cody High School
Spence, Cameryn 25.00 Douglas High School
Dammeyer, John-Paul 25.21 Douglas High School
Cummins, Connor 25.22 Tongue River High School
Schlagel, Jayden 25.31 Torrington High School
Randall, Caden 25.38 Thunder Basin High School
Money, Keegan 25.62 Buffalo High School
Walker, Sean 25.63 Big Horn High School
Watt, Aiden 25.70 Tongue River High School
Schroeder, Jackson 25.76 Cody High School
Hammond, Will 25.86 Buffalo High School
Hult, Bridger 25.96 Cody High School
Thomasson, Trey 26.00 Cody High School
Ball, Jacob 26.05 Cody High School
Kilbride, Caleb 26.06 Tongue River High School
Duran, Kadden 26.26 Douglas High School
Kukuchka, Cole 26.30 Tongue River High School
Bickel, Kadence 26.59 Sheridan High School
Gossard, Cohen 26.63 Buffalo High School
Humes, Robert 26.84 Newcastle High School
Barker, Alex 26.93 Tongue River High School
Morrison, Mason 26.97 Buffalo High School
Schroeder, Trey 26.97 Cody High School
Ter Haar, Clarence 27.06 Big Horn High School
Vallejos, Amadais 27.22 Douglas High School
Morris, Connor 27.26 Big Horn High School
Turk, Mykah 27.36 Douglas High School
Kenney, Dillon 27.87 Newcastle High School
Asmus, Jorey 28.39 Torrington High School
Perrin, Carter 28.40 Buffalo High School
Blutt, Matthew 28.74 Ten Sleep High School
Campanella, Freancesco 28.85 Thunder Basin High School
Betts, David 28.86 Tongue River High School
Marroquin, Killian 29.01 Cody High School
George, Barrett 29.60 Cody High School
Marshall, Nick 31.28 Tongue River High School
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Boys 3,200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prell, Conrad Newcastle High School
Standish, David 10:07.75 Sheridan High School
Gradinaru, Sage 10:23.23 Sheridan High School
Cahhal, Alex 10:31.10 Buffalo High School
Juergens, David 10:57.14 Cody High School
Hulbert, Charlie 10:57.73 Cody High School
Baron, Jason 11:12.70 Tongue River High School
Redden, Carter 11:40.94 Buffalo High School
Alishouse, Bridger 11:42.93 Newcastle High School
Brogdon, Jacob 11:45.17 Big Horn High School
Hatheway, Teegan 11:49.88 Newcastle High School
Nielson, Riley 11:51.41 Cody High School
Barron, Michael 11:56.76 Tongue River High School
Otto, Isaac 12:24.75 Sheridan High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matthews, Carter Thunder Basin High School
Marroquin, Killian Cody High School
Ewing, Keltan 42.10 Douglas High School
Pierce, Cody 42.52 Torrington High School
Arnold, Graidin 42.97 Cody High School
Custis, Garrett 43.23 Big Horn High School
Mansheim, Steven 43.54 Thunder Basin High School
Mansheim, Zach 44.00 Thunder Basin High School
Askins, Carl 44.31 Sheridan High School
Perez, Cameron 44.56 Sheridan High School
Bauersachs, Kaden 44.64 Douglas High School
Ramsey, Greyson 45.31 Newcastle High School
Berretini, Dominick 45.37 Sheridan High School
Williams, Branton 45.67 Sheridan High School
Lujan, Jesse 45.77 Thunder Basin High School
Walker, Christian 45.87 Big Horn High School
Kukuchka, Cole 46.27 Tongue River High School
Ihnat, Michael 46.50 Buffalo High School
Kilbride, Caleb 46.50 Tongue River High School
Mckinney, Conner 46.77 Sheridan High School
Billings, McCaffrey 47.08 Big Horn High School
Drost, Dylan 47.09 Newcastle High School
Hammond, Will 47.38 Buffalo High School
Kilbride, Camden 48.05 Tongue River High School
Hogan, Ben 48.17 Cody High School
Grant, Micah 55.12 Cody High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ter Haar, Clarence Big Horn High School
Moline, AJ 1:00.28 Big Horn High School
Barker, Alex 1:00.30 Tongue River High School
Wood, Bonner 1:01.64 Tongue River High School
Humes, Robert 1:01.94 Newcastle High School
Cooper, Walker 1:02.52 Ten Sleep High School
Baker, Cade 1:02.97 Big Horn High School
Vallejos, Amadais 1:03.16 Douglas High School
Holiday, Jacob 1:04.41 Ten Sleep High School
Kenney, Dillon 1:04.43 Newcastle High School
Blutt, Matthew 1:06.04 Ten Sleep High School
Haliburton, Isaiah 51.00h Thunder Basin High School
Hale, Nicholas 51.50h Sheridan High School
LaFramboise, Kayden 51.51 Thunder Basin High School
Nichols, Boe 51.57 Ten Sleep High School
Askins, Carl 51.74 Sheridan High School
Milmine, Kollen 51.98 Buffalo High School
Ganje, Reece 52.39 Thunder Basin High School
Wehr, Rylan 52.50h Douglas High School
Ostler, Garrett 52.90 Tongue River High School
Foster, Trent 53.69 Sheridan High School
Aasby, Patrick 53.70 Sheridan High School
