Scott Hardy Memorial 2024

Wright, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wright High School
Relay Team A Upton High School
Relay Team A 4:00.32 Kaycee High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Niobrara County
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Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sundance High School
Relay Team A Wright High School
Relay Team A 4:40.90 Upton High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marchant, Tel Sundance High School
Downey, Ryder Sundance High School
Vasquez, Jacob 11.42 Wright High School
Paris, Quincy 11.78 Midwest High School
Haskell, Dima 11.99 Moorcroft High School
Worman, Briddger 12.12 Wright High School
Davis, Cullen 12.21 Upton High School
Strohschein, Layne 12.35 Wright High School
Harrison, Ben 12.46 Hulett High School
Dewey, Lathan 12.60 Moorcroft High School
Cohee, Damien 12.61 Kaycee High School
Huven, Cash 12.66 Hulett High School
Johnson, Kyten 12.81 Sundance High School
Foster, Justen 12.88 Hulett High School
Ripley, William 13.09 Moorcroft High School
Hill, Tane 13.09 Kaycee High School
Palmer, Gage 13.20 Midwest High School
Luker, Connor 13.26 Niobrara County
Engelhardt, Tim 13.36 Niobrara County
Toth, Chord 13.39 Upton High School
Gorsuch, Oliver 13.44 Moorcroft High School
Ford, Franklin 13.50 Kaycee High School
Keller-Decoteau, Brayden 13.71 Moorcroft High School
Lenz, Keaton 13.96 Sundance High School
Dickerson, Noah 14.21 Midwest High School
Malson, Cade 14.25 Kaycee High School
Wilson, Cade 14.85 Sundance High School
Emerson, Corben 15.26 Niobrara County
Sothan, Domnick 15.61 Midwest High School
Mills, Justus 16.10 Moorcroft High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kukowski, Thomas Kaycee High School
Assman, Isaac 16.63 Niobrara County
Pierson, Vaun 18.38 Kaycee High School
Swinyer, Tobey 19.51 Wright High School
Barritt, Carson 19.82 Upton High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Teigen , Tobyn 4:48.25 Wright High School
Villegas, Angel 5:04.88 Sundance High School
Kimbrell, Joseph 5:04.95 Wright High School
Glasser, Dolan 5:08.13 Wright High School
Carpenter, Ben 5:21.86 Upton High School
Flahaven, Wyatt 5:23.34 Sundance High School
Huckins, Tyson 5:28.02 Upton High School
Letellier, Duncan 5:29.42 Hulett High School
Ford, Franklin 5:45.81 Kaycee High School
Malson, Teague 5:54.00 Kaycee High School
Phillips, Keagan 5:54.06 Upton High School
Graves, Eliot 5:54.19 Kaycee High School
Williams, Dylan 5:55.72 Hulett High School
Kukowski, Thomas 5:57.89 Kaycee High School
Gaukel, Charlie 6:04.13 Niobrara County
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Downey, Ryder Sundance High School
Glasser, Dolan 24.43 Wright High School
Cohee, Damien 24.80 Kaycee High School
Vasquez, Jacob 24.85 Wright High School
Skeens, Parker 25.27 Sundance High School
Halverson, Lyman 25.45 Sundance High School
Harrison, Ben 25.75 Hulett High School
Strohschein, Layne 25.76 Wright High School
Johnson, Kyten 25.87 Sundance High School
Dewey, Lathan 26.19 Moorcroft High School
Ripley, William 26.80 Moorcroft High School
Anderson, Jacob 27.15 Moorcroft High School
Keller-Decoteau, Brayden 28.71 Moorcroft High School
Lenz, Keaton 28.79 Sundance High School
Marshall, Wyatt 29.38 Upton High School
Wilson, Cade 31.65 Sundance High School
Mills, Justus 33.40 Moorcroft High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ayer, Holden 44.30 Sundance High School
Pierson, Vaun 45.29 Kaycee High School
