Buffalo Cross Country Invitational 2019

Buffalo, WY

Athlete Entries

Boys 3000 Meter Run 107 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serres, Brennan Clear Creek Middle School
Garcia, J.D. Sage Valley Middle School
Gradinaru, Sage Sheridan Junior High School
Mahoney, Michael Sage Valley Middle School
Alicke, Jacob Sheridan Junior High School
Monterastelli, Geo Clear Creek Middle School
Lutgen, Lawson Twin Spruce Middle School
Black, Jarrett Sage Valley Middle School
Carroll, Lincoln Sheridan Junior High School
Lambert, Brodyn Clear Creek Middle School
Sulz, Cameron Sheridan Junior High School
Gage, Charlie Sheridan Junior High School
Hottell, Nolan Sage Valley Middle School
Baker, Chase Big Horn Middle School
Torres, Chris Tongue River Middle School
Allen, Joseph Sheridan Junior High School
Walker, Hagen Tongue River Middle School
Phipps, Connor Sage Valley Middle School
Otto, Garrett Sheridan Junior High School
Kenney, Matthew Clear Creek Middle School
Israelson, Matthew Twin Spruce Middle School
Heyneman, Bae John Sheridan Junior High School
Hardesty, Patrick Sage Valley Middle School
Blackwell, Ian Sheridan Junior High School
Freise, Zach Clear Creek Middle School
Branscom, Corbin Twin Spruce Middle School
Mitchell, Walker Big Horn Middle School
Mims, Tanner Sheridan Junior High School
Brisko, Coy Sage Valley Middle School
Fritz, Isaac Tongue River Middle School
Craig, Kaden Sheridan Junior High School
Mortensen, Bridger Sheridan Junior High School
Anderson, Carter Tongue River Middle School
Lass, Andrew Sage Valley Middle School
Maston, Landon Sage Valley Middle School
Cleland, Zander Sheridan Junior High School
Tomich, Michael Clear Creek Middle School
Rankin, Russel Twin Spruce Middle School
Weems, Parker Sheridan Junior High School
Carroll, Kaden Sage Valley Middle School
Green, Tanner Sheridan Junior High School
Heinecke, Malachi Clear Creek Middle School
Talley, Cody Twin Spruce Middle School
Githens, Jory Sheridan Junior High School
Smith, Treyden Sage Valley Middle School
Green, Rudy Big Horn Middle School
Maneval, Noah Tongue River Middle School
Barrett, Finnian Sheridan Junior High School
Rivera, Jorge Sage Valley Middle School
Shatto, Dean Sheridan Junior High School
Lambert, Wacey Clear Creek Middle School
Wiley, Landrum Sheridan Junior High School
Hatzenbihler, Kaldon Sage Valley Middle School
Lively, Kylen Sheridan Junior High School
Jordahl, Logan Clear Creek Middle School
Frady, Nathan Twin Spruce Middle School
Ekstrom, Bradley Sage Valley Middle School
Osborn, Alex Sheridan Junior High School
Logan, Andrew Tongue River Middle School
Doyle, Dalton Sheridan Junior High School
Lechner, Zane Sage Valley Middle School
Shoultz, Jacob Sheridan Junior High School
Good, Ryan Tongue River Middle School
Miller, Brenden Sage Valley Middle School
Doke, Devin Sheridan Junior High School
Peterson, Lucas Clear Creek Middle School
Schroyer, Sean Twin Spruce Middle School
Wiley, Marley Sheridan Junior High School
Coffman, Seth Sage Valley Middle School
Osborn, Matthew Sheridan Junior High School
Brunkhorst, Chase Clear Creek Middle School
Ostrom, Alex Twin Spruce Middle School
Moline, Preston Big Horn Middle School
Gonda, Shaun Sheridan Junior High School
Norton, Bridger Sage Valley Middle School
Cote, Isiah Tongue River Middle School
Beach, Creighton Sheridan Junior High School
Peterson, Logan Clear Creek Middle School
Scherf, Christian Sage Valley Middle School
Gonda, Camden Sheridan Junior High School
Hawk, Jacob Sage Valley Middle School
Boulter, Benjamin Sheridan Junior High School
Kukuchka, Kason Clear Creek Middle School
Hubert, Layne Twin Spruce Middle School
Bailey, Hunter Sage Valley Middle School
Branson, Willie Sheridan Junior High School
Steidley, Cameron Sheridan Junior High School
Vollmer, Cash Tongue River Middle School
Fuhrman, Pierce Sheridan Junior High School
O'harra, Liam Big Horn Middle School
Vollmer, Caleb Tongue River Middle School
Nichols, Jake Sage Valley Middle School