Zimmer, Jax 54.5 Big Horn High School
Shepherd, Dyse 54.61 Thunder Basin High School
Busby, Uriah 55.88 Sheridan High School
Walker, Javin 55.98 Tongue River High School
Randolph, Timothy 56.01 Torrington High School
Dammeyer, John-Paul 56.22 Douglas High School
Schlekeway, Camden 56.24 Thunder Basin High School
Duran, Kadden 59.30 Douglas High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.32 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 44.72 Thunder Basin High School
Relay Team A 44.91 Cody High School
Relay Team A 45.24 Big Horn High School
Relay Team A 46.34 Torrington High School
Relay Team B 46.91 Cody High School
Relay Team A 47.20 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 47.66 Douglas High School
Relay Team A 47.73 Tongue River High School
Relay Team B 52.00h Big Horn High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.72 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 3:44.94 Newcastle High School
Relay Team A 3:49.30 Tongue River High School
Relay Team A 3:53.56 Ten Sleep High School
Relay Team B 3:55.00h Big Horn High School
Relay Team A 4:03.00 Cody High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:41.75 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 9:19.46 Big Horn High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spence, Cameryn 2:01.12 Douglas High School
Charest, Reese 2:04.18 Sheridan High School
Akers, Austin 2:04.36 Sheridan High School
Standish, David 2:07.91 Sheridan High School
Aasby, Patrick 2:08.20 Sheridan High School
Purviance, Zach 2:08.83 Newcastle High School
Schlekeway, Camden 2:09.17 Thunder Basin High School
Troftgruben, Tristan 2:09.50 Newcastle High School
Loya, Aydan 2:10.00 Torrington High School
Zabel, Jackson 2:10.00 Thunder Basin High School
Selk, Carson 2:11.38 Douglas High School
Spotted, Al 2:11.52 Tongue River High School
Cotes, Isaiah 2:12.49 Tongue River High School
Graham, Ian 2:12.94 Cody High School
Lambert, Brodyn 2:13.73 Buffalo High School
Cronk, Weston 2:16.69 Torrington High School
Lock, William 2:17.53 Thunder Basin High School
Miller, Robby 2:17.73 Sheridan High School
Stewart, Ben 2:19.00 Cody High School
Hale, Marcus 2:19.44 Sheridan High School
Butler, Cade 2:20.0 Big Horn High School
Brogdon, Jacob 2:20.00h Big Horn High School
Prell, Jacob 2:23 Newcastle High School
Cordero, Abel 2:28.67 Cody High School
Bosley, Ryan 2:29.71 Sheridan High School
Osborne, Matthew 2:34.41 Sheridan High School
Johnson, Tanner 2:34.64 Douglas High School
Prell, Thomas 2:35.00h Newcastle High School
Baker, Chase 2:41.90 Big Horn High School
Byerly, James 2:44.63 Douglas High School
Walker, Josh 2:56.22 Thunder Basin High School
Irby, Roanin 2:57.55 Big Horn High School
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Boys Discus 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tanner, Texas 164-2.5 Sheridan High School
Vielhauer, Gaige 162-5.5 Sheridan High School
Knobloch, Jacob 146-7 Tongue River High School
Mangus, Quinton 145-1 Sheridan High School
Micke, Kody 143-7 Douglas High School
Mastellar, Mason 142-5 Thunder Basin High School
Thompson, Josh 133-5 Big Horn High School
Underwood, Vann 132-0 Douglas High School
Baker, Ryan 131-4 Torrington High School
Williams, Jon 129-0 Cody High School
Rising, Rave 125-11 Torrington High School
Ingalls, Matthew 124-10 Sheridan High School
Brisko, River 121-3 Thunder Basin High School
Seeds, Tegen 120-5 Douglas High School
Vela, Justin 118-2 Sheridan High School
Camino, Benjamin 115-10 Buffalo High School
Hensley, Keegan 115-3 Cody High School
Class, Logan 115-2 Cody High School
Dreiling, Dylan 112-10 Torrington High School
Baustert, AJ 112-5 Cody High School
Garber, Cooper 111-5 Big Horn High School
Eversole, Evan 110-3 Douglas High School
Bennick, Tyler 109-11 Torrington High School
O'dell, Scott 108-3 Thunder Basin High School
Tanner, Chili 107-9 Sheridan High School
Peter, Triston 105-4 Buffalo High School
Curtis, Dawson 104-3 Douglas High School
Rasmuson, Trevor 102-1 Buffalo High School
Dunlap, Andrew 100-6 Cody High School
Glassock, Marko 100-6 Buffalo High School
Santos, Christian 98-4 Newcastle High School
Stinson, Tk 97-6 Douglas High School
Frazier, Brayden 96-1.5 Torrington High School
Logar, Kyle 95-4 Douglas High School
Sanborn, Tyler 95-3 Douglas High School
Wood, Bonner 94-0 Tongue River High School
Moss, Chance 93-3 Cody High School