Swinyer, Tobey 46.32 Wright High School
Barritt, Carson 50.38 Upton High School
Duarte, Keanu 51.01 Upton High School
Kukowski, Thomas 51.26 Kaycee High School
Marchant, Tel 52.62 Sundance High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Justen Hulett High School
Teigen , Tobyn 11:05.73 Wright High School
Williams, Dylan 12:23.68 Hulett High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Tane Kaycee High School
Halverson, Lyman 1:00.58 Sundance High School
Mitchel, Gabriel 1:01.23 Midwest High School
Anderson, Jacob 1:01.82 Moorcroft High School
Huven, Cash 1:01.85 Hulett High School
Matthews, Gabe 1:01.92 Niobrara County
Mosteller, Travis 1:03.40 Midwest High School
Harrison, Ben 57.39 Hulett High School
Strohschein, Layne 59.20 Wright High School
Amende, Hayden 59.59 Moorcroft High School
Strohschein, Mitchell 59.87 Wright High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.75 Wright High School
Relay Team A 48.21 Sundance High School
Relay Team A 48.26 Upton High School
Relay Team A 50.22 Midwest High School
Relay Team A 51.32 Moorcroft High School
Relay Team A 52.00 Niobrara County
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:03.14 Upton High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:50.00 Upton High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Teigen , Tobyn Wright High School
Downey, Ryder 2:10.03 Sundance High School
Villegas, Angel 2:16.30 Sundance High School
Downey, Catch 2:24.85 Sundance High School
Kimbrell, Joseph 2:28.11 Wright High School
Flahaven, Wyatt 2:28.25 Sundance High School
Letellier, Duncan 2:29.84 Hulett High School
Anderson, Jacob 2:35.92 Moorcroft High School
Malson, Teague 2:46.94 Kaycee High School
Toth, Chord 2:48.51 Upton High School
Phillips, Keagan 2:49.64 Upton High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Keaton 147-6 Sundance High School
Baker, Ryan 128-11 Upton High School
Reilly, Christian 128-10 Hulett High School
Brott, Raynce 128-6 Niobrara County
Baham, Richard 119-0 Wright High School
Haskell, Dima 118-0 Moorcroft High School
Gorsuch, Oliver 105-1 Moorcroft High School
Letellier, Duncan 99-3 Hulett High School
McNutt, Tristan 96-5 Upton High School
Malson, Cade 95-7 Kaycee High School
Ramsbottom, Wyatt 95-3 Kaycee High School
Strohschein, Mitchell 91-9 Wright High School
Sanderson, Nathan 84-1 Upton High School
Wight, Levi 83-5 Kaycee High School
Schmitt, Payton 80-10 Kaycee High School
Mosteller, Travis 79-9 Midwest High School
Kimes, Cian 78-7 Niobrara County
Markert, Kohl 77-4 Hulett High School
Palmer, Gage 77-3 Midwest High School
Amos, Karson 75-1 Hulett High School
Sothan, Domnick 72-4 Midwest High School
Kelly, Brodie 70-2 Upton High School
Willey, Clay 64-5 Niobrara County
Keller-Decoteau, Brayden 61-11 Moorcroft High School
Toth, Chord 58-5 Upton High School
Krueger, Ron 57-7 Niobrara County
Foster, Logan 47-6 Hulett High School
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HS Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paris, Quincy 6-7 Midwest High School
Downey, Catch 5-8 Sundance High School
Pierson, Vaun 5-8 Kaycee High School
Neely, Jaxson 5-8 Wright High School
Assman, Isaac 5-4 Niobrara County
Mitchel, Gabriel 5-2 Midwest High School
Hill, Tane 5-2 Kaycee High School
Swisher, Brady 5-0 Niobrara County
Huven, Cash Hulett High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schiller, Ethan 20-11.5 Upton High School
Paris, Quincy 20-11.25 Midwest High School
