Burlington Track Meet 2024

Burlington, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 1600m Sprint Medley Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:16.28 Thermopolis High School
Relay Team A 4:43.21 Burlington High School
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Girls 1600m Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Thermopolis High School
Relay Team A Riverside High School
Relay Team A 5:09.96 Burlington High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Gavyn Riverside High School
Winters, Taft Burlington High School
Clifford, Avery Riverside High School
Oku, Yua Riverside High School
Strohschein, Ty 11.35 Riverside High School
Needham, Seth 11.80 Thermopolis High School
Yarrington, Ethan 12.12 Thermopolis High School
May, Hudson 12.32 Rocky Mountain High School
Michaels, Jordan 12.34 Burlington High School
Arends, Chris 12.38 Thermopolis High School
Stam, Zane 12.44 Thermopolis High School
Buckner, Robert 12.45 Thermopolis High School
Dukes, Delmonico 12.46 Thermopolis High School
Bomagen, Cody 12.56 Thermopolis High School
Wardell, Brikton 12.71 Burlington High School
McNiven, Bruce 12.77 Burlington High School
Watts, Will 12.84 Rocky Mountain High School
Brown, Jesse 12.87 Greybull High School
Collins, Nolan 12.91 Thermopolis High School
Arends, Ryan 13.01 Thermopolis High School
Sorenson, Caiden 13.32 Greybull High School
Peasley, Carter 13.42 Greybull High School
Garrison, Jordan 13.49 Thermopolis High School
Brown, Matt 13.79 Riverside High School
Moody, Stetson 13.81 Thermopolis High School
Sharp, Jacob 14.98 Riverside High School
Baker, Daniel 16.56 Greybull High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Jaye Thermopolis High School
McNiven, Bruce 17.32 Burlington High School
McNiven, Paul 18.33 Burlington High School
Wardell, Levi 19.92 Burlington High School
McNiven, James 20.64 Burlington High School
Wardell, Brikton 20.98 Burlington High School
Martinez, Davien 21.24 Thermopolis High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crosby, Mathew Rocky Mountain High School
Gevas, Teancum Thermopolis High School
McNiven, Howard 4:48.98 Burlington High School
McNiven, Paul 4:51.77 Burlington High School
Elder, Jadeth 5:03.03 Thermopolis High School
Hoyt, Connor 5:19.38 Burlington High School
McNiven, James 5:59.96 Burlington High School
Edeler, Cord 6:00.19 Greybull High School
Olmstead, Nick 6:02.75 Riverside High School
Martinez, Alec 6:14.96 Thermopolis High School
Shetler, Paul 6:16.94 Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Jordan Thermopolis High School
Bassett, Joe Burlington High School
Oku, Yua Riverside High School
Owen, Lane Riverside High School
Brown, Matt Riverside High School
Winters, Taft Burlington High School
Needham, Seth 23.94 Thermopolis High School
Strohschein, Ty 24.04 Riverside High School
Files, Lafe 24.80 Rocky Mountain High School
Pruett, Landen 25.33 Rocky Mountain High School
Buckner, Robert 25.35 Thermopolis High School
Dukes, Delmonico 25.35 Thermopolis High School
Bomagen, Cody 25.45 Thermopolis High School
Watts, Will 25.63 Rocky Mountain High School
Christensen, Jaye 25.91 Thermopolis High School
Yarrington, Ethan 25.92 Thermopolis High School
Brown, Jesse 26.16 Greybull High School
Sorensen, Brody 26.46 Thermopolis High School
Haslam, Colt 26.85 Burlington High School
August, Shawn 27.10 Greybull High School
Sharp, Jacob 27.77 Riverside High School
Fuller, William 30.09 Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNiven, James Burlington High School
Moody, Stetson Thermopolis High School
McNiven, Bruce 45.83 Burlington High School
Christensen, Jaye 46.79 Thermopolis High School
Epperson, Van 49.02 Thermopolis High School
Martinez, Davien 50.19 Thermopolis High School
McNiven, Paul 51.12 Burlington High School
Haslam, Colt 51.91 Burlington High School
Wardell, Levi 53.24 Burlington High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gevas, Teancum Thermopolis High School
Gorski, Kamryn Greybull High School
McNiven, Howard 10:24.65 Burlington High School
Elder, Jadeth 10:56.60 Thermopolis High School
Hoyt, Connor 11:08.47 Burlington High School
Bassett, James 11:28.55 Riverside High School
Olmstead, Nick 13:55.68 Riverside High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gorski, Kamryn Greybull High School
Files, Lafe Rocky Mountain High School
Loyning, Sam Rocky Mountain High School
Meyers, Dyllan Thermopolis High School
Garrison, Jordan 1:00.10 Thermopolis High School
Owen, Lane 1:00.51 Riverside High School
Mehr, Robert 1:03.34 Burlington High School
Fuller, William 1:09.45 Rocky Mountain High School