Hanft, Colter 92-9 Tongue River High School
Tystad, Hogan 87-6 Newcastle High School
Bybee, Caleb 87-5 Sheridan High School
Prell, Jacob 84-1 Newcastle High School
Kennedy, Kael 83-2 Buffalo High School
Rabel, Lance 83-2 Buffalo High School
Gallagher, Landen 82-9 Cody High School
Buffington, Harley 82-5 Thunder Basin High School
Rudloff, Talon 82-4 Sheridan High School
Grubbs, Rhiley 80-0 Torrington High School
Miller, Isaiah 79-5 Tongue River High School
George, Barrett 78-8 Cody High School
George, Kellon 76-11 Cody High School
Coleman, Nicholas 69-8 Thunder Basin High School
Strickland, Nathan 66-9 Newcastle High School
Scott, Chayden 63-6 Cody High School
Gorman, Adian Newcastle High School
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Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hull, Aidan 6-2 Torrington High School
Porter, Robbie 6-0 Cody High School
Bauersachs, Kaden 6-0 Douglas High School
Mckinney, Conner 5-10 Sheridan High School
Thomasson, Trey 5-10 Cody High School
Ramsey, Gunner 5-10 Newcastle High School
Camino, Benjamin 5-10 Buffalo High School
Beardall, Blake 5-8 Cody High School
Demott, Bryant 5-7 Torrington High School
Roth, Aiden 5-6 Sheridan High School
Kilbride, Caleb 5-6 Tongue River High School
Kilbride, Camden 5-6 Tongue River High School
Schons, Toby 5-6 Big Horn High School
Selk, Carson 5-4 Douglas High School
Cahhal-Laudert, Gabriel 5-4 Buffalo High School
Moss, Chance 5-2 Cody High School
Wagner, Brody 5-2 Douglas High School
Hult, Bridger 5-0 Cody High School
Billings, McCaffrey 5-0 Big Horn High School
Warner, Justin Torrington High School
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Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haliburton, Isaiah 21-10 Thunder Basin High School
Aksamit, Isak 20-10.5 Sheridan High School
Ostler, Garrett 19-8.5 Tongue River High School
Archuleta, Jayden 19-6.25 Douglas High School
Camino, Benjamin 19-4 Buffalo High School
Hull, Aidan 19-0 Torrington High School
Hutton, Tyler 18-8.75 Sheridan High School
Selk, Carson 18-7 Douglas High School
Acedo, Hugo 18-5.5 Douglas High School
Walker, Sean 18-4 Big Horn High School
Bolds, Greg 18-3 Tongue River High School
Cummins, Connor 17-10 Tongue River High School
Hogan, Ben 17-5 Cody High School
Money, Keegan 17-5 Buffalo High School
Ball, Jacob 17-3.5 Cody High School
Williams, Branton 17-2 Sheridan High School
Roberts, Damian 17-1.5 Sheridan High School
Santos, Christian 17-0 Newcastle High School
Marshall, Nick 16-11 Tongue River High School
Watt, Aiden 16-10.25 Tongue River High School
Berretini, Dominick 16-6 Sheridan High School
Turk, Mykah 15-10 Douglas High School
Prell, Thomas 15-0.75 Newcastle High School
Campanella, Freancesco 14-6.75 Thunder Basin High School
Betts, David 13-6 Tongue River High School
Ramsey, Gunner Newcastle High School
Graham, Ian Cody High School
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Karajanis, Ryan 15-1 Sheridan High School
Moeller, Kaden 13-5 Sheridan High School
Ewing, Keltan 13-5 Douglas High School
Imus, Rico 13-0 Thunder Basin High School
Felton, Andre 12-11 Thunder Basin High School
Tarver, Gaige 12-5 Sheridan High School
Wonka, John 11-11 Buffalo High School
Demott, Bryant 10-8 Torrington High School
Brost, Dillon 10-5 Cody High School
Flock, Brendan 10-0 Torrington High School
Grant, Micah 8-11 Cody High School
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Boys Shot Put 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vielhauer, Gaige 53-9 Sheridan High School
Knobloch, Jacob 50-6.5 Tongue River High School
Mastellar, Mason 49-10.25 Thunder Basin High School
Tanner, Texas 47-4.25 Sheridan High School
O'dell, Scott 46-10 Thunder Basin High School
Ingalls, Matthew 45-6 Sheridan High School
Brisko, River 45-2.5 Thunder Basin High School
Micke, Kody 44-5.5 Douglas High School
Thompson, Josh 44-4.75 Big Horn High School
Mangus, Quinton 43-11.5 Sheridan High School
Curtis, Dawson 42-5 Douglas High School
Williams, Jon 41-10.5 Cody High School
Vela, Justin 40-1.75 Sheridan High School
Dreiling, Dylan 40-1 Torrington High School
Bennick, Tyler 39-1.25 Torrington High School
Garber, Cooper 38-11.5 Big Horn High School
Logar, Kyle 38-2 Douglas High School
Rising, Rave 38-1.5 Torrington High School
Bybee, Caleb 38-1 Sheridan High School
Glassock, Marko 38-1 Buffalo High School
Underwood, Vann 36-11.75 Douglas High School
Hanft, Colter 36-5.5 Tongue River High School