Cohee, Damien 20-2 Kaycee High School
Haskell, Dima 19-10 Moorcroft High School
Amende, Hayden 19-5 Moorcroft High School
Neely, Jaxson 19-4.5 Wright High School
Schiller, Nic 18-3.25 Upton High School
Worman, Briddger 17-8 Wright High School
Huven, Cash 17-6.25 Hulett High School
Kimbrell, Joseph 17-3.5 Wright High School
Hill, Tane 17-2.75 Kaycee High School
Barritt, Carson 17-2.5 Upton High School
Swisher, Brady 16-5.5 Niobrara County
Dickerson, Noah 16-1 Midwest High School
Mitchel, Gabriel 15-5.5 Midwest High School
Luker, Connor 15-3 Niobrara County
Matthews, Corbin 15-2.5 Niobrara County
Engelhardt, Tim 14-1.5 Niobrara County
Emerson, Corben 11-0.5 Niobrara County
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HS Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Cullen 12-3 Upton High School
Mills, Chase 12-0 Upton High School
West, David 12-0 Niobrara County
Duarte, Kailer 11-0 Upton High School
Ford, Franklin 10-0 Kaycee High School
Marshall, Wyatt 9-6 Upton High School
Duarte, Keanu 9-6 Upton High School
Gaukel, Charlie 8-6 Niobrara County
Malson, Teague 7-6 Kaycee High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reilly, Christian 42-11.5 Hulett High School
Baker, Ryan 40-11.75 Upton High School
Brott, Raynce 40-11 Niobrara County
Ripley, William 39-2.25 Moorcroft High School
Baham, Richard 38-10.25 Wright High School
Strohschein, Mitchell 38-6.75 Wright High School
Malson, Cade 36-5.5 Kaycee High School
Gorsuch, Oliver 36-0.75 Moorcroft High School
McNutt, Tristan 34-1 Upton High School
Foster, Justen 33-10 Hulett High School
Ramsbottom, Wyatt 33-6 Kaycee High School
Palmer, Gage 32-3.75 Midwest High School
Keller-Decoteau, Brayden 31-0.5 Moorcroft High School
Wight, Levi 30-10.5 Kaycee High School
Mosteller, Travis 29-5.5 Midwest High School
Kimes, Cian 29-2.5 Niobrara County
Sanderson, Nathan 28-5 Upton High School
Schmitt, Payton 28-1.5 Kaycee High School
Krueger, Ron 27-4 Niobrara County
Amos, Karson 27-3.5 Hulett High School
Willey, Clay 25-0.5 Niobrara County
Sothan, Domnick 23-10.5 Midwest High School
Markert, Kohl 23-1 Hulett High School
Kelly, Brodie 22-3.5 Upton High School
Foster, Logan 20-6.75 Hulett High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paris, Quincy 43-4.5 Midwest High School
Skeens, Parker 41-7 Sundance High School
Neely, Jaxson 40-7.5 Wright High School
Glasser, Dolan 38-10.5 Wright High School
Barritt, Carson 38-2.75 Upton High School
Harrison, Ben 36-7 Hulett High School
Amende, Hayden 36-0.5 Moorcroft High School
Halverson, Lyman 35-11.75 Sundance High School
Lenz, Keaton 31-7.5 Sundance High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
ZumBrunnen, Melody 13.15 Niobrara County
Cleveland, Destiny 13.46 Kaycee High School
Ivie-Moody, Ahnya 13.65 Hulett High School
McCrea, London 13.87 Moorcroft High School
Williams, Tara 13.96 Wright High School
Davis, Alaina 14.28 Kaycee High School
Glavan, Abby 14.29 Niobrara County
Dollick, Brie 14.40 Upton High School
Gill, Lani 14.42 Moorcroft High School
Navarro, Carla 14.89 Wright High School
Bauersachs, Addisyn 14.99 Niobrara County
Garcia, Karstyn 15.45 Upton High School
King, Chloe 15.51 Wright High School
Woodward, Blair 15.59 Wright High School
Smith, Ali 15.60 Wright High School
Roberts, Kyera 15.63 Hulett High School
Stirmel, Hannah 15.78 Upton High School
Riter, Lillian 16.04 Wright High School
Downey, Melibe 16.20 Moorcroft High School
Neubauer, Kate 16.22 Upton High School
Wheeler, Audrey 16.38 Sundance High School