Needham, Seth 52.84 Thermopolis High School
Dukes, Delmonico 55.44 Thermopolis High School
Dafoe, Logan 55.96 Thermopolis High School
Pruett, Landen 56.68 Rocky Mountain High School
Bassett, Joe 56.74 Burlington High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.90h Riverside High School
Relay Team A 51.72 Thermopolis High School
Relay Team A 53.48 Burlington High School
Relay Team B 53.48 Burlington High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Greybull High School
Relay Team A 3:53.02 Burlington High School
Relay Team A 3:54.30 Thermopolis High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:15.19 Thermopolis High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00 Burlington High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shetler, Paul Rocky Mountain High School
Bisbee, Noah Rocky Mountain High School
Michaels, Jordan 2:05.09 Burlington High School
May, Hudson 2:05.97 Rocky Mountain High School
McNiven, Howard 2:09.56 Burlington High School
Yarrington, Ethan 2:10.42 Thermopolis High School
Keller, Cole 2:11.20 Thermopolis High School
Arends, Ryan 2:15.70 Thermopolis High School
Arends, Chris 2:15.77 Thermopolis High School
Bassett, James 2:18.30 Riverside High School
Jeffs, Jarek 2:27.34 Thermopolis High School
Bischoff, Jacob 2:28.14 Rocky Mountain High School
Loyning, Sam 2:39.86 Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aagard, Hunter 120-9 Burlington High School
Maroni, Mickey 120-4 Burlington High School
Jeffs, Jarek 109-6 Thermopolis High School
Gotfredson, Weston 107-1 Burlington High School
Cheatham, Anthony 99-9.25 Thermopolis High School
Winters, Taft 89-6.75 Burlington High School
Whitt, James 84-8 Thermopolis High School
Scheeler, Joaquin 83-4 Rocky Mountain High School
Yellowtail, Jiggs 75-6 Rocky Mountain High School
Strohschein, Curtis 69-6 Riverside High School
Gotfredson, Cole 68-10.5 Burlington High School
Tempany, Matt 67-0 Burlington High School
Casey, Bryant 50-1.5 Burlington High School
Stanworth, Joseph 45-9 Burlington High School
Godfrey, Corbyn Riverside High School
Collins, Nolan Thermopolis High School
Broederlow, Jordan Burlington High School
Wambeke, Hayden Rocky Mountain High School
Obarr, Brian Burlington High School
Parsley, Will Burlington High School
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HS Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNiven, Bruce 5-10 Burlington High School
Bomagen, Cody 5-8 Thermopolis High School
Bassett, Joe 5-6 Burlington High School
Haslam, Colt 5-4 Burlington High School
Gotfredson, Weston 5-4 Burlington High School
Martinez, Davien 5-4 Thermopolis High School
Wardell, Levi 5-2 Burlington High School
Peasley, Carter 5-2 Greybull High School
Stanworth, Joseph 5-0 Burlington High School
McNiven, Greg Burlington High School
Winters, Kyler Burlington High School
Moody, Stetson Thermopolis High School
Buckner, Robert Thermopolis High School
Bischoff, Jacob Rocky Mountain High School
Sarratt, Paul Rocky Mountain High School
Moorhead, Race Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buckner, Robert 18-1 Thermopolis High School
Clifford, Avery 18-0 Riverside High School
Arends, Ryan 17-6.5 Thermopolis High School
Dukes, Delmonico 17-2.75 Thermopolis High School
Wardell, Brikton 17-2.5 Burlington High School
Collins, Nolan 17-0.5 Thermopolis High School
August, Shawn 15-8.5 Greybull High School
Cervantes, Gavyn 15-6.25 Riverside High School
Brown, Jesse 15-6 Greybull High School
Moody, Stetson 15-5.75 Thermopolis High School
Sorenson, Caiden 15-5.5 Greybull High School
McNiven, Greg 14-7 Burlington High School
Moorhead, Race 13-0 Rocky Mountain High School
Obarr, Brian 12-7.5 Burlington High School
Stanworth, Joseph 9-6.5 Burlington High School
Oku, Yua Riverside High School
Garrison, Jordan Thermopolis High School
Sarratt, Paul Rocky Mountain High School
Fuller, William Rocky Mountain High School
Winters, Kyler Burlington High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winters, Kyler 13-0 Burlington High School
Gotfredson, Weston 11-6 Burlington High School
Arends, Chris 11-0 Thermopolis High School
Wardell, Levi 10-6 Burlington High School
Needham, Seth 9-6 Thermopolis High School
Stanworth, Joseph 8-0 Burlington High School
Casey, Bryant Burlington High School
McNiven, Greg Burlington High School
Gotfredson, Cole Burlington High School
Meyers, Dyllan Thermopolis High School
Wambeke, Dalan Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strohschein, Ty 41-2.5 Riverside High School
Aagard, Hunter 40-0 Burlington High School
Cheatham, Anthony 37-8.5 Thermopolis High School