Aasby, Gabriel Sheridan Junior High School
Nichols, Ethan Sage Valley Middle School
Fackrell, Joshua Sheridan Junior High School
Green, Cody Clear Creek Middle School
Cain, Deacon Twin Spruce Middle School
Deangelis, Chase Sheridan Junior High School
Evenson, Bevan Sage Valley Middle School
Morey, Carter Sheridan Junior High School
Haynes, Garrison Clear Creek Middle School
Mitchell, Dominick Twin Spruce Middle School
Guelde, Cameron Big Horn Middle School
Hamrick, Tanner Sheridan Junior High School
Lock, Owen Sage Valley Middle School
Anderson, Caden Tongue River Middle School
Brown, Matthew Sheridan Junior High School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wages, Anderson Buffalo High School
Halvorsen, John Glenrock High School
Watkins, Tristan Riverton High School
Cahhal, Alex Buffalo High School
Barron, Michael Tongue River High School
Stingley, Brady Riverton High School
Clason, Tim Buffalo High School
Piasecki, Paxton Glenrock High School
Littleshield, Isaiah Riverton High School
Beadle, Wes Tongue River High School
Sharp, Donald Riverton High School
Bartlett, Josiah Buffalo High School
Piasecki, Cody Glenrock High School
Langevin, Waylon Buffalo High School
Harvey, Noah Big Horn High School
Bang, Soren Riverton High School
Doke, Ty Tongue River High School
Briscoe, Colton Buffalo High School
Spotted, Al Tongue River High School
Oldman, Caelen Riverton High School
Hass, Massimo Buffalo High School
Halvorsen, James Glenrock High School
Myhre, Tyrel Riverton High School
Lewis, Tristen Tongue River High School
Friday, Aquilo Riverton High School
Benton, Kale Buffalo High School
Bryan, Joel Glenrock High School
Beach, Sam Buffalo High School
Tift, Cameron Big Horn High School
Chen, Leo Riverton High School
Vollmer, Cooper Tongue River High School
Belus, Adam Buffalo High School
Ostler, Wyatt Tongue River High School
Shroyer, Drew Riverton High School
Wonka, John Buffalo High School
Huck, James Glenrock High School
Stevens, Taylor Riverton High School
Mcmeans, Cash Tongue River High School
Gopp, Connor Riverton High School
Wing, Hamlin Buffalo High School
Fife, Jarrett Glenrock High School
Langevigne, Cory Buffalo High School
Albrandt, Andrew Glenrock High School
Brogdon, JB Big Horn High School
Gard, Andrey Riverton High School
Walker, Jett Tongue River High School
Markovsky, Jonathan Buffalo High School
Munda, Cesar Riverton High School
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Girls 3000 Meter Run 96 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bremer, Gretchen Twin Spruce Middle School
Morey, Vivian Sheridan Junior High School
McCorkle, Grace Clear Creek Middle School
Reckard, Katelyn Sheridan Junior High School
Ramirez, Kate Clear Creek Middle School
Hall, Gabriela Clear Creek Middle School
Mason, Gillian Sheridan Junior High School
Mantle, Ruthie Clear Creek Middle School
Rabon, Gabby Sheridan Junior High School
Erickson, Rylee Sage Valley Middle School
Maertens, Olivia Clear Creek Middle School
Haugen, Jayden Twin Spruce Middle School
Stillman, Vinae Sage Valley Middle School
Brown, Samiya Sheridan Junior High School
Fehlauer, Alyssa Sheridan Junior High School
Dube, Finnley Sheridan Junior High School
Solorzano, Melissa Clear Creek Middle School
Kirven, Sierra Clear Creek Middle School
Wagner, Madison Sheridan Junior High School
Berglund, Amelia Clear Creek Middle School
Alicke, Kayley Sheridan Junior High School
Mason, Sadie Sage Valley Middle School
Evans, Kaitlyn Clear Creek Middle School
Roll, Sarah Twin Spruce Middle School
Bourgeois, Clara Sage Valley Middle School
Herbst, Natalie Sheridan Junior High School
Farris, Briley Clear Creek Middle School
DeWine, Avery Twin Spruce Middle School
Quarterman, Avery Sheridan Junior High School
Tarver, Vivian Sheridan Junior High School
Slaugh, Sarah Clear Creek Middle School
Hanson, Horizon Clear Creek Middle School
Rabon, Mia Sheridan Junior High School
Lulias, Sienna Clear Creek Middle School