Keller-Decoteau, Kylee 16.99 Moorcroft High School
Tatro, Ivory 20.61 Midwest High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gill, Blakely Sundance High School
Gustaf, Addison 16.96 Upton High School
Wilson, Zoey 18.09 Upton High School
Smith, Marleigh 18.30 Niobrara County
Ford, Miranda 19.07 Kaycee High School
Gustaf, Emma 19.08 Upton High School
Benim, Laura 21.69 Wright High School
Riter, Lillian 22.14 Wright High School
Smith, Ali 24.25 Wright High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fosheim, Izzy Hulett High School
Navarro, Carolina 6:19.46 Wright High School
Nolte, Caemlyn 6:27.43 Wright High School
Durand, Haley 6:27.86 Midwest High School
Ford, Miranda 6:44.79 Kaycee High School
Salas, Anaeli 7:10.29 Wright High School
Palus, Brooklyn 7:12.36 Hulett High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wheeler, Audrey Sundance High School
Gill, Blakely Sundance High School
Wilson, Zoey 27.69 Upton High School
Ivie-Moody, Ahnya 28.21 Hulett High School
Barnhurst, Dani 28.69 Wright High School
McCrea, London 29.18 Moorcroft High School
Vargas, Talia 29.42 Moorcroft High School
Williams, Tara 29.66 Wright High School
Skeens, Phoebe 30.96 Sundance High School
Smith, Ali 31.28 Wright High School
Navarro, Carla 31.90 Wright High School
Salas, Anaeli 32.17 Wright High School
Garcia, Karstyn 32.31 Upton High School
Riehemann, Sophia 33.83 Upton High School
Neubauer, Kate 35.19 Upton High School
Klausing, Gracie 35.96 Wright High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gill, Lani Moorcroft High School
McCrea, London 47.92 Moorcroft High School
Wilson, Zoey 49.79 Upton High School
Gustaf, Addison 51.12 Upton High School
Vargas, Talia 52.40 Moorcroft High School
Ford, Miranda 54.14 Kaycee High School
Gustaf, Emma 57.62 Upton High School
Villegas, Marie 57.67 Sundance High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jay, Ali Hulett High School
Benim, Kylie 13:28.77 Wright High School
Nolte, Caemlyn 14:00.16 Wright High School
Benim, Laura 15:51.41 Wright High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neiman, Arianna Sundance High School
Roberts, Kyera Hulett High School
Ivie-Moody, Ahnya 1:04.10 Hulett High School
Barnhurst, Dani 1:04.54 Wright High School
Vargas, Talia 1:05.94 Moorcroft High School
Marchant, Rylie 1:06.99 Sundance High School
Marchant, Karly 1:08.79 Sundance High School
Davis, Alaina 1:10.07 Kaycee High School
Skeens, Phoebe 1:11.30 Sundance High School
Valdivia, Eliana 1:17.04 Wright High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 54.30 Wright High School
Relay Team A 55.69 Upton High School
Relay Team A 58.83 Moorcroft High School
Relay Team A 59.53 Sundance High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:18.32 Upton High School
Relay Team A 4:36.11 Wright High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:46.64 Upton High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loebe, Rylee Upton High School
Fosheim, Izzy 2:57.02 Hulett High School
Dailey, Taylor 3:00.46 Sundance High School
Palus, Brooklyn 3:12.67 Hulett High School
Jay, Ali 3:13.15 Hulett High School
Klausing, Gracie 3:16.45 Wright High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Banker, Riley 112-0 Sundance High School
Mills, Jaylin 108-9 Sundance High School
Cornett, Myah 104-8 Hulett High School
Allbright, Phoebe 101-9 Niobrara County
Robb, Mya 98-11 Wright High School
King, Chloe 98-8 Wright High School
Keller, Bella 96-9 Upton High School