Stinson, Tk 36-4.5 Douglas High School
Baker, Ryan 36-2 Torrington High School
Tanner, Chili 36-1.25 Sheridan High School
Rasmuson, Trevor 35-11 Buffalo High School
Scribner, Travis 35-10.5 Newcastle High School
Buffington, Harley 35-10 Thunder Basin High School
Seeds, Tegen 35-6 Douglas High School
Prell, Jacob 35-5.75 Newcastle High School
Wood, Bonner 35-5 Tongue River High School
Peterson, Alex 35-1.5 Newcastle High School
Eversole, Evan 35-0 Douglas High School
Grubbs, Rhiley 33-0 Torrington High School
Burke, Aidan 32-11 Buffalo High School
Peter, Triston 32-6.5 Buffalo High School
Frazier, Brayden 32-1 Torrington High School
Gallagher, Landen 31-11 Cody High School
Rabel, Lance 31-6 Buffalo High School
Coleman, Nicholas 31-5 Thunder Basin High School
Orban, Leo 31-5 Newcastle High School
Rudloff, Talon 30-11 Sheridan High School
Class, Logan 30-10 Cody High School
Hensley, Keegan 29-8 Cody High School
Gorman, Adian 29-1.25 Newcastle High School
Dunlap, Andrew 29-1 Cody High School
Kennedy, Kael 28-10.5 Buffalo High School
Gallardo, Xavin 28-8 Newcastle High School
Sanborn, Tyler 27-0 Douglas High School
Miller, Isaiah 26-4 Tongue River High School
Scott, Chayden 24-11 Cody High School
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Boys SMR 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:44.35 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 3:50.30 Newcastle High School
Relay Team A 3:54.09 Thunder Basin High School
Relay Team A 3:54.75 Torrington High School
Relay Team A 4:16.00 Cody High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00h Big Horn High School
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Boys Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meinecke, Kyle 40-10.5 Sheridan High School
Custis, Garrett 40-10 Big Horn High School
Aksamit, Isak 40-4 Sheridan High School
Walker, Javin 39-0.75 Tongue River High School
Hutton, Tyler 38-11 Sheridan High School
Toyne, Beau 38-4.75 Buffalo High School
Walker, Christian 38-4 Big Horn High School
Camino, Benjamin 37-8 Buffalo High School
Williams, Branton 37-5 Sheridan High School
Busby, Uriah 37-3.75 Sheridan High School
Roberts, Damian 37-2.25 Sheridan High School
Cahhal-Laudert, Gabriel 37-0 Buffalo High School
Kilbride, Camden 36-5 Tongue River High School
Butler, Cade 35-4.5 Big Horn High School
Ihnat, Michael 34-10.75 Buffalo High School
Stewart, Ben 34-1.25 Cody High School
Gossard, Cohen 33-6 Buffalo High School
Schroeder, Trey 33-2 Cody High School
Perrin, Carter 28-1 Buffalo High School
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Girls 1,600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newton, Abby 5:22.77 Sheridan High School
Turpin, Katie 5:30.45 Sheridan High School
Morgan, Jaylynn 5:34.82 Sheridan High School
Stinson, Taylen 5:41.79 Cody High School
Gonda, Sarah 5:42.36 Sheridan High School
Glass, Sera 5:45.00h Torrington High School
Stafford, Ava 5:49.59 Cody High School
Jorgenson, Chlo'e 5:49.76 Sheridan High School
Farris, Elizabeth 5:52.41 Buffalo High School
Weatherby, Dana 5:53.46 Sheridan High School
Vaira, Amadea 5:54.51 Sheridan High School
Porter, Jenny 5:54.68 Douglas High School
Merrigan, Ada 5:55.48 Torrington High School
Anderson, Alice 5:57.74 Sheridan High School
Grabin, Gabriella 6:00.36 Buffalo High School
Jones, Kenley 6:14.62 Buffalo High School
Wachob, Elisa 6:18.09 Cody High School
Rudd, Zelma 6:23.99 Cody High School
Heser, Elizabeth 6:30.24 Tongue River High School
Froerer, Amberly 7:00.08 Torrington High School
Carter, Tara 7:05.01 Newcastle High School
Casteel, Payton 7:12.36 Ten Sleep High School
Pease, Marajah 7:27.50 Tongue River High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberson, Evynn Cody High School
Rader, Avery Big Horn High School
Pendergast, Addie 12.59 Tongue River High School
Reish, Carleigh 12.67 Tongue River High School
Townsend, Kamdynn 12.80 Douglas High School
Fitzpatrick, Kailynne 12.90 Thunder Basin High School
Hodges, Megan 12.95 Sheridan High School
Pitter, Annakaye 12.98 Thunder Basin High School
Sopko, Grace 13.07 Tongue River High School
Kalasinsky, Katy 13.33 Tongue River High School
Hill, Maddy 13.33 Tongue River High School
Tidyman, Shelby 13.35 Newcastle High School
Brummell, Allison 13.40 Torrington High School
Wondercheck, Alyssa 13.49 Torrington High School
Wagner, Grace 13.51 Buffalo High School
Pearson-Horner, Hayley 13.57 Cody High School
