Rawlins Invitational 2021

Rawlins, WY

Rawlins Invitational 2021 vs Rawlins XC Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +19 187 168
Overall Average +20.54 23:44.57 23:24.03
1st-10th Place +16.87 17:41.67 17:24.80
1st-25th Place +9.15 18:37.18 18:28.03
1st-50th Place -5.99 19:28.97 19:34.96
1st-100th Place -9.88 20:45.54 20:55.42
Common Athletes -- -- 24
Ran Faster -12 6 18
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time +45.28 23:28.28 22:43.01
Median Time +1:26.07 23:23.59 21:57.52
Middle 80% Times +40.48 23:46.34 23:05.86
Top 10% Times +1:05.00 18:14.94 17:09.94
Top 25% Times +50.04 19:13.18 18:23.14
Top 50% Times +46.28 20:36.78 19:50.50
Bottom 50% Times +44.28 26:19.79 25:35.51
Bottom 25% Times +2.74 28:26.13 28:23.39
Bottom 10% Times -6.85 30:01.99 30:08.84
Average Difference +45.28 -- --
Median Difference +1:34.87 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +32.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:05.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +41.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference +48.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference +41.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +49.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -19.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:07.21 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dominic Eberle Laramie High School +39.48 17:10.14 16:30.66
Gideon Moore Laramie High School +1:22.78 18:25.93 17:03.15
Jack Voos Laramie High School +1:12.74 19:08.75 17:56.01
Noa Westfall Rawlins High School +2:10.02 20:30.27 18:20.25
Addison Forry Laramie High School -43.19 19:46.48 20:29.67
Ethan Norris Pine Bluffs High School +10.42 20:23.40 20:12.98
Xavier Wilson Pine Bluffs High School +2:39.47 22:55.24 20:15.77
Sam Kaiser Laramie High School -19.09 20:24.38 20:43.47
Leah Schabron Laramie High School -36.48 20:48.17 21:24.65
Marilee Williams Saratoga High School +53.92 22:32.50 21:38.58
Zane Butler Saratoga High School +3:13.95 24:56.07 21:42.12
Madison Murdock Green River High School +1:34.87 23:23.59 21:48.72
Jordan Griess Pine Bluffs High School +29.88 22:27.40 21:57.52
Isabelle Murdock Green River High School +16.82 22:48.69 22:31.87
Claire Bunning Laramie High School +1:45.88 24:25.87 22:39.99
Douglas Anderson Saratoga High School +4:21.88 27:04.42 22:42.54
Lily Murdock Green River High School +2.97 23:28.71 23:25.74
Rachel Hedum Cheyenne South High School +3:10.95 26:39.04 23:28.09
Merina Theobald Pine Bluffs High School -3:15.64 23:51.93 27:07.57
Winter Burgess Laramie High School +2:00.67 26:47.35 24:46.68
Taylor McCollum Pine Bluffs High School -6:30.59 25:14.51 31:45.10
Alexa Sanchez Pine Bluffs High School +16.00 28:15.59 27:59.59
Peyton Perez Pine Bluffs High School -58.37 28:43.25 29:41.62
Maddie Brown Pine Bluffs High School +4:07.33 33:07.13 28:59.80