Sorensen, Brody 37-3 Thermopolis High School
Andrew, Rykael 36-9 Burlington High School
Maroni, Mickey 36-1 Burlington High School
Stam, Zane 34-5.75 Thermopolis High School
Winters, Taft 33-2.5 Burlington High School
Scheeler, Joaquin 32-0.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Whitt, James 30-5.5 Thermopolis High School
Yellowtail, Jiggs 29-1 Rocky Mountain High School
Tempany, Matt 28-9.5 Burlington High School
Strohschein, Curtis 28-4 Riverside High School
Owen, Lane 26-7.25 Riverside High School
Godfrey, Corbyn Riverside High School
Parsley, Will Burlington High School
Wambeke, Hayden Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bomagen, Cody 39-10.75 Thermopolis High School
Casey, Jordan 39-8.5 Burlington High School
Clifford, Avery 38-11.5 Riverside High School
Keller, Cole 37-9.5 Thermopolis High School
Haslam, Colt 37-1.5 Burlington High School
Christensen, Jaye 36-5.5 Thermopolis High School
Dafoe, Logan 35-10 Thermopolis High School
Stone, Paul 35-6.5 Riverside High School
Scheeler, Joaquin 35-3 Rocky Mountain High School
McNiven, Greg 33-4.25 Burlington High School
August, Shawn 32-1.75 Greybull High School
Sorenson, Caiden 31-7.5 Greybull High School
Obarr, Brian 30-2 Burlington High School
Gotfredson, Cole 30-0 Burlington High School
McNiven, James 29-5.5 Burlington High School
Tempany, Matt 28-4.5 Burlington High School
Martinez, Alec 27-4 Thermopolis High School
Winters, Kyler Burlington High School
Gotfredson, Weston Burlington High School
Casey, Bryant Burlington High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olsen, Varissa Riverside High School
Henson, Marlee Greybull High School
Christensen, Katie Rocky Mountain High School
Gardner, Layla Rocky Mountain High School
Russell, Kalli Riverside High School
Mehr, Mackenzie Burlington High School
Clifford, Johnna Riverside High School
King, Ina 13.01 Thermopolis High School
Bassett, Kennedy 13.19 Riverside High School
Vanderploeg, Vinaya 13.42 Riverside High School
Boettcher, Brittly 13.42 Rocky Mountain High School
Wambeke, Shelby 13.62 Rocky Mountain High School
Mccolloch, Kelsie 13.75 Greybull High School
Chatwin, Joey 14.43 Burlington High School
Longshore, Brinley 14.76 Riverside High School
Herebia, Madison 15.10 Greybull High School
Parmely, Shay 15.18 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Haslam, Adison 15.33 Burlington High School
Lehto, Kylee 15.33 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Pierce, Ella 15.53 Rocky Mountain High School
Cervantes, Dakota 15.58 Riverside High School
Whaley, Wyatt 16.26 Greybull High School
Galovich, Summer 16.32 Thermopolis High School
Maxson, Marlee 16.50 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Sponsel, Emma 16.67 Rocky Mountain High School
Alverez, Evyn 16.88 Rocky Mountain High School
Garcia, Abigail 17.87 Riverside High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boettcher, Brittly 17.28 Rocky Mountain High School
Benasky, Chaise 17.44 Greybull High School
Bassett, Kennedy 17.44 Riverside High School
Bassett, Dalley 18.35 Burlington High School
Philpott, Paxton 18.92 Burlington High School
Chatwin, Joey 20.77 Burlington High School
McNulty, Eve 22.69 Burlington High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slover, Ella Thermopolis High School
Lippincott, Hannah Thermopolis High School
Dafoe, Ava Thermopolis High School
McNiven, Linnie 6:35.33 Burlington High School
Bodtke, Gwynff 7:57.66 Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Russell, Kalli Riverside High School
Shoening, Tarynn Rocky Mountain High School
Maxson, Marlee Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Haslam, Adison Burlington High School
Mehr, Mackenzie Burlington High School
Preator, Brynn 27.35 Burlington High School
Vanderploeg, Vinaya 27.59 Riverside High School
King, Davdine 27.90 Thermopolis High School
Boettcher, Brittly 27.96 Rocky Mountain High School
Bassett, Kennedy 28.85 Riverside High School
Welling, Charlie 30.09 Rocky Mountain High School
Longshore, Brinley 31.32 Riverside High School
Olsen, Sky 31.63 Burlington High School
Cooley, Kasie 31.81 Rocky Mountain High School
Parmely, Shay 32.50 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Lehto, Kylee 32.60 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Garcia, Abigail 38.44 Riverside High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNulty, Eve Burlington High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bodtke, Gwynff Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vanderploeg, Vinaya 1:00.70 Riverside High School
Preator, Brynn 1:01.68 Burlington High School