Hyttinen, Abigale 13.59 Thunder Basin High School
Witbrod, Stephanie 13.70h Douglas High School
O'Dell, Piper 13.74 Sheridan High School
Bower, Taylor 13.80 Sheridan High School
Bishop, Rachel 13.80 Big Horn High School
Burton, Brynn 13.81 Sheridan High School
Bessler, Cassidy 13.89 Buffalo High School
DeGracia, Leticia 13.97 Douglas High School
Tietjen, Kendall 14.00 Buffalo High School
Rule, Tess 14.01 Buffalo High School
Sullivan, Averi 14.02 Sheridan High School
Tarver, Vivian 14.12 Sheridan High School
Dalton, Emily 14.13 Cody High School
Wiford, Kyndra 14.17 Torrington High School
Rhamy, Caitlin 14.22 Douglas High School
Bennett, Keesee 14.25 Buffalo High School
Peters, Teila 14.37 Buffalo High School
Ballou, Grace 14.65 Cody High School
Hahn, Tennessee 14.71 Buffalo High School
Keller, Braylin 14.75 Sheridan High School
Ward, Taylor 14.78 Douglas High School
Parker, Shauntae 14.93 Douglas High School
Cronk, Maria 14.98 Torrington High School
Beasley, Samantha 15.19 Buffalo High School
Lamb, Kelanie 15.26 Big Horn High School
Baures, Avery 15.32 Sheridan High School
Williams, Brooklyn 15.63 Cody High School
Thomas, Bayle 15.71 Tongue River High School
Dunham, Nadeen 15.86 Buffalo High School
Flickinger, Anna 16.04 Sheridan High School
Montalvo-Hernandez, Michelle 16.16 Cody High School
Lain, Cheyenne 16.37 Sheridan High School
Price, Sienna 16.85 Big Horn High School
Zent, Hannah 16.93 Big Horn High School
Walmsley, Merridan 16.94 Douglas High School
Foy, Marlee 17.34 Torrington High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberson, Evynn Cody High School
Drube, Gabby 14.99 Thunder Basin High School
Mendoza, Gabby 15.69 Thunder Basin High School
Mansheim, Katelyn 16.31 Thunder Basin High School
Norman, Carly 16.40 Buffalo High School
Wagler, Nicole 16.57 Cody High School
Tietjen, Kendall 16.65 Buffalo High School
Pulliam, Kennedy 16.66 Thunder Basin High School
Halley, Reece 16.81 Torrington High School
Gross, Alaina 17.18 Buffalo High School
Ostenson, Jaylen 17.43 Newcastle High School
Pendergast, Jane 17.70 Tongue River High School
Pollat, Madi 17.75 Thunder Basin High School
Hutchison, Kamry 18.05 Cody High School
Shoopman, Elektra 18.15 Ten Sleep High School
Thomas, Ellie 18.17 Thunder Basin High School
Ryan, Jazlyn 18.29 Tongue River High School
Shelton, Callie 18.37 Cody High School
Hernandez, Ashley 18.44 Sheridan High School
Maertens, Olivia 18.65 Buffalo High School
Beasley, Samantha 18.81 Buffalo High School
Holmes, Ryleigh 18.86 Buffalo High School
Keller, Braylin 18.88 Sheridan High School
McLaughlin, Peyton 19.16 Big Horn High School
Andre, Sarah 19.19 Cody High School
Anderson, Erin 20.09 Sheridan High School
Rader, Avery 20.15 Big Horn High School
Seibert, Lauren 20.37 Cody High School
Lehnen, Danielle 24.83 Thunder Basin High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carbert, Izzy Tongue River High School
DeLaCruz, Adrianna Cody High School
Ballou, Grace Cody High School
Montalvo-Hernandez, Michelle Cody High School
Harrison, Lake Cody High School
Roberson, Evynn Cody High School
Pitter, Annakaye 26.53 Thunder Basin High School
Reish, Carleigh 26.62 Tongue River High School
Spiering, Holly 26.73 Cody High School
Townsend, Kamdynn 26.74h Douglas High School
Pendergast, Jane 27.23 Tongue River High School
Sopko, Grace 27.53 Tongue River High School
Brummell, Allison 27.80 Torrington High School
Holiday, Lindsey 27.81 Ten Sleep High School
Tidyman, Shelby 28.19 Newcastle High School
Moorehouse, Marissa 28.31 Torrington High School
Kalasinsky, Katy 28.48 Tongue River High School
Hill, Maddy 28.48 Tongue River High School
Wagner, Grace 28.53 Buffalo High School
Hyttinen, Abigale 28.62 Thunder Basin High School
Bower, Taylor 28.66 Sheridan High School
Rule, Tess 28.77 Buffalo High School
Pearson-Horner, Hayley 28.91 Cody High School
Wondercheck, Alyssa 29.04h Torrington High School
Bennett, Keesee 29.18 Buffalo High School
Mohrmann, Kate 29.23 Big Horn High School
Ryan, Jazlyn 29.27 Tongue River High School
Zimmer, Saydee 29.50h Big Horn High School
Nelson, Ada 29.58 Cody High School
Bessler, Cassidy 29.60 Buffalo High School
Dalton, Emily 29.63 Cody High School
Pittsley, Jules 29.71 Sheridan High School
Billings, Ashley 30.48 Big Horn High School
Tarver, Vivian 30.55 Sheridan High School
Williams, Brooklyn 30.75 Cody High School
Hahn, Tennessee 30.97 Buffalo High School
