2009 Jackalope Invitational 2009

Douglas, WY

2009 Jackalope Invitational 2009 vs Jackalope Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -226 91 317
Overall Average +15.19 24:18.60 24:03.41
1st-10th Place +1:47.90 19:24.60 17:36.70
1st-25th Place +2:01.16 20:18.56 18:17.40
1st-50th Place +2:49.90 21:43.54 18:53.64
1st-100th Place +2:17.45 22:07.33 19:49.88
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster -14 7 21
Ran Season Best -- 28 28
Average Time +38.25 23:15.50 22:37.25
Median Time +12.00 22:35.00 22:23.00
Middle 80% Times +44.22 23:13.00 22:28.78
Top 10% Times +35.33 19:49.67 19:14.33
Top 25% Times +38.86 20:17.86 19:39.00
Top 50% Times +37.71 21:06.00 20:28.29
Bottom 50% Times +38.79 25:25.00 24:46.21
Bottom 25% Times +48.57 27:14.14 26:25.57
Bottom 10% Times +11.33 28:24.00 28:12.67
Average Difference +38.25 -- --
Median Difference +40.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +45.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference +32.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +36.64 -- --
Top 25% Difference +38.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference +36.64 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +39.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +54.57 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +23.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Garrett Derr Torrington High School +54.00 19:59.00 19:05.00
Chris Smith Torrington High School +51.00 20:05.00 19:14.00
Matt Curley Douglas High School +52.00 20:16.00 19:24.00
Caleb Romsa Kelly Walsh High School -9.00 19:25.00 19:34.00
Danny Walters Glenrock High School +1:03.00 20:54.00 19:51.00
Dustin Horn Glenrock High School +47.00 20:44.00 19:57.00
Taylor Dick Douglas High School +1:19.00 21:47.00 20:28.00
Logan Wiginton Kelly Walsh High School +59.00 21:29.00 20:30.00
Carlos Amaro Torrington High School +10.00 20:42.00 20:32.00
Dan Arnold Torrington High School +1:13.00 22:12.00 20:59.00
Sean Cometto Kelly Walsh High School +20.00 21:23.00 21:03.00
Kurry Anderson Glenrock High School +19.00 21:51.00 21:32.00
Cody Grenseman Glenrock High School +40.00 22:47.00 22:07.00
Paul Ortega Kelly Walsh High School -46.00 22:08.00 22:54.00
Reid Cruickshank Kelly Walsh High School +3:11.00 25:31.00 22:20.00
Marissa Widiker Glenrock High School +12.00 22:35.00 22:23.00
Brandon Pittsley Glenrock High School +58.00 23:22.00 22:24.00
Bridget Weiner Kelly Walsh High School -17.00 22:29.00 22:46.00
Lane Blakeley Glenrock High School +3:21.00 26:31.00 23:10.00
Sarah Townsend Douglas High School -1:07.00 23:17.00 24:24.00
Carolyn Smylie Douglas High School +2:55.00 26:42.00 23:47.00
Amanda Kornegay Douglas High School -1:48.00 23:48.00 25:36.00
Cara Litke Kelly Walsh High School -54.00 23:52.00 24:46.00
Noah Eitel Glenrock High School +54.00 25:30.00 24:36.00
Liz Pickrell Kelly Walsh High School +2:23.00 27:46.00 25:23.00
Rachelle Tucker Kelly Walsh High School +43.00 26:43.00 26:00.00
Kaitlin Gerrard Torrington High School -2:21.00 27:26.00 29:47.00
Chanel Doherty Glenrock High School +1:09.00 30:00.00 28:51.00