Brown, Alianna Sheridan Junior High School
Terry, Dylanee Sage Valley Middle School
Markovsky, Annisia Clear Creek Middle School
Hink, McKeelie Twin Spruce Middle School
Walter, Hailey Sage Valley Middle School
Chumwalooky, Madison Sheridan Junior High School
Tremain, Savannah Tongue River Middle School
Melinkovich, Madison Twin Spruce Middle School
Gould, Georgia Sheridan Junior High School
Berglund, Sophie Clear Creek Middle School
Kramlich, Kylie Clear Creek Middle School
Fredericks, Olivia Big Horn Middle School
Burgess, Adeline Sheridan Junior High School
Boden, Tera Clear Creek Middle School
Anderson, Laura Sheridan Junior High School
Miller, Alexis Sage Valley Middle School
Hein, Addison Clear Creek Middle School
Mayer, Makayla Twin Spruce Middle School
Ely, McKayla Sage Valley Middle School
Jacobs, Ruby Sheridan Junior High School
Schmidt, Piper Clear Creek Middle School
Dowdy, Hannah Twin Spruce Middle School
Andrews, Adriane Sheridan Junior High School
Wright, Gabi Sheridan Junior High School
Thomas, Karma Clear Creek Middle School
Hudson, Rakyah Clear Creek Middle School
Warner, Alexa Sheridan Junior High School
Andrews, Ashley Clear Creek Middle School
Cooper, Alyvia Sheridan Junior High School
Fox, Emily Sage Valley Middle School
Sullivan, Payton Clear Creek Middle School
Holden, Grace Twin Spruce Middle School
Coleman, Sage Sage Valley Middle School
Davies, Cooper Sheridan Junior High School
Pendergast, Addie Tongue River Middle School
Whitt, Payton Twin Spruce Middle School
Jorgenson, Chlo'e Sheridan Junior High School
Crago, Caroline Clear Creek Middle School
Bauers, Avery Sheridan Junior High School
Peters, Lindsay Clear Creek Middle School
Clason, Emily Clear Creek Middle School
Fort, Taylor Big Horn Middle School
Ligocki, Allison Sheridan Junior High School
Reimers, Rubey Sheridan Junior High School
Watt, Florence Sage Valley Middle School
Hicks, Claire Clear Creek Middle School
Jensen, Kendra Twin Spruce Middle School
Kirol, Brynn Sheridan Junior High School
Jones, Kenley Clear Creek Middle School
Foss, Kierra Twin Spruce Middle School
Christopherson, Sierra Sheridan Junior High School
Fenton, Kyrra Sheridan Junior High School
Zink, Hannah Clear Creek Middle School
Irish, Aubree Clear Creek Middle School
Gonda, Charlize Sheridan Junior High School
Atter, Akuwin Clear Creek Middle School
Akers, Mallorie Sheridan Junior High School
Coombs, Ciara Sage Valley Middle School
Dunlap, Lilyanna Clear Creek Middle School
Hussey, Caprice Twin Spruce Middle School
Doherty, Megan Sage Valley Middle School
Ellis, Brooklyn Sheridan Junior High School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loyd, Tyne Glenrock High School
Tate, Mya Riverton High School
Rosalez, Cantrell Buffalo High School
Chatfield, Sydney Riverton High School
Tietjen, Kendall Buffalo High School
Van Tassell, Macey Tongue River High School
Winger, Sarah Glenrock High School
Cotton, Emma Glenrock High School
Castro, Mariah Riverton High School
Foley, Elizabeth Big Horn High School
Grabin, Gabriella Buffalo High School
Mantle, Hollis Buffalo High School
Heser, Elizabeth Tongue River High School
McCluer, Rana Glenrock High School
Troutman, Tara Buffalo High School
Shaw, Taliana Riverton High School
Farris, Elizabeth Buffalo High School
Taper, Emily Glenrock High School
Jensen, Anne Riverton High School
Kelly, Rowan Big Horn High School
Thomas, Madison Buffalo High School
Freise, Elsa Buffalo High School
Wilson, Chloe Tongue River High School
Williams, Hilda Glenrock High School
Kenney, Jessica Buffalo High School
Estrada, Twyla Riverton High School
Olsen, Maggie Buffalo High School
Grant, Anna Glenrock High School
Lopez, Bailey Riverton High School
Gross, Alaina Buffalo High School
Rule, Lexi Buffalo High School
Xia, Rita Tongue River High School
Keizer, Gracie Glenrock High School
Castro, Bethany Riverton High School
Phillipi, Easton Buffalo High School
Bocek, Kalie Tongue River High School
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