Lowe, Sage 31.14 Sheridan High School
Rhamy, Caitlin 31.34 Douglas High School
Cronk, Maria 31.42 Torrington High School
Holeman, Hailey 31.54 Cody High School
Parker, Shauntae 32.38 Douglas High School
Baures, Avery 32.48 Sheridan High School
Lamb, Kelanie 33.10 Big Horn High School
Fox, Isabelle 33.16 Ten Sleep High School
Dunham, Nadeen 33.21 Buffalo High School
Flickinger, Anna 34.05 Sheridan High School
Ward, Taylor 34.67 Douglas High School
Lain, Cheyenne 35.93 Sheridan High School
Price, Sienna 36.86 Big Horn High School
Zent, Hannah 37.07 Big Horn High School
Walmsley, Merridan 37.64h Douglas High School
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Girls 3,200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newton, Abby 11:53.81 Sheridan High School
Rule, Lexi 12:23.30 Buffalo High School
Farris, Briley 12:30.00 Buffalo High School
Turpin, Katie 12:47.84 Sheridan High School
Weatherby, Dana 12:51.37 Sheridan High School
Stafford, Ava 12:54.67 Cody High School
Gonda, Sarah 12:57.80 Sheridan High School
Carter, Tara 13:39.70 Newcastle High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Erin 1:07.88 Sheridan High School
Rader, Avery 1:11.21 Big Horn High School
Drube, Gabby 46.62 Thunder Basin High School
Wagler, Nicole 47.33 Cody High School
Mendoza, Gabby 47.39 Thunder Basin High School
Tietjen, Kendall 47.62 Buffalo High School
Friedly, Jayden 48.64 Thunder Basin High School
Norman, Carly 49.44 Buffalo High School
Ostenson, Jaylen 50.35 Newcastle High School
Gross, Alaina 50.48 Buffalo High School
Mansheim, Katelyn 51.40 Thunder Basin High School
Pendergast, Jane 51.56 Tongue River High School
Zimmer, Saydee 51.94 Big Horn High School
McLaughlin, Peyton 52.61 Big Horn High School
Hutchison, Kamry 53.04 Cody High School
Halley, Reece 54.02 Torrington High School
Shelton, Callie 54.25 Cody High School
Maertens, Olivia 54.47 Buffalo High School
Hernandez, Ashley 55.38 Sheridan High School
Carroll, Dulce 55.44 Sheridan High School
Wiford, Kyndra 56.10 Torrington High School
Keller, Braylin 56.95 Sheridan High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fox, Isabelle Ten Sleep High School
Pendergast, Jane Tongue River High School
Stokes, Tyne 1:02.71 Torrington High School
Moorehouse, Marissa 1:03.00h Torrington High School
Wagner, Grace 1:03.17 Buffalo High School
Holiday, Lindsey 1:03.53 Ten Sleep High School
Nelson, Ada 1:04.15 Cody High School
Pittsley, Jules 1:06.39 Sheridan High School
Lowe, Sage 1:06.93 Sheridan High School
Himle, Mayce 1:08.34 Douglas High School
Bennett, Keesee 1:11.70 Buffalo High School
Baures, Avery 1:12.98 Sheridan High School
Anderson, Kinley 1:18.74 Ten Sleep High School
Lamb, Kelanie 1:20.94 Big Horn High School
Zent, Hannah 1:25.86 Big Horn High School
Pendergast, Addie 58.24 Tongue River High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.47 Thunder Basin High School
Relay Team A 51.41 Cody High School
Relay Team A 52.14 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 53.67 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 53.69 Tongue River High School
Relay Team A 55.14 Big Horn High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:11.32 Thunder Basin High School
Relay Team A 4:23.93 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 4:39.82 Ten Sleep High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ten Sleep High School
Relay Team A 10:20.05 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 10:51.38 Thunder Basin High School
Relay Team A 11:02.78 Torrington High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newton, Abby 2:26.19 Sheridan High School
Pendergast, Addie 2:29.65 Tongue River High School
Brandon, Rylee 2:29.66 Thunder Basin High School
Nelson, Ada 2:29.98 Cody High School
Glass, Sera 2:30.87 Torrington High School
Holiday, Lindsey 2:31.93 Ten Sleep High School
Lubben, Madison 2:32.43 Thunder Basin High School
Morgan, Jaylynn 2:33.36 Sheridan High School
Turpin, Katie 2:33.66 Sheridan High School
Arnold, Abby 2:36.08 Thunder Basin High School
Morey, Vivian 2:36.30 Sheridan High School
Palmer, Danika 2:37.70 Sheridan High School
Weatherby, Dana 2:38.84 Sheridan High School
Stinson, Taylen 2:40.05 Cody High School
Grabin, Gabriella 2:42.30 Buffalo High School
Rudd, Zelma 2:47.06 Cody High School
Wachob, Elisa 2:49.13 Cody High School
Anderson, Alice 2:49.50 Sheridan High School
Vaira, Amadea 2:49.62 Sheridan High School