Moss, Mackelle 1:01.79 Rocky Mountain High School
Williams, Brooklynn 1:05.75 Thermopolis High School
Quintanilla, Lily 1:09.65 Thermopolis High School
Amend, Merika 1:11.52 Thermopolis High School
Griffin, Jayda 1:12.62 Thermopolis High School
Cooley, Kasie 1:13.79 Rocky Mountain High School
Mehr, Mackenzie 1:15.72 Burlington High School
Alverez, Evyn 1:24.35 Rocky Mountain High School
Alverez, Ellie 1:29.99 Rocky Mountain High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 53.78 Rocky Mountain High School
Relay Team A 58.73 Burlington High School
Relay Team B 58.73 Burlington High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:31.76 Thermopolis High School
Relay Team A 4:39.09 Burlington High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Burlington High School
Relay Team A 12:09.67 Thermopolis High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNiven, Linnie 2:56.15 Burlington High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olsen, Varissa 98-9 Riverside High School
Winland, Rylee 86-8.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Winterholler, Hailee 85-9 Burlington High School
Bassett, Dalley 82-2 Burlington High School
Scheeler, Elliahna 79-7 Rocky Mountain High School
Olsen, Sky 66-7.5 Burlington High School
Herren, Katelynn 65-1 Rocky Mountain High School
Michaels, Jessie 63-10 Burlington High School
Whaley, Wyatt 63-4 Greybull High School
Adamson, Boston 63-2 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Schatz, Kitzen 60-7 Burlington High School
Stanworth, Hannah 55-5.75 Burlington High School
Galovich, Summer 53-5 Thermopolis High School
Preator, Kate 50-5 Burlington High School
Garcia, Abigail 42-7 Riverside High School
Morris, Lexus Riverside High School
Mendez, Jessica Burlington High School
Dafoe, Ava Thermopolis High School
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moss, Mackelle 5-1 Rocky Mountain High School
Christensen, Katie 5-1 Rocky Mountain High School
Preator, Brynn 4-11 Burlington High School
King, Davdine 4-11 Thermopolis High School
Benasky, Chaise 4-9 Greybull High School
Christiansen, Keylee 4-5 Rocky Mountain High School
Slover, Ella 4-3 Thermopolis High School
Lehto, Kylee 4-3 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Philpott, Paxton Burlington High School
Maxson, Marlee Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Parmely, Shay Western Heritage Luthern Academy
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HS Girls Long Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clifford, Johnna 15-5.5 Riverside High School
Philpott, Paxton 14-7.25 Burlington High School
Welling, Charlie 14-0.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Sponsel, Emma 12-8.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Pierce, Ella 11-9.75 Rocky Mountain High School
Alverez, Evyn 9-0.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Alverez, Ellie 8-2 Rocky Mountain High School
Amend, Merika Thermopolis High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Dakota 9-0 Riverside High School
Williams, Brooklynn 8-0 Thermopolis High School
Christiansen, Keylee 7-0 Rocky Mountain High School
Gardner, Layla 7-0 Rocky Mountain High School
Olsen, Sky 6-0 Burlington High School
Shoening, Tarynn 6-0 Rocky Mountain High School
Mehr, Mackenzie Burlington High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winland, Rylee 32-10.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Winterholler, Hailee 29-1.75 Burlington High School
Olsen, Varissa 28-6.5 Riverside High School
Whaley, Wyatt 27-7 Greybull High School
Herren, Katelynn 26-4.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Adamson, Boston 25-3 Western Heritage Luthern Academy
Galovich, Summer 23-3 Thermopolis High School
Olsen, Sky 23-1 Burlington High School
Scheeler, Elliahna 21-7.5 Rocky Mountain High School
Dafoe, Ava 20-8.5 Thermopolis High School
Stanworth, Hannah 20-1 Burlington High School
Schatz, Kitzen 18-8.75 Burlington High School
Preator, Kate 18-4.5 Burlington High School
Alverez, Evyn 13-1 Rocky Mountain High School
Morris, Lexus Riverside High School
Mendez, Jessica Burlington High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Ina 35-4.25 Thermopolis High School
Preator, Brynn 31-8.5 Burlington High School
McNiven, Naomi 31-8 Burlington High School
Haslam, Adison 30-2 Burlington High School
Christiansen, Keylee 28-2.25 Rocky Mountain High School
Sponsel, Emma 27-3.25 Rocky Mountain High School
Stanworth, Hannah 26-10 Burlington High School
Philpott, Paxton Burlington High School
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