Umiker, Jocelyn 93-6 Wright High School
Willey, Kyra 87-11 Niobrara County
Olson, Kaydence 87-11 Hulett High School
Jay, Ellie 82-6 Hulett High School
Neiman, Arianna 82-5 Sundance High School
Krein, Sarah 76-7 Niobrara County
Simianer, Caden 76-0 Upton High School
Barton, Lillyawna 74-8 Upton High School
Woodward, Blair 71-8 Wright High School
Kremers, Royal 67-9 Niobrara County
Jackson, Lilly 65-10 Upton High School
Valdivia, Eliana 65-4 Wright High School
Keller-Decoteau, Kylee 60-8 Moorcroft High School
Riley, Aislin 60-5 Hulett High School
DesEnfants, Heidi 53-4 Niobrara County
Moebius, Clarissa 52-0 Moorcroft High School
Swinyer, Emmy 49-3 Wright High School
Tatro, Ivory 42-0 Midwest High School
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Marleigh 4-11 Niobrara County
ZumBrunnen, Gracie 4-10 Niobrara County
Davis, Alaina 4-7 Kaycee High School
Cornett, Myah 4-7 Hulett High School
Bauersachs, Addisyn 4-6 Niobrara County
Loebe, Rylee 4-5 Upton High School
Stirmel, Hannah 4-1 Upton High School
Roberts, Kyera 4-1 Hulett High School
Durand, Haley Midwest High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Louderback, Sophie 17-4 Upton High School
ZumBrunnen, Melody 16-6 Niobrara County
Cleveland, Destiny 15-2.75 Kaycee High School
Gill, Lani 15-1 Moorcroft High School
Ivie-Moody, Ahnya 15-0.75 Hulett High School
Meza, Briana 14-11 Wright High School
Trandahl, Holly 14-9 Upton High School
Materi, Breeley 14-0.5 Upton High School
Donner, Rylee 13-9 Upton High School
Rodriguez, Madison 13-6 Wright High School
Glavan, Abby 13-3.75 Niobrara County
Roberts, Kyera 13-0.5 Hulett High School
Stirmel, Hannah 11-9.25 Upton High School
Tatro, Ivory 7-10.5 Midwest High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Peyton 8-6 Upton High School
Simianer, Caden 8-0 Upton High School
Riehemann, Sophia 8-0 Upton High School
Navarro, Carolina 8-0 Wright High School
Ford, Miranda 8-0 Kaycee High School
Bartschi, Taci 7-6 Niobrara County
Dollick, Brie 6-6 Upton High School
Benim, Laura 6-0 Wright High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keller, Bella 34-5 Upton High School
Allbright, Phoebe 33-2.5 Niobrara County
Cornett, Myah 32-4.75 Hulett High School
Olson, Kaydence 31-5.5 Hulett High School
Mills, Jaylin 31-2 Sundance High School
Banker, Riley 30-11 Sundance High School
Robb, Mya 30-9 Wright High School
King, Chloe 29-9 Wright High School
Umiker, Jocelyn 28-6.75 Wright High School
Willey, Kyra 27-8 Niobrara County
Barton, Lillyawna 26-2 Upton High School
Jay, Ellie 25-10 Hulett High School
Krein, Sarah 24-1 Niobrara County
Riley, Aislin 23-11 Hulett High School
Keller-Decoteau, Kylee 23-7 Moorcroft High School
Neiman, Arianna 23-6.5 Sundance High School
Kremers, Royal 22-6 Niobrara County
Jackson, Lilly 22-1 Upton High School
Woodward, Blair 20-10.5 Wright High School
DesEnfants, Heidi 20-10 Niobrara County
Swinyer, Emmy 20-8.5 Wright High School
Navarro, Carla 20-7.75 Wright High School
Moebius, Clarissa 20-1.5 Moorcroft High School
Downey, Melibe 19-3.5 Moorcroft High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Maddie 34-0 Upton High School
ZumBrunnen, Gracie 33-1 Niobrara County
Meza, Briana 31-11.25 Wright High School
Davis, Alaina 30-5.5 Kaycee High School
Wilson, Peyton 29-8.75 Upton High School
Fosheim, Izzy 29-8.5 Hulett High School
Materi, Breeley 29-6.5 Upton High School
Durand, Haley 28-7.25 Midwest High School
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