Doherty, Megan 2:49.63 Thunder Basin High School
Jones, Kenley 2:50.00 Buffalo High School
Merrigan, Ada 2:50.11 Torrington High School
Froerer, Amberly 3:02.31 Torrington High School
Smith, Lauren 3:02.44 Big Horn High School
Heser, Elizabeth 3:11.64 Tongue River High School
Pease, Marajah 3:14.44 Tongue River High School
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Girls Discus 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cameron, Alex 122-0 Sheridan High School
Fertig, Allyson 121-8 Douglas High School
Deutscher, Gennah 117-0 Sheridan High School
Morgan, Jaylynn 110-4 Sheridan High School
McStay, Maggie 106-7 Sheridan High School
Allen, Sierra 104-11 Torrington High School
Sullivan, Hanah 101-3 Sheridan High School
Destefano, Sophie 100-7 Sheridan High School
Halley, Reece 100-5 Torrington High School
Gee, Amelia 97-11 Big Horn High School
Butler, Nora 97-6 Sheridan High School
Ostenson, Jaylen 96-3 Newcastle High School
Pitman, Sydnee 95-11 Tongue River High School
Johnson, Emma 95-6 Torrington High School
Blaney, Sierra 93-1 Newcastle High School
Boltz, Ella 92-2 Cody High School
Scammon, Emma 92-1.75 Tongue River High School
Waller, Wiley 90-3.5 Buffalo High School
Dodge, Bailey 88-5 Tongue River High School
Washburn, Sierra 87-11 Thunder Basin High School
Anderson, Reese 86-1 Sheridan High School
Schroeder, Hope 84-6 Thunder Basin High School
Andrews, Molly 83-9 Buffalo High School
Talbott, Emma 82-6 Thunder Basin High School
Hunt, Jordan 81-10 Buffalo High School
Lucas, Addison 79-2 Sheridan High School
Brown, Torrance 78-9 Cody High School
Gross, Anna 77-6 Buffalo High School
Lehnen, Danielle 75-6 Thunder Basin High School
Beard, Aubrey 73-11 Sheridan High School
Hecker, Emily 73-6 Cody High School
Vollman, Lauryn 72-5 Douglas High School
Whitehead, Faith 72-1 Tongue River High School
Ankney, Josie 72-0 Sheridan High School
Philo, Mia 69-9 Douglas High School
Anderson, Kinley 69-7 Ten Sleep High School
McGee, Hailey 68-6 Tongue River High School
Hersman, Sarah 67-8 Sheridan High School
Maxwell, Taylor 66-6 Douglas High School
Pehringer, Emma 66-6 Buffalo High School
Pagett, Mackenzie 63-5 Douglas High School
Thompson, Carsyn 62-10 Big Horn High School
Parker, Eastyn 62-3 Sheridan High School
DeLaCruz, Adrianna 41-10 Cody High School
Buchmann, Eliza 34-2 Torrington High School
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Kamdynn 5-6 Douglas High School
Moser, Preslee 5-4 Sheridan High School
Andre, Sarah 5-3 Cody High School
Reish, Carleigh 5-3 Tongue River High School
Carroll, Dulce 5-2 Sheridan High School
Brummell, Allison 5-1 Torrington High School
Jackson, Sydney 5-0 Thunder Basin High School
DeGracia, Leticia 4-10 Douglas High School
Thomas, Ellie 4-10 Thunder Basin High School
Harrison, Lake 4-9 Cody High School
Larsen, Brooke 4-8 Sheridan High School
Holmes, Ryleigh 4-7 Buffalo High School
Peters, Teila 4-5 Buffalo High School
Sweeny, Jenna 4-4 Sheridan High School
Fox, Isabelle 4-4 Ten Sleep High School
Casteel, Payton 4-3 Ten Sleep High School
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Girls Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Kamdynn 18-1 Douglas High School
Reish, Carleigh 17-6 Tongue River High School
Bolton, Addy 16-11.5 Sheridan High School
Spiering, Holly 16-7 Cody High School
Pearson-Horner, Hayley 16-2.75 Cody High School
Pulliam, Kennedy 16-2 Thunder Basin High School
Legerski, Kadence 15-10 Sheridan High School
Brown, Ellen 15-6 Sheridan High School
Tidyman, Shelby 15-3 Newcastle High School
Moorehouse, Marissa 15-2.5 Torrington High School
Burton, Brynn 15-2 Sheridan High School
Pollat, Madi 15-1.5 Thunder Basin High School
Mohrmann, Kate 15-1 Big Horn High School
Peters, Teila 15-0 Buffalo High School
Carbert, Izzy 14-10 Tongue River High School
DeGracia, Leticia 14-10 Douglas High School
Shoopman, Elektra 14-3 Ten Sleep High School
Bessler, Cassidy 14-3 Buffalo High School
Reece, Paige 14-1 Douglas High School
Billings, Ashley 13-11 Big Horn High School
Sweeny, Jenna 13-10 Sheridan High School
Holmes, Ryleigh 13-4.75 Buffalo High School
Shelton, Callie 13-0.75 Cody High School
Anderson, Erin 12-11 Sheridan High School
Smith, Lauren 12-7 Big Horn High School
Ballou, Grace 12-6 Cody High School
Thomas, Bayle 12-3 Tongue River High School
Flickinger, Anna 11-9.5 Sheridan High School
Montalvo-Hernandez, Michelle 11-5 Cody High School
Moser, Preslee Sheridan High School
