Meet Information
Kaycee MS/HS Invitational Track Meet
Date: Friday, April 15, 2022 @ 10:00 AM
Entries: All entries need to be in by Wednesday, April 13th at 4:00 PM. We are now using Milesplit to sign up for this event. The access code is: 2323. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 307-738-2323 or
Fees: For HS, $100 per school for over 10 athletes. $50 per school for less than 10 athletes. $25 per school for MS teams.
Make check or voucher out to: Kaycee High School. PO Box 6. Kaycee, WY 82639
Start Time: 10:00 AM
Scratch Meeting: 9:00 AM
Weigh in for shot and discus at 9:30 AM by track.
** Jumps and Throws:: MS-3 Jumps and Throws No Finals, HS-4 Jumps and Throws- No Finals
This is a QUALIFYING meet.
The weight relay is a 4 X 100 with 2 men and 2 women who must be entered and compete in one of the throwing events.
Each participant will be limited to four events. You may enter up to 4 athletes per event.
We will be asking for help running field events and timing. Thank you for your help in this.
Medals will be awarded to the top three in all events and ribbons for 4 6 in all events for HS.
MS will get ribbons for 1st-3rd place.
We will have some snacks and drinks for coaches and workers available throughout the day.
Good luck to everyone and lets have a nice day!
Cody Koch
Athletic Director
Kaycee High School
Dustin Sipe
Meet Director
Date: Friday, April 15, 2022 @ 10:00 AM
Entries: All entries need to be in by Wednesday, April 13th at 4:00 PM. We are now using Milesplit to sign up for this event. The access code is: 2323. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 307-738-2323 or
Fees: For HS, $100 per school for over 10 athletes. $50 per school for less than 10 athletes. $25 per school for MS teams.
Make check or voucher out to: Kaycee High School. PO Box 6. Kaycee, WY 82639
Start Time: 10:00 AM
Scratch Meeting: 9:00 AM
Weigh in for shot and discus at 9:30 AM by track.
** Jumps and Throws:: MS-3 Jumps and Throws No Finals, HS-4 Jumps and Throws- No Finals
This is a QUALIFYING meet.
The weight relay is a 4 X 100 with 2 men and 2 women who must be entered and compete in one of the throwing events.
Each participant will be limited to four events. You may enter up to 4 athletes per event.
We will be asking for help running field events and timing. Thank you for your help in this.
Medals will be awarded to the top three in all events and ribbons for 4 6 in all events for HS.
MS will get ribbons for 1st-3rd place.
We will have some snacks and drinks for coaches and workers available throughout the day.
Good luck to everyone and lets have a nice day!
Cody Koch
Athletic Director
Kaycee High School
Dustin Sipe
Meet Director