Warrior Invitational 2024

Worland, WY

Warrior Invitational 2024 vs Warrior Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -9 185 194
Overall Average +54.86 23:02.33 22:07.48
1st-10th Place -11.56 17:01.71 17:13.27
1st-25th Place -6.74 17:41.43 17:48.17
1st-50th Place +13.10 18:35.77 18:22.67
1st-100th Place +28.41 19:56.24 19:27.84
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster 16 35 19
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -12.27 21:54.67 22:06.94
Median Time -1:04.05 20:27.40 21:31.45
Middle 80% Times -16.93 21:36.89 21:53.82
Top 10% Times -1:07.95 16:46.53 17:54.48
Top 25% Times -57.65 17:24.06 18:21.71
Top 50% Times -50.59 18:18.04 19:08.63
Bottom 50% Times +26.04 25:31.30 25:05.25
Bottom 25% Times +1:06.47 28:38.29 27:31.82
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.07 32:01.52 30:19.45
Average Difference -12.27 -- --
Median Difference +3.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -27.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference -36.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.19 -- --
Top 25% Difference -51.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.19 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +22.64 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:11.43 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:49.28 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Trajn Swalstad Worland High School -1:16.50 15:57.60 17:14.10
Zach Freise Buffalo High School -1:09.48 16:06.00 17:15.48
Davian Spoonhunter Riverton High School -1:57.18 16:57.70 18:54.88
Ethan Rayo Buffalo High School -1:30.24 17:06.60 18:36.84
Will Bishop Worland High School -1:22.02 17:13.40 18:35.42
Marshall Walton Riverton High School -1:46.01 17:17.90 19:03.91
Cole Rasmuson Buffalo High School -28.46 17:25.00 17:53.46
Ryan Rasmuson Buffalo High School -59.81 17:30.30 18:30.11
Jadeth Elder Thermopolis High School -1:09.83 17:49.10 18:58.93
Korbyn Warren Powell High School -39.87 17:49.10 18:28.97
Mack White Lander Valley High School -28.19 17:56.30 18:24.49
Liam Taylor Powell High School -1:44.63 18:02.30 19:46.93
Kyler Heil Riverton High School -5.30 18:11.90 18:17.20
Kiyoshi Smith Worland High School -8.46 18:13.70 18:22.16
Giovanni Monterastelli Buffalo High School -36.58 18:14.50 18:51.08
Randall Nielson Cody High School -15.87 18:29.10 18:44.97
Micah Morgan Lander Valley High School -2:51.75 18:39.70 21:31.45
David Durfee Lovell High School -39.88 18:40.20 19:20.08
Ethan Miller Worland High School -1:14.65 18:40.70 19:55.35
Kason Kukuchka Buffalo High School +20.04 19:14.90 18:54.86
Logan Milek Lander Valley High School +18.32 19:18.30 18:59.98
Kinley Cooley Powell High School -52.53 19:06.30 19:58.83
Jacob Thomas Lovell High School -3:39.13 19:45.60 23:24.73
Ameya Eddy Lander Valley High School +41.58 20:36.90 19:55.32
Logan Peterson Buffalo High School -3:47.98 20:01.30 23:49.28
Zena Tapia Worland High School -20.50 20:02.70 20:23.20
Lucas Peterson Buffalo High School -52.61 20:07.40 21:00.01
Logan Jordahl Buffalo High School -2:09.96 20:09.40 22:19.36
Stetson Asay Lovell High School -1:46.95 20:27.40 22:14.35
Blue Blackburn Lander Valley High School +2:45.45 23:25.10 20:39.65
Mersades Jackson Cody High School +15.48 20:59.70 20:44.22
Kylee Silva Cody High School +1:26.02 22:28.50 21:02.48
Melissa Merritt Powell High School -19.16 21:22.60 21:41.76
Shelby Zickefoose Powell High School -51.38 21:59.70 22:51.08
Brayden Groenke Lander Valley High School +3.53 22:03.30 21:59.77
Landon Withrow Riverton High School -3.86 22:02.60 22:06.46
Jordan Black Powell High School +1:30.59 23:37.10 22:06.51
Dyami Rock Rocky Mountain High School +1:40.29 24:09.80 22:29.51
Salem Brown Powell High School +23.93 23:13.20 22:49.27
Caroline Crago Buffalo High School -8.29 22:58.50 23:06.79
Thane Zollman Lovell High School -1:30.92 23:07.00 24:37.92
Alandra French Lander Valley High School +1:35.88 24:51.10 23:15.22
Sarah Slaugh, Buffalo High School -10.56 23:24.40 23:34.96
Kolby Packard Buffalo High School +3:15.12 26:58.00 23:42.88
Samantha Krantz Riverton High School -2:59.29 25:13.70 28:12.99
Pablo Rangsitch Lander Valley High School +1:03.88 26:21.30 25:17.42
Payton Sullivan Buffalo High School +1:30.85 28:13.60 26:42.75
Melissa Solorzano Buffalo High School +3:49.45 31:20.10 27:30.65
Addison Hein Buffalo High School +1:08.50 30:18.00 29:09.50
Evynn Alvarez Rocky Mountain High School -1:02.34 29:22.40 30:24.74
Sienna Lulias Buffalo High School +6:39.29 36:06.70 29:27.41
Atlee Sanders Lovell High School +1:22.04 31:04.80 29:42.76
Ellie Alvarez Rocky Mountain High School -42.28 30:21.30 31:03.58
Justina Manzanares Lander Valley High School +49.50 32:58.20 32:08.70