Williams, Brooklyn Cody High School
Foy, Marlee Torrington High School
Holiday, Lindsey Ten Sleep High School
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Girls Pole Vault 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shaffer, Grace 12-7 Cody High School
Meier, Nyah 10-6 Cody High School
Reed, Kinsie 10-0 Cody High School
Holeman, Hailey 9-9 Cody High School
Dalton, Emily 9-6 Cody High School
Hyttinen, Abigale 9-0 Thunder Basin High School
Maertens, Olivia 9-0 Buffalo High School
Jones, Mattilyn 8-9 Torrington High School
Pomajzl, Kelsey 8-6 Cody High School
Berglund, Sophie 7-9 Buffalo High School
Moore, Kennedy 7-6 Thunder Basin High School
David, Gabrielle 7-3 Torrington High School
Seibert, Lauren 7-0 Cody High School
Anderson, Alice 7-0 Sheridan High School
Larsen, Brooke 7-0 Sheridan High School
Palmer, Danika 7-0 Sheridan High School
Peters, Jamie 7-0 Buffalo High School
Peters, Teila 6-9 Buffalo High School
Himle, Mayce Douglas High School
Locke, Alyssa Douglas High School
Walmsley, Merridan Douglas High School
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Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fertig, Allyson 42-11 Douglas High School
Cameron, Alex 41-1 Sheridan High School
McStay, Maggie 37-4.5 Sheridan High School
Washburn, Sierra 37-1.5 Thunder Basin High School
Sullivan, Hanah 35-8 Sheridan High School
Gee, Amelia 35-0.5 Big Horn High School
Brown, Torrance 33-6.5 Cody High School
Scammon, Emma 33-0 Tongue River High School
Butler, Nora 32-3 Sheridan High School
Ankney, Josie 32-2 Sheridan High School
Boltz, Ella 32-2 Cody High School
Philo, Mia 31-0.5 Douglas High School
Allen, Sierra 30-10.5 Torrington High School
Beard, Aubrey 30-8.5 Sheridan High School
Deutscher, Gennah 30-8 Sheridan High School
Talbott, Emma 30-6.25 Thunder Basin High School
Anderson, Reese 30-1.5 Sheridan High School
Dodge, Bailey 30-0 Tongue River High School
Destefano, Sophie 29-11.5 Sheridan High School
Johnson, Emma 29-8.25 Torrington High School
Lucas, Addison 28-10.5 Sheridan High School
Whitehead, Faith 28-2 Tongue River High School
Pitman, Sydnee 27-11 Tongue River High School
Maxwell, Taylor 27-10.25 Douglas High School
Hunt, Jordan 27-8 Buffalo High School
Andrews, Molly 25-10 Buffalo High School
Vollman, Lauryn 25-8 Douglas High School
Parker, Eastyn 25-7.25 Sheridan High School
Hersman, Sarah 25-7 Sheridan High School
McGee, Hailey 24-11 Tongue River High School
Waller, Wiley 24-10 Buffalo High School
Thompson, Carsyn 24-8 Big Horn High School
Hecker, Emily 23-11 Cody High School
Gross, Anna 23-4 Buffalo High School
Blaney, Sierra 22-7 Newcastle High School
Pehringer, Emma 22-4.5 Buffalo High School
Pagett, Mackenzie 21-4.5 Douglas High School
DeLaCruz, Adrianna 18-3 Cody High School
Buchmann, Eliza 17-0 Torrington High School
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Girls SMR 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:25.19 Torrington High School
Relay Team A 4:26.30 Cody High School
Relay Team A 4:29.68 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 4:37.12 Big Horn High School
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Girls Triple Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Witbrod, Stephanie 35-5.75 Douglas High School
Brummell, Allison 34-8.5 Torrington High School
Moser, Preslee 34-0 Sheridan High School
Hodges, Megan 33-9.5 Sheridan High School
Brown, Ellen 32-11.5 Sheridan High School
Hill, Maddy 32-10 Tongue River High School
Pollat, Madi 32-9 Thunder Basin High School
Legerski, Kadence 32-8 Sheridan High School
Sopko, Grace 32-4.75 Tongue River High School
Burton, Brynn 32-0.5 Sheridan High School
Berglund, Sophie 31-10.75 Buffalo High School
Reece, Paige 31-8 Douglas High School
Carbert, Izzy 31-8 Tongue River High School
Moorehouse, Marissa 31-2.5 Torrington High School
Kalasinsky, Katy 31-1 Tongue River High School
Billings, Ashley 29-6 Big Horn High School
Holmes, Ryleigh 29-4 Buffalo High School
Shoopman, Elektra 29-3.5 Ten Sleep High School
Tarver, Vivian 29-3 Sheridan High School
Rader, Avery 29-1 Big Horn High School
Sweeny, Jenna 28-4.5 Sheridan High School
Baures, Avery 28-1.75 Sheridan High School
Thomas, Bayle 27-1.5 Tongue River High School
Williams, Brooklyn 27-1 Cody High School
Hahn, Tennessee 26-11 Buffalo High School
Dunham, Nadeen 25-11.25 Buffalo High School
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